
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Birthdays and Stitching Progress

April is slip sliding away from me. It has been the coolest April I can remember in a lot of years. I guess people farther north know that better than me. I am not really complaining as it has been pleasant, just cooler than a normal April.

I have been busy working in my flowers, running from place to place, and just your general stuff.

On Monday evening, we were privileged to celebrate my son's girlfriend's birthday. She had celebrated with her family over the weekend. Her sister is actually pregnant too, so she had a party to go to on Saturday night with her family. She missed our gender reveal party.

Jeff cooled fish and I baked a cake for her. She is a tiny thing and never eats very much at all. I have never seen her eat so much. Made me feel good. She is so much more comfortable around us these days and even pulled a good joke on Jeff. On Sunday, he had asked her which she would rather have grouper or snapper. She chose snapper. On Monday evening, she told him she said grouper. When he looked like he surely had lost his mind, she laughed.

Good one. I loved it.

She has a Boxer named Reece as a pet. She is totally in love with Gus and he her. I guess no one ever says Boxers are cute or have a lot of t-shirt choices with Boxers on them. Reece is a sweetie too. I have noticed she is quite protective of Katie.

Jeff found a little garden statue of a Boxer. I think she totally loved it. She has helped Paul Allen with his yard quite a bit and planted a lot of flowers over there. I think she was going to put it at his house.

I also got her an outfit from a local store which I think I did well on. Yea for me.

Now for some stitching progress. I was so hoping I would finish this by the end of April, but....

I have more lettering and stuff around the Home part and borders for top and bottom. I don't know if I will make my goal or not.

Not much time to stitch tonight, so we will see how far I get.

Hoping to stitch,


  1. Sandy your son and girlfriend are darling! Love your stitchwork. Have a great week.

  2. Good progress on your stitching project! How fun that you were able to celebrate the birthday of your son's girlfriend. Good find on the boxer garden statue and outfit! It looks like she had a great time.

  3. Well the young couple looks very happy together. Great gifts for the girl friend. She sounds as if she has that dry sense of humor that I enjoy so much. Love that Needleworker piece. Did you use the called for colors? I love that blue.

    1. I did use all the called for colors. They are all CC. The blue is Old Blue Jeans. It is much darker than the photo that went with the pattern. In fact, all of them are. I can't complain since I am not a great photographer. I did end up liking the blue. One of the browns has not been my favorite. I felt it was almost too dark. Are we ever satisfied. I did so want to finish before Saturday and take to framer, but that is simply not goin got happen.
      Katie does indeed have that dry sense of humor.

  4. My family had a Boxer when I was in junior high. His name was Oliver. We had to sell him when we moved out of town and into an apartment. He was a good dog.

    1. I have never really been around Boxers, but Reece is definitely a sweet dog.


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