
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

One More Thoughtful Post with Some Advice

I have one more serious post this week.

This one was planned since last week when I came across it. I am not sure it will speak to everyone, but I am sharing it in hopes that it will make you think if you are one who avoids the camera.

I don't spend a ton of time thinking about that I don't measure up, but yes, I have moments when I get dressed and feel less than.

I have shunned photos because I thought my hair didn't look right, or what I had on made me feel fat, etc. I am not shallow, just a person who looks to harshly on herself sometimes.

My daughter was married 4 and 1/2 years ago. We searched for the just right photographer and knew that we found her in Ashley.

Lindsay and I rode out to Navarre to meet her and sign our contract. Navarre is along the coast in the opposite direction from Destin. Ashley and her husband are Auburn grads, so lots in common. They had arrived in our area while serving in the Air Force at Hurlburt Field.

Just a couple of weeks after that, we heard that her husband had a stroke and really defied death. He had encountered some issues while serving in Iraq. This has led to years of intensive medical issues. Lindsay and I have followed along watching him do incredible things from learning to walk and talk again to competing in Wounded Warrior activities.

We followed along and were amazed at how strong and faithful Ashley had been. She has been by his side as they traveled to the many places necessary to bring him back to health. Devoted would not even begin to describe her.

I honestly thought they were doing well and then bam, he ended back up in the hospital a few months ago.

They had finally made it home again, when Ashley found that he had a massive heart attack in the night and passed away.

We have been so sad for her.

The hard things in life are not easy to understand, but Ashley was a girl of great faith.

She posted this on Instagram last week. It just really touched me.

Since her IG account is public, I am going to share it with you. You will see that Ashley was having a lower moment here. She has great faith and I know she will persevere, but she has a tough road to follow.


I would say she nailed the good advice.

Take the photos and quit worrying about that you don't look like a model. We are not models, just living this precious life that we have been gifted.



  1. Sandy, again thank you for sharing this. What an inspiring Ashley is! I think she nailed it as well.

  2. Just popped in for a sec and saw a little of this post. Had to quit reading until I'm in a better place.....Oh My....specially since i'm a back in a bit...

    1. Oh I am so sorry... I will keep praying. Promise. I am a prayer girl.

  3. so sad and such a powerful message. Thanks for sharing, Sandy.

  4. I am in the same boat with you Sandy. I always have to look at my pictures in groups and I am always critical. When I see my loved ones, I do not see the fat, the wrinkles, the messy hair. I see people I love. I should learn to extend that same grace to myself. Pictures are treasures for sure.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing Ashley's story. My heart goes out to you. And you are right about the photos. I look back at old photo albums and see lots of scenery on our trips. But the ones I really want to look at are the 'kids'. I'm glad I have quite a few of those too but the photographer doesn't get 'into' the shots very often. I don't like my photos but my husband always says I look cute so I include them in my posts. It's I look in every day life. Might as well smile and be glad! Hugs!

    1. I meant 'my heart goes out to her'...but you probably know that's what I meant! lol

    2. I did:) You know I think Arlene hit it on the mark. We are so critical of our own pics, but when we look at others we don't see the warts. We are just lovely ladies aging...yes, aging. My husband still likes the way I look too. I am going to take her advice and be photographed more and include them more. It is who I am. A little silver hair with wrinkles coming along and a little belly too, but it is who I am. I agree - we need to smile and be glad.

  6. Sandy, the preschool where I worked years ago is closing after 40 years and they posted a lot of old pictures. I honestly think I look better now than I did then!! I admit to cringing at some of

    1. Well, as much as we complain about clothing styles now, the large baggy stuff and the big hair were not our friends then either.
      Sometimes I think we just need to embrace who we are and quit looking at so much unrealistic stuff.


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