
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

I'm Back

I am back from my almost two week blogging break!

The surgery went well. I am grateful to have it behind me. More about that in a bit.

This is going to be a recap of the last few weeks of April which are long gone I know. I was going through my phone pics and realized I had lots I wanted to record for posterity's sake. I am just going to have to apologize up front for the long post and photo laden post.

I had been taking Mom out to the beach in April for morning beach walks. It seemed to be lifting her spirits. I always take her picture, but one morning a lady offered to take ours together. How sweet of her!

Wishing you all could feel the heavenly feel of the salty air.

Much too warm for jackets now.

The weekend before Hubby and I headed to Tampa for my surgery, we decided to take a quick trip to Auburn to check on the cabin.

The trip consisted of me, Hubby, Mother, and Lindsay. I actually can't even remember where Tyler was that gave Lindsay the opportunity to go with us.

That morning we saw three deer outside the breakfast nook window. Wish you could see them.

They were there...I promise.
Then we went into town and ate at my favorite restaurant again. Acre!!!

Here is our desserts. Never ever pass up on desserts. Y'all that cake was called milk and cookies cake. I mean ---there are no words to describe it.

The lemon tart was delicious too. I was really already too full to eat either dessert, but I did it. Acre is really good.

We then all pitched in and bought "Tucker" (that is his name) his first Auburn outfit. 

Grammie bought the jacket and shoes, Great Grandma bought the beanie, and the new Mommy bought the romper. 

This Grammie will teach him how to say "War Eagle" soon!

Then Jeff and I headed to Tampa for last week. The surgery went well.

Along the way, we stopped and ate the most delicious lunch in Tallahassee. If you are ever in Tallahassee a good place to eat is McCormick's Deli on Capital Circle. Amazing home cooking. The cabbage was to die for.

Then we decided to take back roads rather than the usual interstate travel. The most delightful drive it was through farm land. Wildflowers for as far as the eye can see. I mean really as far as one can see ...field after field and along the road side.

Finally we pulled over and took a picture. It doesn't do the view justice.

We made it to Tampa and located the hospital and then readied myself of the big day.

Everything went wonderful. The Norman Parathyroid Center is amazing. I am on the mend and am already feeling much better. I sincerely hope that this will be the capstone to my journey back to health.

About to go and get cut on..

The view I had outside my room window.

Not bad at all. In fact, Jeff and I enjoyed our little visit to Tampa. I felt good enough that evening to stroll around the Hyde Park area and eat outside at a Bar Taco. Another fine eating establishment. We drove around and looked at beautiful homes right around the bay too.

Next up is me right after the surgery. I only looked this bad for a bit. I actually came to with the worst headache I have had in a good long while. I wanted the ice pack on my head and not my neck😆

I would love to tell you that I have had the most relaxing days since I arrived home, but I have had some of the busiest days ever and I could honestly use some relaxing days. I think I might feel a ton better if I had had them, but life is life.

I am working on my Haiti trip lesson plans. I did take a stitching break --- not because I wanted to --- but between the surgery and the lack of plans for the trip I had to get myself in check.

I have a skeletal outline of my plans and feel better about that. I will now just have to devote a bit of time each week to putting it altogether. I am sure God has great plans for the trip. I go expectantly to see what He is up to.

I was so close to finishing my Home of a Needleworker.

Do you see that bottom right hand border? Yep, Classic Cotton floss ---I ran out of it and no local store to buy it. It is on order and sitting ready to finish as soon as it gets here. I also want to add a little brown to the cardinal's wing. I will share soon I hope:)

I started a Summer piece while I wait.

I have lots more to share, so I will be back soon.

I will leave you with a Gus photo. He brings in stuff to chew on constantly. He thought he had really done well with the big piece he managed to sneak in, but alas he had to give it up. I thought my Hubby captured a cute picture of him.

I will be back soon with more exciting details of my everyday life,


  1. Sandy, I was happy to see your return this morning. Glad to hear your surgery went well and you are on the mend! I really like the beach pictures you shared; the water looks so calm and what a lovely shade of ocean. Thinking of you!

    1. Thank you Robin. Good to see your comments too. I didn't like being away from the blog.

  2. So glad you are feeling well. :)

    1. Thank you!!!
      I love Redbird Christmas. If I ever come across another FF type author I will let you know. I miss her books so much.

  3. Glad for the update. The view from your hospital window was amazing. I love the name cute. We celebrated with Audrey on the phone last night. I am thinking she will probably be the last of our grands. I guess I will have to love on all Lanier's grand babies. Be looking for something in the mail soon. I am sending you and Sandy M some charts. If you do not want them, just pass them on to another stitcher. I am off to my LNS today to kit up a chart I have had in my stash for a while.( Harvest Hill by Abby Rose) I hope Marlene has Village Green by Prairie was just re released. I have wanted to stitch it for a while. Prayers for you as you recover and praying for your mission trip as well.

    1. Oh Arlene, I am feeling alive today. I so read your post the other day and wanted to shout AMEN about recovery. I can't believe how many things came up for me to see about the days following. I really needed a little rest, but things were not going my way. I almost had a big ole pity party. I have a stack of stash to send your way as well. I am ready to get to stitching. The only way I was going to get my mind wrapped around that trip was to buckle down. I have a better outlook on it now.

    2. The anesthesia really seems to be harder to recover from the older I get. I am honestly just feeling back to normal this last month. Thankfully my family re arranged their schedules to let me recover. And Marvin was such a blessing. I spent about 30 minutes at my everything I went for and then some. She had some sweet pom pom trim that I brought home to put on my Molly Pitcher piece. I also got some new 25 count fabric! Kitted up Harvest Hill and Village with all that I have charted already, I will be busy for a while. But it calms me down and I have a nice stitched piece to show for my efforts!! I know you are having fun buying things for Tucker..having a name for the baby makes it seem so very real. Of course, Ben and Katy told us they were using Asher and then changed it to Elliott two weeks before he was

    3. I don't think Lindsay would do that. She is far too worked up for name changing. I will just have to go ahead and monogram something to stop that from happening:)
      Feel the same way about my stitching. Very relaxing.

  4. I've been so out of it lately and didn't realize you were having surgery. SO happy that it's over and you're back up and running
    LOVED the wildflowers .... they just make me happy!

    1. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Mine was some parathyroid surgery. Nothing like the scare at your end. We need our babies to be ok...
      Those wildflowers were so amazing and made the trip so much nicer than an old interstate.

  5. Sandy... I'm so happy your surgery went well. I said a few prayers for you. Your Mama is awfully lucky to have a wonderful daughter like you. Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

    1. Thank you Katie. Blogging friends are the best! I realize I am blessed to still have her as well.

  6. I'm glad the surgery went well and you are on the mend. Are you supposed to be taking it easy though? Take care of yourself! And the fields around us look just like that...blankets of wildflowers. Have a good week! Hugs!

    1. I thought of you as we were driving through all the pretty flowers. They are simply magnificent right now. I am trying to turn this week around to a little less stress and going places.

  7. I'm happy to read that your surgery went well and you are healing so quickly, Sandy. What a relief that must be to have that behind you!

    I know you'll so enjoy purchasing tiny little boy outfits! And I like his name :)

    Beautiful wildflower fields. We don't see them here as it is very hilly and it's just not the same as seeing miles and miles of flowers. Hope your new thread comes quickly--and that it matches well. I can't believe the differences in some of the overdyed threads these days!


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.