
Thursday, May 10, 2018

Latest Reads and New Stitching Start

Yesterday morning I finished--- like early ---before I even got started on the day the latest book from Jan Karon called To Be Where You Are. I tried to stay up the night before and finish it, but my eyes were so heavy. It is awful to get to less than 20 pages of a book and have to give up. When I was younger I could have stayed up to finish. Not so much these days... my body just says no. Of course, wait until 2:00 AM and I could walk the floors.

I have to tell you just one thing about the book, but first --- you may remember I once said I didn't really like these books.

Mother and I at one time shared books back and forth. If I thought it was good there was a good chance she would love it too...and vice versa.

Mama doesn't read as much as she once did though. 😔

Mother told me about the Jan Karon books many many years ago. I was going through one of those really busy seasons of life where my fun reading was getting shaved real badly. I stuck the books on a bookcase downstairs and said I would read them upon retirement.

Upon retirement, I tried.

I had never met so many characters in one book in my life. I was not overwhelmed. I again lay it aside and then along comes Miss Kelly at the former blog "Talk of the House," who said she actually read the first book twice keeping a list of all the many characters.

SO...I read it again. I made the list and yes, I liked it more, but still I wasn't chomping at the bit to read the next one. I am not sure why I kept going back to them. Mostly I would have moved on...I have tons of reading here that I have purchased over the years and haven't read.

Fast forward with a little time away from work and a little more settled mindset I went back to them and didn't hurry to read them. I slowly fell in love.

I will not say even to this day they are my all time favorites, but they have pulled me in. I love the simplicity of life in Mitford...well, I am not sure anyone has complete simplicity, but I love the way they take life's problems and face them with the Lord and a bit of wisdom of the ages.

What is not to love about Father Tim?

This one was indeed good to me at least anyway. The usual jump around to every character far and wide.

I am sharing a bit of the ending, but trust me it is only one small part.

I was down to the last few pages when Father Tim finally gets a new dog. Dooley gets him a new dog. Guess what the name was?????


How cool is that? For Father Tim and for me since my little Gus is adorable.

Gus yesterday morning waiting for me to finish the book.

And check out this cover...Isn't it beautiful?


And yes, that is a Golden Retriever on the cover who looks just like my Lemony.

This is real life Lemony yesterday morning lying by my bed waiting for me to finish the book.

And then if you take the book jacket off...just look at these scrumptious library binding colors you could use in decorating. Kelly at Talk of the House could have definitely used this in the spring and summer decorating.

If you are still with me, I very rarely tell you that you NEED TO BUY A BOOK, but this devotional is amazing. I strongly recommend it.

SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and I started a new stitch while I wait for my thread to come in the mail. This one is Summer in the monochromatic seasons' series. I love this color. It is called Ocean Tide by Classic Colorworks. Just gorgeous y'all.

I know I have spent a lot of time writing about a book, but I wanted to do just that.

I am taking time off today from chores and others such things to spend some time at the beach with my aunts and uncles. Mom's two sisters and brother and her have rented a beach condo this week. I am going to go out today and just be. Might stitch while I sit with them and I might go out and read a book or just sit with my toes in the sand.

Leaving with you some flowers from my front pots and some sweet Gus photos at 11 months old.


  1. Love the snaps of Gus and Lemony along with the pretty flowers! I have read the earlier Mitford books, but haven't read the later ones. Maybe I will see if the library has them. Thank you for the devotional book recommendation! Enjoy your time with your Mom, aunts, and uncle.

    1. I have enjoyed the last two books in the Karon series a good bit. I think they are a series you have to be in a slow Mayberry kind of mood to read for sure.

  2. Gus has such a sweet face :) I'm like you--I just can't stay awake to read into the night like I used to even if I'm "almost done" with the book--very frustrating. It's always so nice to find a book that you really want to recommend to others.

    Enjoy your day--it sounds like it will be quite relaxing :)

    1. You have fun in Naples with those boys!!!! I would think as they get older it would be harder and harder to get them all together. I can't believe your in-laws still are on their own at 90.

  3. Girl...those flowers are amazing. I am so happy to find people who can keep plants alive. And Gus, who could not like him? That FACE... I read those books a long time ago and I enjoyed them but not a huge fan like some of my friends,. Marvin the Physicist even enjoyed them. He took them on planes to read when he traveled a lot. He said he wanted to move to Mitford. I am struggling in the reading department. My friend Susan gave me a gift certificate to Thrift books online and I am going to have to look at My To Be READ list to pick out some to order. I will see if that devotional might be available from them. Thanks for the suggestion.

    1. I can see Marvin liking Mitford. I am gong to send you an email today. I have too many things to say in the comment box:) I have been so busy that I now have lots to catch up on.

  4. Thanks for your honesty about the Jan Karon books. I share many of your feelings (and will leave it at that).

    You amaze me with your cross stitching. I gave it up years ago because when I would use multiple shades of thread, I would all too easily get confused when I came back to a project I had put down (so I could cook dinner, clean house, do life). But I do love cross stitch.


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.