
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Life Changes

Hello Everyone,
Thanks for all the kind comments on my last post. It is not like me not to respond, so let me share with you what is going on in Home Ec. land.

Mother fell Sunday evening trying to get plants in for the storm that fizzled. For the storm fizzling I am very grateful, but it left its mark on me.

She cracked her pelvis on the same side as her femur break 5 years ago to almost the same date. She will be moving to a rehabilitation center tomorrow. I think this injury even though not as bad as the one five years ago due to age and strength will be a bit harder to overcome.

I am working on myself today. I just was not mentally prepared for this amount of work myself. She is a bit grumpy and testy today and I don't blame her, but I might be grumpier.

I have to get myself in order to help her. I am slightly stressed about my upcoming mission trip and the things I need to do for that. If I could just get a few more ideas together my mind wouldn't be so cluttered so that I could be a bit nicer to her:)

I will post only weekly to give my blogging friends and prayer warriors an update.

Things to pray for:

Mother for a speedy recovery...specifically that she can eat and not lose anymore weight. She is so tiny and so little arm strength.

Me to stay sane and cheerful with her and to get this mission trip put together in my head.

She wants me to go and to be honest I really think I need to go for so many reasons that I will never fully be able to post here. Others need me. When you are doing something worthy and for the Lord, the Devil ain't going to be happy.

Last stitch for a couple of weeks probably, but hopefully not.

This is for son's birthday. The book it came from was published in 1979. I have had it forever and have stitched everything but the Golden and one other bird multiple times.

There were a lot of things going on in my life. Many I thought were important, but I found out....
I will be get through it all because I serve a great God.

Thanks blogging community for your friendship,


  1. I will definitely keep your mother in my prayers and pray for you too. I know it's hard when something like this happens. Take care!

  2. Adding your Mom to my prayer list, Sandy; praying for a full and speedy recovery for her. Praying for you as well; take care of yourself so you can care and be there for others. Thinking of you!

    1. I appreciate them greatly. Her spirits are better today.

  3. You are right about the devil delighting in causing our faith to fail. Many are praying and we are going to continue to do so, both for you and your mama. Much love to you and a virtual hug!!

    1. Thank you so much for the card. My spirits are better today and she is trying really hard. She is a little spunkiest today. We got her to the rehab facility. Hoping that all goes well.

  4. Sweet Sandy... I will keep you and your dear Mom in my prayers. Stay strong, dear friend.

    1. Thankso much Katie. I need those prayers. I just wanted to have a big ole pittjparty for myself yesterday but I am doing better. She is spunkiest today as well.

  5. Hello Sandy, I am your newest follower. I am so sorry to hear about your dear mother. I am praying for her and you.

    1. Hey Vickie, so glad you stopped by. I thank you for those prayers. I did feel all those prayers this week. It was a very tough week. My aunt is visiting to give me a break today.

  6. Hi Sandy,I am also following you from Blogger of the Week.
    I do hope that your mom improves,it is such a worry when ones parent is unwell.
    I saw your beautiful dogs on other posts:) and I have really enjoyed reading more about your crafting and your lovely family.

    1. Hey Lesley, so glad you stopped by. I got Mom to a rehab center and now we are just in it for getting her out and back home. My aunt came today to give me the day off. I am pooped. Hope to be back up and going soon.

  7. I was in your area this weekend, so thought about you and prayed for all you have going on right now.

    1. Oh thank you Barbara. I have felt them. I was able to make some progress on the mission trip stuff that has eluded me and Mom is very determined. That is huge. I am tired and will be for awhile. Got to keep my head up.

  8. I too take care of my mum. So I wish you all the best! AriadnefromGreece!

    1. Thank you. She was getting a little sad today being in the rehabilitation center, but she is progressing well. Hope to have her home soon. Just takes time.

  9. I am just getting around to reading this after a few weeks of guests and traveling, Sandy. I'm so very sad to read about your mom and her fall. I know falling is my mother's biggest fear as she has terrible osteoporosis. Really hope she heals quickly and doesn't get too "down" about the situation... Will say a little prayer for both of you, Sandy :)


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.