
Thursday, June 7, 2018

Update on the Life Changes

I am popping in very quickly this morning to give an update on Mama. I would rather be posting about my beautiful flowers (so pretty this time of year) or stitching (I haven't touched a needle). However, I am so busy and tired that all I can say is "This too shall pass."

She was determined when she first went into rehab. My aunts and uncles all came over the weekend which made that pass a little quicker. The kids are stopping in for lunch or after work, so she has had visitors. Two days ago, she started getting grumpier and grumpier which is totally understandable.

She then was told yesterday that she will not being going home this week maybe not even next week. She is depressed. Even though it is not a break like her previous fall, the fracture is in the pelvis and she is older and weaker so the process will take a while.

She got a stomach issue yesterday. I was there all day with her throwing up or....well, I will spare you the details. She is very weak. Hubby and I left at 9:30 last night hoping the shot they gave her would knock her out and she would rest the night.

Prayers people! They work.

I will persevere.

Any free moments I have had have been spent doing chores or mission trip work.

Sorry to be a downer, but thought some of you would want to know.

I will be back some time this summer with some fun things to read.

I have the usual summer birthdays of my husband and son coming. If she is able we are going to try and check Mother out for at least one of the celebrations.


The Saturday night before all this occurred Hubby, Paul Allen, Katie, and I went to a minor league game in Pensacola. The stadium is right on the bay. We had a wonderful evening. I hope to share more and do that again.

Gus will be one year old tomorrow. I hope to get him a bath and get him all duded up for a photo tomorrow. He is turning into a very nice dog all thanks to Lemony.

My Aunt Faye who is not doing so well either always said...."That which does not kill us makes us stronger." That is a quip I immediately think of her when it is said.

Persevering at the moment,


  1. I'm so sorry to hear how hard things are. It sounds like your mother is getting the best care and how nice to have people she loves to visit her. Take care of yourself sweet lady. It takes quite a toll of you too. Hugs, Diane

  2. Oh Sandy....I'm so sorry about your mom. I took care of both my parents in final stages and I've gotta say...MUCH harder than raising my own children. Just remember to say to yourself that " DO THE BEST I CAN DO. THAT'S ALL I CAN DO AND NO MATTER WHAT, I WILL ALWAYS KNOW I DID THE BEST I COULD DO". not that that will make it go away but it will help heal your overworked brain. the soul? your spirituality will take care of that. the body?? So imperative that you take care of YOU as well as your mom for without your strength, you will both go down. Know that we are all out here praying for you...
    I'll be in your neck of the woods next week....maybe next time I come down, we can meet up!!

  3. Sandy, thank you for the update on your Mama. She continues to be in my prayers and you are also in my thoughts and prayers. Don't forget to take care of yourself!

  4. Keeping your mother in prayer Sandy.

  5. I am so sorry about your mom. I hope that she is feeling better soon.

  6. Prayers going up for you Sandy...I know how hard this is on you!! Feel free to call or text me if you need to talk. Love and Hugs.

  7. Sandy, I've been absent from reading blogs and I'm so sorry to hear about your Mother's fall. I pray that she recovers from this. I know it's as difficult for the caregivers as it is for the patient. I'll be praying for all of you. Hugs, Mary

    1. Oh my goodness Mary, I can't believe I opened this and saw your name. I literally was walking around outside with the dogs this morning and thought I needed to check on you and RJ. I have missed y'all. I do hope you are both well. I am going to email RJ in just a moment. Take care.
      Mother is going to have a long summer trying to get back to normal. I am a bit more worried this time.

  8. You are in my thoughts, dear Sandy. A big, big hug.

    1. Thank you Amalia. I brought her to my home from rehab today. Finally sitting long enough to read a few blogs.

  9. Praying for your mom and for you!

  10. Thinking of you both, Sandy--I pray that each day is a bit easier!

    1. Thanks Carol, I brought her home from rehab today to my home until she is able to take care of herself again. Not sure how long that will be, but she was happy to escape the rehab place.


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