
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Life Changes Part 3 (the final one on this topic)

I am going to let Part 3 be it. Let me explain.

I have always considered this blog to be a hobby and a place to document the good things in life. Good things in life need to be documented. Life is full of both good and bad and I convinced that much of it is learning to navigate the ups and downs and walk faithfully with the Lord.

With that said, I am going to post a few things today and then the next time I return to this blog it will be to post about what my tagline says....
A blog about decorating, sewing, cooking, gardening, family, and walking a faith filled journey.

I know that walking a faith filled journey means sometimes a post to let you know where you are on that journey. That can mean some tough stuff too, but I would rather that post be encouraging ones which is what I love to focus on.

The year before I retired from teaching, I started a paper journal. I have always loved to write, but most of my teaching years I was writing to teach kids or for school stuff. The journal came about mostly because I was going through some rough times and needed a place to put some thoughts. It became so therapeutic and FUN that I kept it up. I journal good and bad in there, but if something is gnawing on me I let it out there...almost like a written prayer. I also journal much of my Bible study thoughts too, so it is a nice place to refer back to as well.

My journal today is about excepting the fact that I am a caregiver.

The point of my post today is life is changing. Even when Mother recovers from the fall, she has a lot of things going on that are just age related. She doesn't eat well, won't eat really. She is still ok mind wise, but I see things happening that others might not catch mostly because I have already been through Alzheimer's with Jeff's mother and dementia with my grandma on my mother's side. I have had experience!

I brought Mother home to my house yesterday. She slept most of the day and is slept last night. I think she is totally exhausted. She stressed herself out in the rehab center. I thought it was a nice one, but it is a bit depressing to see lots of your peers who can't even get around as good as you can.  A good shower and an attempt at a hot meal has been accomplished.

Folks, I am good. I have a great support system. I might even share how amazing my husband has been. My kids have astounded me and I have had good friends too in person and on the blog. I am going to rise to the challenge to live in spite of being a caregiver. i have lots of good things going on too. You will read about them here!!!

I am stopping today because I have two sweeties waiting on me to play.



I have lots to share other than caregiving. Those posts will be few and far between after today.

Stay tuned for gardening,

Have y'all heard the new song "Life Changes" by Thomas Rhett yet? It might be just the sweetest song. I am loving it! Country music girl here.


  1. Sandy, you are a wonder. While some would head opposite direction, you are meeting your Mom's needs and being a caregiver head on. I am glad you have a support system and I hope you take time for yourself as well. Thinking of you!

    1. I am going to do my best to keep my attitude in check. It is a part of life and getting older. I have had my pity party, now it is time to keep living. I will be more help to her like that:)

  2. Sandy: It does make one feel better to just to talk a little about what is going on, I have been where you are my Mother passed last year, she needed help for almost fifteen years, it was all worth it we learned a load about each other that we had never shared before.
    Now my father in law is failing, again the cycle begins, I feel I cannot ask God why this is happening due to you are where God wants you at all times, doing what we do to help family and friends is what he wants from us.
    You are a strong Lady, we can tell here in Blogland.
    Blessings to your Mother.


    1. Sandy: The only way I could post a comment was to hit anonymous, its Catherine from I love to Stitch.


    2. Thanks Catherine. Blogger has apparently been giving everyone fits lately over comments. I was just too busy to notice. We just have to walk through it. Sometimes we can be a better witness for Him in our trials. IT isn't easy though is it!

  3. Well seasons of life bring changes and some are great and some are down right hard. My mother was at Grimmwood the other night and as she left she would not allow us to assist her to my sister's car. My heart was in my throat until she was in the car and the seat belt buckled. I have learned that I WILL allow someone to hold my arm if I am unsteady.( Well really my own fall taught me that as well). I know it is hard for our parents to give in to old age especially women like our mothers who were dynamos in their younger days. I am praying for you as you navigate these new waters. And I enjoy heating about all the things that go on in my blog friends lives. Like you, I try to keep it positive but then I remember that maybe my experience will encourage someone else who is going through similar circumstances. Love you dear friend.

    1. Thanks Arlene. I will accept help too if my mind is right. Falling stinks. I think her continual sinus issues may have caused some dizziness. Her stomach and sinuses are her biggest problems and quite honestly I am not sure there is a solution that she is willing to do. She ate her Hershey's Kisses yesterday despite the fact that I mentioned she might not should. I guess her attitude is she is 83 and gonna do it. I am in a better place and just the positive attitude helped today.

  4. I'm glad you've shared your experiences with us too. You've had some good comments and made some wonderful blog friends. I've been a care giver in my home and know how hard it can be. But we'll always be thankful that we were able to do it. I'll keep your sweet mother in my prayers and you too. Keep us informed my friend. Lots of hugs, Diane

    1. Thank you so much Diane. I have met some wonderful friends through blogging and I know they pray because I do for them. Prayer helps too.

  5. Thank you for sharing this. Welcome home for your mum.Life goes on even if you are a caregiver. I try to think that way too although my life has changed totally after
    my mum returned home. Patience and courage.Hugs. AriadnefromGreece.

    1. I am sure it did. I think Mother will recover and return home, but I will have to do a lot more checking on her and eventually she will have to come here I think. Day by day with a positive attitude I hope!!!

  6. You are so right that there are hard times mixed in with the good in our walk of faith. Thanks for your honesty. The Lord continues to bring you to mind and so I pray for you. We learn from each other. So many of us are with you in this season of caring for aged parents. You are doing well in this even though it is hard.


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