
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Things I Am Loving in the Flower Garden

Spring is one of my favorite times to be out in the yard. I have always loved growing things, so spring here is flower time. Once mid to late June arrives, flowers have as hard a time thriving here as humans. You can't water them enough. It is about to be that time so I thought I would do one more flower post.

My flowers have been exceptional this year. I have discovered a few things I am loving.

First up is this...

I have always been a Miracle Gro girl, but this year as I was walking through the garden section Jobe's Flower and Rose Organic granular plant food grabbed my attention. It caught my eye because it was organic and that it was granular. I have always mixed my Miracle Grow and toted water buckets to all my flowers on the front.

Well, it has been a winner! I have used it on my potted plants...petunias, geraniums, zinnias, etc. and on the roses. My day lilies have been downright prolific. A one stop bag of stuff!!!!!

Then, the next thing I am loving is my new water hose. Jeff picked up one of those lightweight water hoses that shrink when the water is out. Oh my word y'all, I had no idea how much that would change things.

We have purchased two different ones for the front and the back. They are both wonderful.

I was either toting buckets of water with fertilizer or pulling the heaviest hose ever across the flower beds then dragging it back and winding it up to put it away. This new hose is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!

I can water my flowers in no time and fertilize them with my new sensational food. Sound like an infomercial...don't I?

It has just been that much better saving time and energy.

My other thing that has made a difference is adding Epsom salts to my roses. I don't have the soil to really grow roses like I want to, so they often get leggy before I get a decent growing season out of them. I have been adding Epsom salts after reading that this would add growth from the bottom of the plant.

One might wonder why I go to so much trouble to grow roses. I can't really answer that. I just really love them.

Now that mid June is here, my petunias are beginning to look a little stressed. I do love how much they have added to the front this year that I will add them again next spring. They have put on quite the show this spring. Jeff has said people walking have stopped to take a second look. Made me proud.

My ferns are really loving life too.

Decided to look for a garden quote to end my post... I like this one.

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. ~Cicero


  1. Sandy, you must have hit on the right stuff! My flowers aren't doing that great this year. I don't know why but it's very frustrating. Your ferns are amazing!

    1. The ferns do well there each year. It is one of those just right spots. We have a sprinkler in that bed in the back that hits the high places and just enough shade.
      I really love the fertilizer. I am telling you my day lilies are unbelievable and I had a hydrangea that didn't even bloom last year. I really thought it was a goner. It has come back. It is small, but has two very pretty blooms and lots of new growth.

  2. I wish I had your green thumb Sandy. Your plants look great. I have one of the hoses you mentioned and we love it. A Game Changer for sure. We also purchased one to have at Grimmwood. I seldom need to use it but it is so easy to move!!

    1. Isn't it a game changer. I don't know why I hadn't already done that. I am not sure I have a green thumb, but I do love doing it.
      I have so much to tell in the coming days starting with a contract on the cabin (bittersweet) and looking at houses in Auburn this weekend. I have my eye on one in particular.

  3. Your roses are beautiful and thanks for the tip on rose food. We've had just enough rain to really make things grow this year! So good! Hugs!

    1. Y'all have had quite a bit of rain this year. The past few days our rain has started. I haven't even had to pull out my new wonderful hose. The fertilizer is wonderful and I love the fact that it works on all my flowers.

  4. I really enjoyed today's post Sandy. My family and I just moved this fall into an apartment from our home. The number one thing I miss is my garden. I now grow more plants and flowers indoors.

    1. That would be what I would miss as well. When Mother moved down here near me, she moved into a townhouse. She doesn't have a ton of light in there, but she has a small deck out back. She has it full of plants.

  5. Your petunias are gorgeous as are the rest (roses and ferns). It sounds like you have hit upon a good combination with the organic granular food and the light-weight hose. Hmm, I wonder if they sell green thumbs in the garden section.

    1. Thanks Robin. Not sure if they do or if I have one, but I do love to putter in the flowers.

  6. Thanks for all the gardening tips, Sandy! Since we are completing our first full year in NE Florida and only now getting into the ins and outs of outside maintenance, your posts are very helpful.


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