
Thursday, June 14, 2018

Saying Goodbye to Our Cabin

This weekend we will say goodbye to our cabin at the lake. We purchased the little cabin in the spring of 2006 and made many memories there. Selling it is bittersweet.

Last fall we really began to think we had too much going on with the cabin and the farm. Both were special places, but keeping up with all of it and all the other things going on in life was just a bit much.

I am going to miss this screened porch.
We began to soul search and pray about what we really wanted and think forward. You know that is just it....things never really stay the same. Life is fluid and sometimes that means changes.

The kids gave their input and we decided that we wanted to purchase a place in town in Auburn as a second getaway and only have one place to keep up. The farm went up for sell a couple of months ago, but being a 90 acre piece of property is making it a slow sell. I have absolutely no doubt it will see to the perfect people in due time.

In the meantime, things are beginning to pop at the lake (Lake Martin) and in Auburn so when I began to have realtors call me about the cabin we felt it might be time to ponder it. Then what we thought might be a home in Auburn we wanted came available I made a call to a family friend from my hometown of Brewton who told me a while back if we ever sold to give him a call. I did...they are buying ... no realtors... WoW! It is selling.

We are going up to move all the furniture to storage this weekend. We are house hunting with a realtor in Auburn that we used before to purchase a townhome when Lindsay was in college. She is amazing and has a great selection lined up for us to see. I really have my eyes on one in particular.

I don't want anything too large and with a fenced backyard for the dogs.

I am going to miss my little cabin. So many good good memories, but you know we have more to make. We never utilized it for the lake, but the family that is buying it will and I know they are going to love it.

We have access to one of the docks on the left and have never ever used it. 

We named the cabin Serenity when we bought it. It had a story behind it, but you know that truly became so fitting for it - far more than we could ever imagined? I haven't decided if I am going to take the sign or not to Auburn. The lineage for the story could travel there. I am mulling it over.

All that to you think I could have anymore life changes at once? Don't answer that...I know I could.

We are planning to get one of those medical alerts for when Mother can go back home. Anyone have a specific company they recommend? I think I have one picked out, but I am researching for now.

Stay tuned for a stitching post and house stuff soon,


  1. Congrats on selling the cabin without a realtor!! I can't wait to see what you pick in Auburn. My grandmother had one of the medical alert necklaces and it worked great for her. She died about 20 years ago so I have no clue who the company was but it is really very comforting to know that a loved one can get help if needed. It does seem that things happen all at the same time! I will be praying for you as you go to Lake Martin to move out the furniture! Not an easy task for us older Marvin and I moved smaller things when we moved into Grimmwood and it was a chore.:)

    1. Paul Allen and Katie are helping with the furniture. Fortunately, it is not a ton of furniture and the only one real heavy piece...a TV cabinet. I actually thought about leaving that. Not sure Jeff is on board with it yet:) I am sure I might shed a tear as we pull out from the cabin the last time. It has some incredible memories, but I feel like we are doing the right thing. We should make lots of new memories. The one house I saw would fit my scheme of using some of my country pieces like the Hoosier cabinet, pie safe, etc.

  2. Lovely pictures of the cabin, the dog, and the lake! Congrats on the quick selling!

  3. Glad to hear the cabin was sold without have to deal with a realtor! The memories created there will be with you forever. Happy to hear that you will have help moving the furniture! Thinking of you as you say your good-byes to the cabin.

  4. We use Great Call Lively for two of our relatives. It has been very good so far. One has had it for almost a year now. And yes, things do happen all at once. I'm wishing you the very best with all the decisions you need to make. Sometimes just deciding can be very stressful. Hugs!

    1. Thanks for the tip. I am hoping to figure this all out soon as I think that will give me some peace of mind and allow her to stay at her home.

  5. G'bye to your cabin. It looks like a nice place. Did I tell you we spent 3 nights on Lake Wedowee, Alabama earlier this month? The lake house belongs to friends of ours. Had a lovely time.


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