
Monday, August 20, 2018

A Baby Shower and a Peek at the Nursery Plans

My dear friends A, B, and C gave Lindsay a baby shower this weekend. I chuckled as I wrote A, B, and C, but their names really do begin with those letters.

They really outdid themselves with the sweetness of it all. I am one of those that really doesn't do well being on the receiving end. I have hosted bridal and baby showers for all three of the ladies' children and loved doing it. In my element.

I know at this age we all have much going on in our lives that never really gets talked about on a blog...the real life...
             like the fact that the friend whose home we did the shower at is dealing with her husband's aging parents daily and her oldest daughter is pregnant...left in church this morning to begin the welcoming of the new grand baby. I just knew when she got up that she had gotten the phone call. So glad she got the shower done. Or that the fact that one of the others just had a grand baby and lost a daughter-in-law to cancer a while back...Y'all know LIFE...

so, I am just not good at letting people serve me, but they did such a sweet job and captured Lindsay's personality with this shower. I was almost overwhelmed with their love.

C's daughter and longtime friend of Lindsay's also helped with the shower and I am sure is responsible for the cuteness of the decor.

First is this adorable chalkboard at the front door.

The dining room with the food was precious and the food was delicious.

I hope y'all don't mind pictures. I took lots of them!!!

Those safari animals are adorable. Lindsay has been obsessed with safari animals forever.

I might have been a bit obsessed with the cuteness of that platter of cookies.

Aren't they adorable?!

I think we played maybe the cutest game ever.
There were two gift bags of baby socks. Striped, all kinds of patterns, etc.
They emptied them out on the coffee table and we counted off 1, 2, and 3. 

So three rounds of competition to see which group could sort the socks the fastest. Who doesn't love a competition?

Here is one shot...although if I hadn't been in shock over how quickly Mother jumped on the floor...think we just cracked our pelvis in May, I would have had two pictures of this cuteness. 
I am so glad she is doing better, but I don't want another rehab stay. She forgets her age sometimes.

Katie, Paul Allen's girlfriend is in this group.

Lot of socks. Cute game!

Next up is the kitchen with the drinks and A's great view of the water. She lives around the corner from me. She gets the sunrise view there.

Let the presents begin...

My friend N sitting on the couch next to my mom is a dear sweet friend. I think her gift was the best...

First part was a Bible complete with a monogram.

and then an Auburn romper. She said he was covered from Jesus to Auburn.

Picture of Aunt Donna and Katie.

Classic Lindsay...

A photo of Mom, Lindsay, and me.

It was such a sweet shower and I just loved everything about it. I think everyone was relaxed and had such a good time. I should have taken a photo of the hostesses. I am hoping Lindsay has one.

I am so blessed with such good friends. I looked around the room and I have been friends with all of the ladies for decades. We have raised our children together and they have remained friends as well. I think that might be rare these days. 
I am completely grateful for them all.

And A has her third grand baby as of today... a little boy too.

Lindsay has begun to decorate the nursery. I am giving you a sneak peek from last week.

She has done a whole lot more and I will share that tomorrow.

She sent this panoramic view one night last week.

The theme is built around these prints.

Stay tuned for more of the nursery.

One last look at those precious cookies...

Some people are so talented!

I am getting really excited. Time is drawing close. The middle of October is the due date.

Grammie time,


  1. What a lovely shower!! I especially love the picture of you, your mama and Lindsay. Yall are beautiful ladies. Before you know it you will be holding Tucker in your arms.

    1. Thank you. I move between being excited to not sure this is real.

  2. What a happy time...for the whole family! I love the photo of the three of you beautiful! And she has a lovely home and so many nice things for the baby. I have been so surprised to see this name get popular. I'm especially fond of it (it's my maiden name! heehee) Hugs!

    1. The name has become quite popular. Names I suppose travel in circles although some are probably not making a come back.

  3. Thank you for sharing Lindsay's shower with us! Love the photo of the 3 generations (you, your Mom and Lindsay). It looked like everyone had a fabulous time.

  4. What a lovely, lovely shower. Such a happy time!

  5. Thanks for "taking your blogging friends" to the party! I loved it, and those cookies, especially, were delicious!

    I wish you well as this new chapter of your life begins. I, too, go by the name Grammy (spelled with a Y instead of IE).

    1. I think I would have like "Y" better especially since I am SandY, but Lindsay bought me a bracelet and has it spelled the other way, so I will go along with it and be happY.

  6. Sandy, what a delightful baby shower! I love the safari theme! All the food looks so good - makes one wish they were pregnant again just for the baby shower! ♥

  7. Sandy what a wonderful shower was held for your daughter. They thought of every detail...what fun. I absolutely LOVE that Auburn romper...cute, cute, cute!!! Only thing better would be a Gator one. LOL!!!

    Such a lovely family photo of three beautiful women. What fun ahead with a little one close by. RJ

    1. Thanks RJ. Little Tucker will be decked out in orange and navy blue this season:) I have already bought him a couple of little Auburn things.

  8. I always enjoy baby showers and this one looks delightful, Sandy--such sweet friends you have :) I love the cookies and all the wonderful looking food. So glad your mom is doing so well--you all look great together! I'm sure you're counting the days until Tucker's arrival :)


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