
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Nursery in the Works

Lindsay told me to wait until she finished, but I am an excited Grandma to be. I am sharing some of little Tucker's room in progress.

You may remember I took a trip and stayed in Auburn for a few days. I drove up to Atlanta one morning to pick up the crib. She and Tyler had picked out the furniture at a local store in Atlanta while visiting his parents.
We have nothing here. There is one store in Pensacola that has baby furniture:)

I love her selections. The crib grows to a full size bed. You can see that the font eventually becomes the footboard.

The dresser/changing table will grow as well. The piece that holds the changing pad can be removed with time.

We went on Sunday afternoon and helped hang some things and shopped for a shelf. You see the mirror. She wanted to use it as she had that in there previously. 
She also wanted a shelf, but not white. She felt it needed something else other than white and wanted to get a shelf and side table to tie in the mirror.

Jeff and I had been at HomeGoods one evening and found a shelf.

I wasn't sure she was going to go for the shelf...knew it was the right size, but I also knew the mirror had some gold in it so tying it all in was key.

She needed a side table to go next the Trash to Treasure glider.

While she was pondering the shelf, I walked around and found the perfect side table. The base is gold and the wood fits the mirror and shelving TYING it all together.

The lamp was a shower gift. She is going to add a little navy to the room. She sheets and stuff are neutrals with safari animals. 

These little animals were purchased from Etsy and have navy bow ties.

Originally she was going to put them above the bed, but changed her mind.

I think they turned out adorable over the glider and side table.

She is working on getting it all put away and organized and Mom was snapping pictures too soon!!!

She is going to add some curtains to the window and oh, we put the stroller I said, I was snapping pics too soon.

She wants to get something with his name for over the crib and also has a navy blue cross to hang in there somewhere. 

IT is all coming together. 

Now, I need to get in my sewing room. 

I have a growing pile of things to sew.

I finished another Christmas ornament today, so a stitching post maybe at the end of the week.

Exciting times. It really seems like yesterday I was putting together a little room. It is unbelievable  how much stuff has changed. 



  1. It is going to be perfect!! Love the choices. I idd Landon's name for his nursery using letters from Hobby Lobby and I painted them in a design Amelia chose. I do not believe I even have a picture of them. So good for you, documenting the nursery.

  2. It is so beautiful and perfect for a little one. I love the tall ladder type shelves. Lots of pretty things to arrange too. Do they still put mobiles over the cribs? I always loved those!

    1. I think so. She has one on her list. It has a little giraffe and zebra on it.This Grammie is waiting until closer to buy anything.

  3. Thanks for the peek into the nursery! I like how they picked the furniture that will grow with the baby. I really like that ladder shelf and rocker glider looks great.

    1. IT is really fun watching her pick out things, but I was so happy I saw the little table to tie it all in for her. I know how she thinks! The glider was a steal...literally from the side of the road.

  4. I love the nursery Sandy. Everything looks PERFECT! I love how the furniture grows with the child...what a great idea. How about stitching the baby's name in big Navy letters for over the bed? It would be striking in those colors. RJ

    1. I don't know if I can stitch that fast or if my picky daughter will allow STITCHING in there:) BUT, that did bring back some memories. I stitched Lindsay her name with little girls around each letter when she was born. She also got an adorable 9 pieces stitched into a quilt. By the time Paul Allen came, he got nothing. That is why I feel guilty and stitch him stuff all the time. Sometime later in life he noticed it all and I did stitch some things for his room. I will probably stick with an ornament for each grandchild.

  5. Sandy, the nursery furniture is so much more functional than it was years ago. My daughters both have cribs that become beds. I wish I'd thought of that idea and made millions! :-)

    Love the giraffe light and especially love the ladder shelf!

    1. I still have ours. I thought it was so pretty and it was such good quality that it went to the attic. I knew my daughter would never want it early on though. The bed is honey oak and that is NOT in vogue. I will be using it though as I am going to keep Little Tucker for the first year or until Lindsay decides about work. I do however, think the new beds are really cute and that they can be useful for more than a baby bed.

  6. Sandy: Congratulations on the nursery finishing, it is lovely.
    Tucker is a lucky baby, the colors are perfect and that Giraffe is amazing.
    I am looking forward to seeing your ornament finish.

    1. Thanks! I am hoping to get in my sewing room at the end of the week and do some finishing. I have quite a few things now.

  7. how cute!!!! how have I missed all this?? because I've been so lazy this summer that I haven't even opened up my computer to check up on friend's blogs!!!!! must get some energy and re-boot!!!

    1. Yes, I am expecting the first grandchild in mid October. I can't wait!!! Summer means just slowing down. Other than the heat, I like to hold onto it now in retirement rather than rush rush rush like we did when teaching.

  8. Hi Sandy! I've been traveling again and am trying my best to catch up with blog-reading! I just love the nursery theme--those animal prints from Etsy are the cutest and I love the fact that you rescued the rocker and kept it for future grandchildren way back in 2016 :) You are so lucky to have your daughter nearby--you'll be able to cuddle that sweet grandbaby whenever you want to!

    1. At times it still seems odd that we are going to be grandparents, but I am excited. I am so grateful that my children are close. It would be hard if not. I guess it is better these days with texting and so forth. Lindssy’ Mother in law lives in Atlanta and she and her sister came down for the shower so that was nice. I am headed to one in Atlanta with Lindsay in early September. Mother is planning to go to so I am happy she is doing better. I really thought this last fall she had would so her in, but she seems to have found a better mindset.

  9. A very pretty nursery! A new baby to love, wonderful.

    1. Thanks Mary, I can't wait to love on him and join the club of grandmas.

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