
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Stitching, Dogs, and Books

I am getting later each week in posting. All is well. IT is just finding time to stop and write. I am afraid it will be that way for the foreseeable future.

I did finish Berry Days at Thistle Hill Farm by With Thy Needle and Thread on Saturday morning. 

I did a bunch of substitutions of colors and I stitched it on 32 count rather than 36 called for linen. I really had no idea when I asked for it for Christmas how I would finish it. It was shown on a box sold by a specific store. It was made to be a sewing box. It has another piece to stitch that is for a needle holder.

You can see that my colors on the house especially are brighter.
Anyway, I think I have decided to make a zippered project bag like I have seen so many with. I found a blog tutorial that looks easy to follow and then a Youtube video that actually used that same blog tutorial and shows it on a video SO hopefully it will work. I am planning to put the stitch into the front of the bag. I will then decide if I want to do the needle book. I have enough fabric left. 

I figure if I mess it all up that I will restitch this piece with the called for colors.

I then moved onto one of those works in progress from last year.
I have been working on the space shuttle piece since the weekend. I made progress on the dark underbelly of the shuttle that has a lot of grays and black. The remainder should go faster.

Lemony had a 10th birthday this past weekend as well. She was queen for the day and had cookies and milk.
Here she is this morning on the way to pick up Tucker riding shotgun. She usually chooses the back seat and Gus sits in the front. She decided to commandeer the front seat this morning. I kind of had to chuckle because she just popped up there and sat on Gus. He had no choice but to retire to the backseat. I guess she is feeling her oats.

Gus... jealous that he isn't getting a bottle.

Speaking of Gus. He is not 2 years old until June. Just when I think he can stay out of his kennel box when I leave the house, he does something to make me regret it. Honestly three quarters of the time he is an angel, but then he has those moments. 
I came home from church this week to find that he had strewn a plant from the front door all the way down the hallway through the living room and finished in the kitchen. I had place  the plant there in the foyer thinking I needed to go downstairs and get a plant stand I had for it, but had just been lazy. The night before I actually thought I might need to move it or Gus would get into it. 
Oh why did I procrastinate?!

Anyway, that led to repotting about four different plants on the coldest day we have had this year. Life at our house is never ever dull.

One last thing.
I finished my John Grisham book, The Reckoning last night. You may remember I said the reviews were very mixed on Amazon. They were either 5 or 1. There were very few 2, 3, or 4's. I found that odd. Now I know why. I am really glad I read it. It had two thought provoking themes, but I would not recommend it. The reason is it has some pretty graphic and long Bataan Death March and guerrilla warfare scenes. IF you aren't a history buff, then you would definitely not like the book anyway. That was why many didn't like it. They didn't feel the description and length he gave to the topic were necessary for the storyline. It was a very long book and I think I come down somewhere in the middle of the 5's and 1's. 

I am now back to finishing my George and Barbara Bush: A Great American Love Story written by their granddaughter. I think it will be a little lighter reading:)

That is all for now.
I am enjoying my little blessing and bundle of joy each day. He is an angel. 
Spoken like a true Grammie!


  1. Hi Sandy,
    I like the small house very much. Also, the change of color fits very nicely with the subject. Have fun working on a project bag - they are always beautiful.
    Hugs Martina

  2. Hello Sanday,
    a wonderful finish. The house looks beautiful and I like the colors.
    I'm looking forward to your next step on the space shuttle.
    Happy Week, Manuela

  3. It's been quite a while now since our last doggie died, so your descriptions of Lemony and Gus's antics brought up a lot of memories, which grow sweeter and sweeter over time as we forget the rough times. Love your pictures of them.

    Your cross stitch is beautiful. Kudos to you for all the excellent stitching on 32 count. That is just too small for me (at least now).

    Enjoy this day!

  4. Congratulations on the house stitch finish! I like the colors you chose. You made good progress on the space shuttle piece. Love the shots of Lemony and Gus; happy belated birthday wishes to Lemony! Enjoy your day, Sandy!

  5. Lovely finish Sandy and by the way, I received your package and will share it with Tonya. I meant to test and just slap forgot!! I cant wait to see your project bag. If I had a machine that sewed properly I think I would tackle one. Happy Birthday to Lemony....I just love that name. It is perfect for your sweet doggy. That Gus...he is like a toddler...never let your guard down. :) I have done a lot of stitching in these cold days. I have finished a few WIPs that I brought into 2019.

  6. Oh I love berry days and you have a great idea for finishing it. I've made lots of zipper bags but I have to relearn the technique every time I make one! lol The last book you mentioned would be one I would enjoy! Hugs!

  7. Beautiful finish, Sandy. I like your color changes! I admire you for stitching on such a small count. I think I may have made one small project on 22 count years ago -- an ornament or something -- but now my preferred is 14 count. I can do 18 count with enough magnification. But you know, I really think it's for the best. If I could stitch on those fine fabrics, I would probably have even more unfinished projects or charts I wanted to stitch than I do now! If I can live long enough and see well enough to finish the things I've started or want to start, that will be good enough for me.

    Lovely pictures of the dogs. I wonder if Lemony chose the front seat as a special birthday perk for herself.

    That Gus -- what a mischief maker he is for sure. I imagine you won't be leaving a plant within his reach again anytime soon.

  8. I love Berry is looking so pretty. It would make a wonderful project bag. I look forward to seeing how you finish it. Your other stitch is coming along so well too.

    Lemony is such a good boy and Gus will get there too. LOL!!!

    I know how much you are enjoying watching sweet little Tucker and that comes first any day. RJ

  9. The embroidered house looks fantastic. You did a great job!

  10. Sandy, Love your Berry days and I'm looking forward to seeing your finishing. I'm working on a stitch for a project bag now too. It's going to be a quick and easy finish. Happy Birthday to Lemony!! Gus is still quite the pup!!! I love his soulful eyes!

  11. Love the way you brightened up Berry Days, Sandy! Your idea for turning it into a project bag is perfect. I've been wanting to make one myself, but have severe "zipper phobia" :) I guess I could always try one with velcro closures.

    Happy Birthday to your sweet Lemony... Enjoy your weekend and I hope you can fit in some stitching time :)

  12. Happy Birthday Lemony! So cute!! I love your Berry Days. I look forward to seeing your zipper project bag!


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