
Saturday, January 26, 2019

A Little Bit of Sewing

I went a little bit project bag crazy. Here's how the story went down and the results.
Upon retiring I thought I would be a sewing fool. That didn't happen as I have learned even though I know all the book knowledge I need to be great (home ec major) I don't have the patience or desire to be a great seamstress that my mother was. 

That said, I have wanted to do a project bag for a long time. When I finished my last cross stitch I thought it might be cute in a project bag. I had saved this tutorial which is good, but something was amiss for me. 
Along came Kindred Stitcher with a Flosstube video using the same tutorial, so now I had written directions and a video to guide me. 

IT took BOTH.

I will share a bit more in between the pictures.

My first attempt. Not bad but not perfect. Don't look too close.

I had this fabric in my stash as well as the zipper which had no hole to add a pretty pull ornament.
You may recognize the fabric from my spring monochromatic stitch pillow. I love this fabric and bought a good bit of it for something such as this.

I also felt I might need to practice before I attempted the bag for the first time using my cross stitch project.

Bag #2

The stitch was slightly crooked, but I am pleased.
This fabric came from Joann's.
Oh and I was able to add a cute little pair of scissors to the pull.

Bag #3. Again fabric in my stash. It called my name one day while I was at the quilting fabric store. I bought a half yard which is perfect for the bag.
What is not to love about blue, birds, and dogwood blooms.

The pull has a spool of thread and a needle.

Happy insides too.

I should have stopped because the machine ran out of bobbin thread which you know has to happen and I made two bad mistakes.
Before I tell you what they are...
Let me tell you why I needed the video. 
I had to look at it E-V-E-R-Y SINGLE TIME I went to do that zipper placement. 

On the FOURTH time, I thought...I have got this. 

Big mistake. The zipper pull is on the left. I am not left handed so I guess I should have looked at that video one more time.

Cute thimble pull though. I ordered these off of Etsy a long time ago.

I had this fabric too. The one above and this one coordinated with this most perfect bee fabric.

Onto my second mistake.
I got in to big of a hurry and rumpled the zipper part of this one.

Oh well, here is my loot and should suffice any sewing urges I have for quite a while!!!

One other thing that is not mentioned in the written tutorial that Kindred Stitcher mentions is the kind of interfacing to use. IT is Pellon 911FF which is found on a bolt and is an apparel interfacing. It is fusible but a bit thicker. The kind you would use on a waistband or sleeve cuffs maybe. It makes the bag a bit sturdier. I would definitely recommend that interfacing.

I will leave the sewing to my mother and continue on with my passion - cross stitching.


  1. Hi Sandy,
    Your project bags have become great, and even if they have small mistakes - these are your first and you have done really well, the fabrics fit nicely together. I always think it's great to try a new challenge.
    Great praise.
    Have a beautiful Sunday, Hugs Martina

  2. Your bags are wonderful.
    Happy Sunday, Manuela

  3. Your bags are beautiful, boo-boos and all (which we don't notice unless they are pointed out). CUTE fabric for all of them.

    Yeah, my patience with machine-sewing isn't what it used to be and I'm surprised at myself for that. Maybe it's our desire for the quiet simplicity and solace our hand cross stitch so richly provides.

    One more thing -- those zipper pulls are really cute!

  4. I think your project bags are fabulous -- love the selected fabrics and the little charms you used for the pulls. Way to go on incorporating one of your stitched pieces on one of them! Enjoy your Sunday!

  5. One fabric combination is prettier than the next, I LOVE them all!!

  6. Oooooweeee!!!! You are a better Becky Homecky than me!!! After trying to teach seniors in high school how to sew a jogging suit for many yrs....I have not touched a sewing machine since I retired!! Even gave mine away!!! NEVER wanna do that again.
    But your bags are darling...who knows what u might tackle next??!!!

  7. I love them Sandy!! Especially the bird one...that is beautiful fabric. I have a project bag that has the zipper pull on the wrong side. I got it for cheap from online. I deal with

  8. Sandy, they came out beautifully. Great job! I am not a good seamstress. I get stressed and then get a headache etc - and grouchy! Yikes!

  9. Sandy your project bags are simply wonderful. I love them all. I can't believe you made so many. It would take me all day to do one. Love all of your fabric choices but I truly adore the one with the bees. I would love to find that fabric is gorgeous. You did a great job my friend. RJ

  10. I love the bags, Sandy, and the fabrics are gorgeous as well. One of my aims for 2019 is to become more friendly with my sewing machine and I've just finished making my first project - a curtain for the bedroom. And I have another cross stitch project going as well :-)

  11. Love the fabrics that you've used in your project bags, Sandy--and the bags themselves look wonderful to me! The little pulls are the sweetest--there is such a wonderful variety offered on Etsy. I really need to get up my nerve and try one of these--I am not great on my sewing machine at all. Just do simple short straight seems for my little pillows, but that is easy :) Hope you have a lovely February tomorrow ♥

  12. Sandy: Your bags are fantastic, I love them all, the coordinating fabric on each one is perfect.
    Hey as long as the zipper works who cares what side it is on it looks good to me.
    Thank-you for sharing the link with us.


  13. I think your project bags look great. For some reason, every time I try to do a craft project the first attempt is a total disaster and the second attempt is pretty close to not being awful, but still pretty far away from being good.


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