
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Easter Recap

I had such a busy day yesterday that I just couldn't get my Easter post out, but not to be we go.

The weekend was quite full and I must say I was exhausted Sunday afternoon when all left. I laid down on the couch and fell into a hard sleep. I needed it! I had an outing Saturday morning to attend, baking to do, and I worked two services with the kids at church and attended one over the weekend... hence, age had me pooped.

 After church, I had both kids this year. I also had one of my dearest friends whose husband had to be out of town. He has a defense job and was gone. They have two daughters and the oldest was spending Easter with her boyfriend's family so Tami and daughter Peyton shared Easter dinner with us too. It was fun listening to all Peyton's plans for the future. She is graduating from high school this year.

Oh and church was especially good this year. The music was amazing.

Nothing warms my soul better than my chickadees all with me and cooking and baking and having them around my table.

Here are the family pictures made on the deck Sunday afternoon.

Lindsay, Tyler, Tucker, and Hallie, the Boykin.

Paul Allen and Katie with Gus:)

Mom took the family picture of us, so I got one of her and Tucker.

He is 6 months old now and wearing 9 month clothing. He has put on a growth spurt which might explain the next thing I am sharing.

I had a first last week. I went to a chiropractor. That word rang fear in my head all my life, but I had done something to my shoulder and it simply wasn't getting any better. I have really been hurting for a month. What I did? I don't know! but it was sharp and burning all at the same time and had started to affect my sleep. My husband and daughter have gone to this guy and assured me he was very conservative and wouldn't pop anything I didn't want popped. Turns out he didn't pop anything😁

I can officially say he made it better. I got some kind of machine that vibrated it with some voltage and a shoulder massage last week and chose to go back yesterday. Yesterday, I got another thing I didn't think I would ever do... A massage. 
This girl who didn't think she could ever relax for a massage found it to be pretty darn nice.
Now, I am not ready to add it my list of things to be done often, but I wouldn't say never especially if I do something to my shoulder like this again.

I have a few stitches to share too.

I finished the little house. I didn't add the words or at least not yet. I have a finish in mind and I think I will leave the bottom border off for that finish so stay tuned for that.

I also finished the little bunny with the sunflower. I am totally in love with this bunny and sunflower. I plan to do one more of the bunnies in this book for summer as well, but 

my next stitch will be the June wordplay.

Actually I need to stop stitching and take care of the three finishes that are now sitting in my sewing room.

By the way the weather is just about perfect right now, but this is the coolest Easter in a long time and definitely the coolest one this late in April. I have some weather and outdoor pictures for later in the week and some sewing machine talk.

Happy spring,


  1. Yall look so happy and the background of the pictures is perfect. I know what you mean about getting tired...we are not as young as we used to Tucker is getting so big!! He may be tall like Jeff. I did not stitch one stitch yesterday. I was so busy doing laundry, unpacking and getting in some groceries. I have decided that I like a lot of the cross stitch pieces without the lettering. I think Priscillas has affected me in that area. It makes finishing easier and it does not limit your display time. Todays list includes putting away all my Easter things. I will put out my patriotic things at the end of May. I am so glad to be home and to have my laptop. Looking at blogs on phones is just too aggravating. I like to see the big pictures.:)

    1. It is hard to try and stay tuned in with just the phone. I keep having to sign in to comment and like you I need the bigger to see it well.

  2. Sandy, it looks like you had a marvelous weekend. Thank you for sharing your family pictures on the deck! I love them all, but the one with your Mom and Tucker - just wow. Your stitches look super; that bunny is adorable. Glad to hear that you got some relief for your shoulder!

    1. Hey comments are not coming to the inbox, so until I figure that out I hope you know I love you:) Mom is enjoying our little Tucker. He has been really good for her.

  3. So glad that you had everyone there for Easter, Sandy! You have a beautiful family and it looks like a gorgeous day. We had nothing but rain and dreary gray skies--not the best Easter especially with only one of my sons home... Oh well! I know how tiring it is to host holidays and I'm beginning to hope that I won't be doing this forever!

    Your stitching is beautiful and I look forward to your finishes! Glad your shoulder is feeling better and I had to laugh at your comment about the massage. I have never had one and truly think I would be too nervous to have one :)

    Have a great week ahead!

    1. I probably won't make massages part of my regular thing, but I have to say I surprised myself that I relaxed and it felt good. I am way too shy for that on a regular basis.
      Easter was very cool for here. I don't ever remember one this cool this late, but it was sunny and pleasant. I am sorry yours was dreary. I crave that sunshine. I know it makes me feel better. Get out to Cali and get you some!

  4. Enjoy your excellent weather, Sandy! Your Easter celebration with family and friends looks wonderful! The pictures are just great and I love the the pups were included! Your stitching pieces are lovely. I am always in awe of you folks who can do work like that! Love it.

    1. Hey Terri, I noticed the Golden missed all the pics. She was roaming around as well. She sat right next to me all during the meal hoping for a piece of ham. Of course, she got some:)

  5. You had the perfect Easter day Sandy. I love all of your wonderful family photos. The one of your Mom and Tucker is precious. Love your newest stitches and look forward to your finishes. Hope you are feeling better. RJ

    1. That Tucker seems to really like Mom which has been just super for her. I hope to do some finishing on Thursday and Friday. I am ready!

  6. Your Easter day sound good. Wonderful family photos.
    Your stitching are beautiful.

    1. Thanks Manuela. I did enjoy the sunny weather and family.

  7. It was a beautiful Easter Sunday here, too. By the way, you mentioned one time how much you enjoyed the wild flowers along the roads here in Central Florida. You are so right! They are stunning and last for a long time! We have them everywhere!

    All your photos of the family out on the deck are really good. The lighting was perfect on each person's happy face.

    And your bunny cross stitch -- love it! If you have the time, please share the name of the pattern if you can.

    I hope your shoulder is feeling better with each passing day.

  8. Happy Spring, Sandy! Oh my that just can't be Tucker!! He certainly has grown in inches and in cuteness (if that is possible!)

  9. Sandy: What fun and sweet photos, thank-you for sharing. He looks like he is going to be very tall.
    It sounds like your Easter was a busy one like ours, at the end of the day it feels good to just fall into my recliner.
    Your Blue House is a beauty.
    I totally love the bunny, I had to giggle, I have used hair clips myself on my Q-Snaps.


  10. Hi, Sandy! You have such a beautiful family. Your nap sounds like it was divine and well-deserved!

    Glad the chiropractor gave you relief. My husband's family are big believers. I cannot go to a chiropractor any more because of the issues with my bones and metastatic breast cancer, but in the "good old days" I loved going. Mine didn't "crack" or "pop" much either. He used the machine you described (it's called a "Tens" machine and you can buy one for home use for around $25), heat and a little massage. Now I have turned to acupuncture for pain and stress relief and I swear by it.

    The "Bless Our Home" stitch is adorable! I like that you left the flowers off the front of the house. When I stitched it, they seemed to disappear against the blue of the house. Wish I had chosen a different green than the called-for thread or left them off altogether.

    Your bunny/sunflower stitch is so stinking cute! OMG. A lot of the stitching I do nowadays has no backstitching, and I kind of miss the way the backstitching makes things pop.

    Looking forward to your next post!

  11. Those big smiles! I'm glad you all had a happy Easter. And I love the bunny cross-stitch and the little house sampler. You've chosen such an interesting fabric for the house, it really lifts the stitching.

  12. I'm so glad you were surrounded by your lovely family for Easter, it makes all the work so worthwhile. Such lovely family photos. Your Mom looks thrilled to be holding Tucker, he is getting so big. I love his little Easter finery too. You must be so relieved that the shoulder pain is much better, I'm glad the chiropractor was able to help you. Massages are wonderful!! I've only had a few and they are totally relaxing and you feel renewed after one.

    I can't wait to see what your finish is for the house. The bunny stitch is just adorable!!! I hold my fabric with the hair clips too! Have fun at the sewing machine!!!

    1. Thank you Mary. Tucker is getting so tall. I hope to get into my sewing room very soon. I let yesterday get away from me.


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