
Monday, April 15, 2019

The First Daylily

My first daylilies are blooming. I get so excited when they bloom. 

I got pine straw down in most of the beds this weekend. I am trying to wash windows as well. I never really shared the debacle of the house painting story and I really plan to spare you that troublesome story. I basically had to stay after him. Nickel and dime that I mean...I would say if you come and do this much today I will give you this much:) Yep, it was no fun, but the house is painted and it is good. He didn't clean up one thing. Left all of his ladders! I mean that in itself was a ton of money. I gave them to another worker that I figured could use them. Anyway, my windows didn't get cleaned and so it will take me awhile to get them done. At one time I did them regularly with the spray wash and that kept them pretty good, but pollen has really stuck to them this year so I may have to do some actual wiping them down. It is taking me longer.
The weather is really nice so I need to do a few a day while that lasts.

Here are some pretty rose pictures to pick the mood back up.

I am in housekeeping mode this week. I have a ton of tasks to do. How things get so behind I will never know, but last week Lindsay had two late days at work. Hopefully they are the last of them. They have hired some help. That wore me out and Mom was on a trip. I really missed her help:)

Lindsay's friend's baby came home from the hospital. She nows weighs 6 pounds, but she is doing well. Happy to hear that bit of news. Lindsay and Tucker went to see them this weekend. Lindsay said Tucker seemed giant next to her. He is growing and Grammie does love him so much.

I am stitching on two things currently. I should have some patriotic things for summer. I will do some finishing when I finish both of these.

First is my muted blue cottage. I ended up staying with the muted colors. I think I was too far in and I can make it work with the finishing selections.

I pulled an oldie from my stash and am stitching a bunny with a sunflower for use in the summer after the patriotic stuff is put away. I did the sunflower in the pot awhile back.

I am doing it on Aida...such fun stitching.

Oh and my begonias are perking back up after winter. I moved one up front with the Christmas cactus. They both love this spot and are both trying to put out blooms. 

It is fun when you find a magic spot for a plant.

Oh well, that is all for me today.
Enjoy the week,


  1. Sandy: Your flowers are lovely.
    I love the Bunny oh so cute, I think I even have the same booklet, I should look, some of the older designs are really making a comeback in stitching, many are looking at older patterns and magazines.
    That blue house is adorable, I should get to stitching a Patriotic design.
    Good news about the Lindsay's friends baby.


  2. Great news about your daylily and all of the other lovely plants and flowers. Those roses! I have such a black thumb, it is really sad.

    Not that anything will be blooming right now anyway ... still so much snow and mud up here. Just plain ugly, but I'm trying not to complain. It seems to bother me more every year, and this is a particularly difficult one.

    Love the muted colors on the blue house and I also like the idea that some of the older designs are making a comeback. I still have so many older ones that I hope to use. I need to get stitching again, but first I have to carve out some time. I did print out a chart for a free maple sugaring sampler and even got out most of the floss I would need. We will see.

  3. You certainly have a green thumb, Sandy! Your begonias and daylilies looks great and the roses look fabulous. I really like the blue house in your stitch. Sweet bunny you are working on.

    That is such good news that Lindsay's friend's baby has come home. Enjoy your week!

  4. I love love that rose photo--how beautiful they are!!!
    love the other flowers and nice cross stitch projects--
    I have started Junes' word play and did order July and August--and they came in today's mail--
    you always get a free pattern sheet with each order too--(The Silver Needle)
    so I have my cross stitch planned out for a bit!!!
    luv, di

  5. I don't know plants and I don't know stitching but I do know I always love your work and your plants look great! I don't know that I have ever been in "housekeeping mode" but you got a lot done! Good for you! Hooray for the baby getting home! Hugs!

  6. Hello Sandy,
    wonderful stitching projects.

  7. I saw the little tops of my daylilies poking out of the ground today and was so excited to see the green! Yours are beautiful!! Do they bloom till next winter??
    That rose is breathtaking!!! Your painter sounds like a nightmare!!! At least he finished the job. I really like the muted colors of your stitch.

    1. Hey Mary, since my comments are not showing up in emails, I don't know if you will see my reply or not but here goes:
      The daylilies will bloom until about October or so. I fertilize them though. I was grateful the painter got the house finished especially the high parts. He literally left the paint cans out and everywhere, but I was so happy to have the house just done that I happily cleaned up myself. He was a doozie. I guess all the good contractors are working in Panama City because I have a skylight slow leak and have tried three roofers to no avail yet.
      I needed to concentrate on roses this morning:)

    2. That is great that they bloom so long, I'm going to fertilize mine now, that must be what they are missing. I hope you find a roofer soon. I can imagine they have lots of big jobs in Panama City and not interested in a small job.

  8. Stopping by here quickly before moving on to another busy day. Your florals and needlework are lovely. Wish we had EASY access to the cross stitch patterns of 20-some years ago.

  9. Sandy, we had day lilies all along our front property when we lived in NJ. I don't see them very often here in NC. Such fun to see spring bloom!

  10. Love your day lilies and roses, Sandy! We are just at the tulips/forsythia/daffodils stage, but I am thrilled to see color popping up everywhere :) I'm sorry the painter was such a dud--really so hard to find good handymen these days. We have pretty much given up and just slowly do things ourselves.

    Love the muted colors for that piece--glad you didn't change them! Have fun with the bunny stitching--he is a cutie!

    Wishing you and your family a blessed Easter weekend ♥

  11. Sandy, your flowers are so lovely. Those roses just speak to me. I love when the daylilies pop up in the garden too. Our agapanthus are blooming right now too. They are my very favorite and I love when I see them flowering. We had tons of them in California and so I was so happy that they grew here too.

    Glad to hear about Lindsey's friend's baby coming home.

    LOVE the blue patriotic cottage. That one is on my purchase is such a sweet stitch. I love the colors you are using. Which colors did you select? Have a lovely and blessed Easter. RJ

  12. Your garden is lovely! Hope you have a great weekend. Happy Easter!


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