
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Oh My

Y'all I got on to read my friends this morning and noted that I had a lot of comments, but almost none had come to my email. I checked all my settings and nothing looked amiss.

I then went to my email and just decided to look at the Spam account...well, there were many there.

People like Arlene and Mrs. T so, it wasn't weird emails but people who I talk with lots.  Some were not anywhere. I guess Blogger is doing some weird stuff again. I guess we can't complain since it is free.

BUT, know that I would reply if I saw it and I am sorry:(



  1. Sometimes blogger really is a mess.
    Good luck with that problem I had a while back just corrected itself.


  2. No worries. I am so bad about replying to comments so I don't even think about it when people don't reply to my comments.

  3. "I guess we can't complain because it's free." Yes, my thoughts exactly.

    I seldom reply to comments left on my blog unless I really have the time. But I do try to reciprocate by leaving comments on the blogs of my commenters, and that works well for me.

  4. So weird because I always have to go to my sidebar on to check for comments waiting to be published. Yet some come to my email. Like your comments to me? Always in my mail. But there are about 5 of my good friends whose comments never are. Don’t know reasons for that!!!

  5. The joy of technology! (heehee) Have a lovely week.

  6. I have been having problems again as well! So frustrating!


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