
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

A Stitching Post

Here is my July 4th stitch all finished up.


On display.

I am also going to try and share all my patriotic early summer stitching displayed in this one post. 

In the kitchen, I have some last year's and this year's stitches on my counter. I don't really use this counter for food prep so it can act like a hutch.

I feel like my home could be a year round summer display as it is one of my favorite seasons and seashells, sea life or palms are in every room year round, but I will keep it to the stitching.

The crystal bowl on the left was my grandma's and when you need another crystal bowl for your loot, you just drive over to my mother's and she has a stash of them such as the one on the right. I just love a bowl of collected shells.

In the living room, I have shared this one recently; "hello summer" may be one of my favorite stitches ever. 

In the tart is one I stitched last year. 
Oh and the Lemony stitch ended up staying here. I had stitched it for Jeff to take to his office, but he decided he would rather have it here, so she ended up on the book cases.

I also have the June stitches out. One in the sewing room...(BTW, I said I wasn't going to redo the monthly cottages, but I might have changed my mind.) Stay tuned for the new edition.

The other June stitch ended up on the bookcases because Gus decided I put it on the church pew for him. He has never messed with the Summer stitch. In his defense, I think it was because I had laid a leash there for a good while and then suddenly a pillow popped up right where the leash had once been. He must have thought I put it there just for him.

The summer pillow on the church pew. 

I will freely admit the winter pillow gets the shortest stay because spring comes out early and summer comes out a bit early so they get the most bench time.

And last but not least, the guest bathroom got the other patriotic stitch. The bathroom seems like an odd place but I was cruising through about to put it in the foyer when I just really thought it looked good in there. The picture makes it look lonely, but trust me it looks nice and that blue paint has grown on me. I am now a lover of it and fully owning it!!!

I have two other patriotic stitches bought or gifted me that I really want to do and then I think it might be time to say I have enough of those. They will have to wait for summer 2020 though.
Later in the summer I will change the patriotic out to my sunflower stitches.

I will leave you with a cute picture of that Gus and...


Summer arrives here long before the calendar says it is summer and that is okay with me until late September when I am ready for a breeze.


  1. Sandy, I enjoyed the picture tour of where your stitches landed for the summer. What a fun assortment of shells! Gus looks like he had been up to mischief and Lemony trying to stay cool. Have a great end of the week!

  2. Beautiful your Patriot works. I like how you decorate a little bit everywhere and thus set small highlights.
    Have a nice day, Martina

  3. So many wonderful cross stitch finishes. Great Job.
    Enjoy the day, Manuela

  4. I am fascinated with your finish of July 4th in the embroidery hoop, with even the back looking so tidy. I should try that with one of my projects.

    The pillow in the blue bathroom looks good. I'm glad you've come to a place of peace with the wall color. It really is very nice.

    Love the pup pictures. They both look like such sweetie dogs!

  5. Sandy: Your new finish is beautiful, you picked the perfect trims and backing fabric.
    Thank-you for sharing with us your beautiful display of Patriotic displays, I must say I am a bit jealous, they are all so lovely.
    Gus looks like he is posting for the photo.
    Lemony looks very comfortable.
    Have a great day.


  6. I love the one you put in the pretty! And I have seashells in bowls here and there too. LOVE that big summer pillow too. So many pretty things in your home. If I ever come to visit...check my pockets when I leave! heeheehee! Hugs!

  7. Beautiful! I don’t have much done in the way of patriotic stitching. Most of what I’ve done is a Christmas/patriotic theme! Love your bowls of shells. Looking for shells is my favorite thing to do on our beach walks on vacation, but on the Oregon Coast the shells are not colorful. I have a bowl of finds from Oregon and Ireland. My fave is a piece of broken pottery I found on a beach in Ireland. It was smooth and worn down. Another fave in the bowl is a piece of slate from the grounds of where they used to make the slate tiles for the roofs of buildings in Scotland and Ireland. Little things that take me back to my favorite places.

  8. Sandy, I enjoyed your tour of where you place all your patriotic stitching. I love your Hello Summer stitch, that and the Winter were my 2 favs from that series. You stitched 4th of July quickly and I really like your finishing, the back fabric is perfect! Hmm, you gave me an idea for displaying the shells I picked along the beach in Florida....I like shelling there as you find a much better variety of shells in FL than here. Your dogs always look so relaxed!!

  9. Love all the stitching and the vignettes, Sandy!! And those two handsome fellas at the end are mighty fine looking as well.

  10. That is so cute and love the fabric on back!!!
    The seasonal cottages are precious too!!

  11. Beautiful.

  12. I love all of your patriotic stitching Sandy. Each one is finished perfectly. I'm anxious to start the hoopla Uncle Sam. The boys are looking great too. I have been out of town for about five weeks and I'm just now catching up with all of my blogging friends. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  13. You’ve done a wonderful job decorating, Sandy. There is never much Patriotic/Summer decoration at my house , but I love seeing everyone else’s. I think it’s because I’m so focused on outdoor upkeep and speed stitching before the school year starts back up. I love decorating with family items as well. That connection to the past (and present) is like no other. Tell the pups I said “Hello”. Judy

  14. Really enjoyed your stitching tour today, Sandy! I love patriotic stitching so much--probably my favorite after Christmas. You've done a lovely job on your finishing! I especially love that newest round finish--those Holiday Hoopla designs are the cutest :)


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