
Monday, June 17, 2019

Stitches and Celebrations

I have a small patriotic finish.

I hope to make a circle finish (not on a hoop though) with  it this week so that I can enjoy it displayed this year. I love the ribbon on the pattern envelope. That comes from Brenda Gervais's shop. I ordered some brown to do a couple of pillows one other time and it was delightful to work with, but this time I will go with stuff I have in my stash.

I have been working on Things Unseen stitch, and I am embarrassed to show the wrinkled status. It looks horrible, but I have used a hoop mostly and folded it to put in my project bag when not stitching on it. I am now done with Parts 1 and 2 of 3. Part 3 begins underneath the black checkerboard line and house. I am eager to finish it now as the end is near. It has embellishments of beads and buttons so whether I frame it or make a wall hanging with it is yet to be determined.

Along with stitching, June is a busy month with birthdays. Gus, Jeff, and Paul Allen all celebrated birthdays this month. The birthday celebrations quickly reminded me that I have been retired from teaching for 5 years. I really can't even believe that, but it is true. Sometimes it seems like yesterday and others like a lifetime ago. For many of the 31 years I taught, the birthdays came on the heels of just getting through with post planning. I really didn't even settle down until the birthday cakes were made and at least family celebrations took place.

 Jeff and Paul Allen are two days apart and I always made a point of them having their own special day. Family usually never minded because it was two desserts. I once even had a slumber party for boys out in backyard tents two days after I finished getting the classroom closed and packed. I was so tired and didn't relish staying up all night. All but two boys ended back up inside on the floor so I felt the need to stay outside and monitor the two. Let's just say I never had an outdoor slumber party ever again!!!

After the kids were older the school system changed to an earlier August start and I got to have a little breathing room before parties. Either way, I am not sure why but the beginning of June still seems a bit busy. Summer is in full swing so even though the calendar says it isn't even summer is indeed summer even before the kids are out of school. 

Longer days always mean filling them to the brim, yet I love the no schedule. I sort of still fall into that no schedule feel and it doesn't always mean I am the most productive person. I tend to jump around from task to task rather than staying on my routine.

Along with birthdays, Mother and I took a trip home to check on the cemetery. My dad is buried in a small country cemetery. I always like to go up and make sure the grass is getting cut. We also picked up my aunt and then as usual went to Monroeville to eat on the square for lunch. I take all the scenes for granted I guess and think every single single time I go that I am going to take pictures of the famous square and courthouse for y'all from To Kill a Mockingbird, but I never do. Next time!

Paul Allen and Katie went to a Braves game, that is THE Atlanta Braves for which we are all fans. So, this was the very first time in 27 years that we had a joint birthday party. Katie had bought tickets for Paul Allen's birthday and they were for the day of his birthday. Both go their celebration on Jeff's birth date. The kids  stayed at the Auburn house so they could take the dogs and they made a little mini vacation out of their time trip. Here is Dansby on one of the days of their vacation at Chewacla State Park. It is near the house. It has lots of rocks and Dansby was a pro at climbing them.

I thought that was such a cool picture. 

We have also been going on out on the boat each weekend and taking the dog for a swim.

It seems like Gus is always in a picture, so here is Lemony who is a bit more camera shy, but a mama lover.


The background is reservation for Eglin AFB...hence no houses. The dogs absolutely love these outings.

One more thing. Isn't this the cutest wrapping paper ever. 
I had some cute stuff from the lady that sells this at Christmas. Some of you commented on it then, but this is my favorite. I need to stock up on this when she puts it on sale. 

I will close it for now. 


  1. First, I love the wrapping paper! It looks like your guys had a fabulous joint birthday celebration. Thank you for sharing the pictures! Always good to see Lemony and Gus; Dansby looks like he enjoyed the climbing. Enjoy your week, Sandy!

  2. It's so great that everyone lives close enough to join in the fun! Love the stitching you've done and that cute wrapping paper too. And look at CUTE are YOU!!! Happy summer!

  3. Wonderful stitching updates.
    Enjoy the Summer.

  4. I just love the July Hoopla, it's in my stash to stitch. Your making great progress on Things Unseen. The anchor paper is darling (on sale 30% off) Great photos of you and Lemony, Dansby is the king of the hill on that rock!! Looks like everyone had a great BD celebration!

  5. Sandy: I love your Patriotic design, it is lovely, I am loving the sampler so pretty.
    It looks like your birthday parties are loads of fun.
    I see your husband love the Gus stitch, at least it looks like Gus to me.
    Such sweet family photos.


  6. I enjoyed spending the afternoon catching up with you, Sandy. I went as far back as March I think. I loved hearing about faith, family, flora (those roses!) and fauna. I’m always inspired by the amount of stitchy goodness you complete. Enjoy that beautiful grandbaby. He’s a adorable, but I’m pretty sure you know that already 😊. Judy

  7. Love your stitching! I'm working on July stuff right now, too.

    I'm sure the pups love those watery outings!! Since their ears are long and floppy, do you have to take special care to dry the inside of their ears after they've been in the water? We had 2 Cocker Spaniels we dearly loved but they had more ear infections than I could count and they never went swimming. We learned to always tell the groomer to be so careful with their ears. They are gone now but were our fav dogs of all the ones we had over the years.

  8. So glad the birthdays were celebrated in such a neat way. Happy birthday to your guys. Love Uncle Sam...he is a winner. Both Lemony and Gus look great as always. RJ

  9. Oh I forgot to say how much I like the things unseen stitch. How true is that? RJ


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