
Monday, July 29, 2019

Weekend Wrap-up

We enjoyed our very quick trip to Auburn this weekend. It is such a delight to be able to go just a few hours away and relax and see such different scenery. I have said it before I am a beach girl, but I so love the trees just that far north. So many different varieties and even different birds to view. 

We ate breakfast Saturday morning out and did a bit of shopping, but mostly walking and just being outside because the weather was wonderful. Low humidity and lower temps made me just want to soak up the outside. I sat on that little side porch I have shared here before with Mom and the dogs while Jeff did some other stuff.
Stitched a bit on a totally new project that has been in a project bag. It was easy stitching on Aida and just right for the trip.

I did do a little shopping for the house. I have been very selective so as to not make it harder to clean plus I don't want much up there, but I have wanted some matching lamps for the master bedroom, so I went to Ross and found the Perfect Pair for less than $20 each. They were traditional in style and such a perfect match for what is already in the room. The lamps I had were needed for the other bedroom anyway.

They even matched the framed picture above the bed. That picture I have had for almost 25 years. It was above the bed at our previous home which was country in style. When we moved to our present home, Mom took it to her house because it was pretty and very nicely framed. When she moved down here I stuck it in a closet and now it has found its perfect place again. See sometimes, getting rid of stuff is not a good idea!!!

I would say this room is complete. Maybe a throw for when I am sitting up there watching TV sometime. I actually have one here I am going to take next time AND I want to stitch the birds for a wall in there. The bluejays are in progress and I have lots more to choose from of those patterns.

Then I moved the other lamps I had into the second bedroom upstairs and I had wanted a mirror in that room. The furniture in there is from Lindsay's house. They needed a place to store it while baby beds are needed. Lindsay was actually wanting to see it, but Tyler couldn't part with it, so I told her to put it in the Auburn house and if she ever wanted it back then I would be happy to return it. I have a feeling it will be there forever.

Anyway, to tie the black lamps in with the existing stuff, I got a black circle mirror at Hobby Lobby. While I was picking this out, Jeff wandered and found a wall decor piece for above the bed. It turned out to be the perfect piece.

Oh and it does have knobs. The original ones are here and I keep forgetting to take them back up and put them on. Lindsay had put the blues ones on from Anthropologie. Those are an option too, but I think I am going with the originals if I can remember to take them.

I don't know if I shared that the bedspread was one Mom had in her closet from her previous home. So I have scored a pretty big win in this room as well. I swapped out a picture with a navy mat to go in there from one of the bathrooms and everything is falling into place.

I hung my Things Unseen sampler downstairs. It looks quite lonely on the wall, but that just means this wall gives me a reason to do some stitching to go with it!!!! Couldn't be happier with that idea.

Of course, I could have moved the bird prints to that wall and hung the sampler by the Hoosier cabinet, but I think I will mull it over. I added my great granddaddy's picture to the cabinet. I should have it out and enjoy it and it will remind everyone that the cabinet was his.

We ate at my favorite restaurant, Acre, with friends Saturday evening.

We took the dogs to the dog park on Sunday morning. It was just beautiful and we had it to ourselves which meant we could wear Gus out before heading back home by lunch.

It was a good weekend and we needed it.
Jeff's brother who has cancer  has had some setbacks so he definitely needed it to recoup for the long haul in front of him.

Oh and I bought Tucker two new outfits for football season.


And it won't be long before he can go to Auburn and enjoy the slide that was out back.

No rushing it though. He is growing plenty fast!

Tucker and I are strolling in the early mornings now when he first gets here.

I will share my stitching progress later in the week.


  1. Your Auburn home is lovely! Thanks for showing some of your décor choices integrating old and new!

  2. Hi Sandy: Tucker is so cute.
    Love what you have done in decorating, I love the colors blue and green.
    I love hobby Lobby, they have some of the best pictures mirrors and fun stuff to hang on the wall.
    Have a wonderful week.


  3. tucker is adorable and I love your new lamps and how you switched things out. Brilliant!!

  4. Glad you had a great weekend, you need such times, the body needs such breaks and it does the soul well.
    Have fun with Tucker, his football outfit looks awesome.

  5. Your second home in Auburn is beautiful. Your decorating style is tasteful, serene, just lovely.

    And you are right! It is good to not dispose of everything!!!

  6. Tucker is a cutie. I bet he enjoys his morning strolls with his Grandma. I really like the additions to your rooms in Auburn. You have created a warm and welcoming second home.

  7. You clearly have a decorating niche, Sandy. The Auburn home is lovely and so peaceful. I love the Hoosier cabinet--color, photo and all. Keep enjoying your summer, Judy

  8. I love everything you are doing in your Auburn home Sandy. The bedrooms are looking so beautiful. Love your antiques. It looks like so much fun to go to your Auburn home. Oh those little Auburn outfits are adorable as is our sweet Tucker. RJ


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