
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Summer and Dogs

Popping in for a life post here.

Tucker has my heart! He is growing and verbal with what is his talk. The other day he was in the walker and just moved over to the kitchen door and acted if he was talking to someone in there.

I pulled out the sunflower stitches this week to replace SOME of the patriotic stitches for late summer. I am really glad I got these done. I think they are perfect for August.

Kitchen counter corner.
One made it to the living room and I really need a round hoopla style one to replace the July hoopla. It is so funny how that piece caught the hubby's eye, and he thinks I need one there for each month!

I also changed the table linens to something other than blue. I have had blue out for quite a while, so I decided to match the yellows and oranges in the orange plate in the first picture.

In other summer decor I was not looking to purchase anymore pillow covers for the living room after I got the anchors, but then Jenny at Everyday Occasions offered these 

and I spent some money.

They are just so perfect and maybe my favorite ever.

I found a wonderful app to scan photos in so I can upload them to a drive and iCloud. I never ever notice ads on the sidebar, but this one popped up and caught my eye in Pinterest. Turns out I really liked it. You can lay out a page of photos from your photo album and it will scan each one separately. It was not free, but I did the one week trial and decided to pay for it for a year. It was $11.99. It is called Phototyme. It goes pretty fast doing it with the app. Now, I need to really make use of this year.

It even retouched them a bit. Here are a few that I did.

My great granddaddy.
My dad.
I also decided to write somethings down for the kids as I am working on making some of the pictures digital which turned into me thinking on it a bit. I decided another blog would be the way to go. I made a private blog for just the kids. I will tell them the story of why I adored my great granddaddy and all about that bike that he could ride up into his 90's. Mother has him on video and the local paper did a story on him one time.

I will occasionally share a story with this blog as well.
So that is my latest in my decluttering process of sentimental items. Of course, both of those photos are ones I will keep, but I am am making sure the kids know who and what everything is because with each passing generation, we can't keep everything.

I am stitching! I have almost finished another Christmas carol and I worked on my roses stitch, but the blue jays are calling me for some reason. I have been stitching on it the past two days.

Speaking of roses, summer has heated up and my roses and my geraniums are none too happy about it. They both look like they are very tired. They will perk back up when some cooler temperatures arrive in October. I had really avoided them lately and I got out to weed my beds on Sunday after church. I should have done it in the morning because that is when the afternoon sun hits hard on them and I literally almost got sick working in them. I had to quickly put my tools down and head inside for cool. 
That is why I try to do stuff inside during July and August!!!

Actually it has been a tad cooler in the mornings and Tucker and I have taken a stroller ride as soon as I pick him up each morning. He loves the outdoors!

Here is his 9 month old picture.

Gus and Lemony shots for your enjoyment.

Gus sleeping with his new frisbee.

Lemony working to find a cool spot.
Paul Allen got a new job. That is an answer to prayer!!!!!!!!! He did not attend college and that makes life a bit harder. He has drifted around for sometime working for the school system as teacher's assistant. I am not even going to lie and tell you that I struggled so badly with him not going to college. I was a first generation college attender and being a teacher, well... it was hard. One day I might share the story, but for now I am happy to have moved a prayer request to the praise side. That is all I will say about that.

That is life in home ec land. I am leaving you with one last photo because it just has to make you happy. Paul Allen and Katie's dogs.

Reece and Dansby

We are heading to Auburn this weekend for a little rest and relaxation. Can't wait!
See ya next week,


  1. Enjoy your get-away! I loved seeing these photos and agree with you that writing your family history is a great project that will be cherished by the younger generations!

  2. Your dogs!!!! Plz hug them extra tightly for me..I would give anything to be able to hug my sophiejane again.
    I’m so checking out that app. Sounds amazing and those pics of your dad and grandfather are priceless!!
    That tucker is pretty doggone cute too!!

  3. Ohja Tucker is cute and they grow up so fast.
    I like your sunflowers, you can put them down well now.
    My roses also suffer, but with a lot of water, you can get through them well. My mornings and evenings get a whole pot full, that helps.
    Have a nice weekend, relax well, Martina

  4. Hello Sandy,
    Tucker is cute and he grow up so fast.
    Your sunflowers are so wonderful and beautiful finishes.
    Wonderful progress on your next project.
    Enjoy the weekend. Manuela

  5. Well, we’ve come full circle with the cross stitching. It was about this time last year when you posted pictures of your cross stitched sunflowers. They lit a fire inside of me, and you know the rest. I’ve been cross stitching as much as possible ever since (and it’s never enough!), thoroughly enjoying the restful spirit it gives to me, quietly working with my hands while listening to sermons, music, watching TV and floss tube (which I’d never heard of till you mentioned it). I needed something to calm a storm that was raging inside of me; cross stitch has truly been instrumental with that. I thank the Lord for speaking to me through your stitching in this way.

    Gus sleeping with his new toy — how cute is that?!!!

    Congrats on Paul Allen’s new job! And look how big Tucker is getting to be!

    And Reece and Dansby — such funny expressions! Love them! Is Dansby a Beagle? We had one years ago with that same coloring.

    Blessings to you!

  6. First, congratulations and best wishes to Paul Allen and his new job! Your sunflower stitches look super. Have you seen the Homespun Elegance piece called Sunflower Love Pincushion? It is round and would probably work for a "hoop". I can't get over that Tucker is 9 months old. Wow! Love the shots of Lemony, Gus, Reece and Dansby!

  7. I can't believe Tucker is 9 months already!!! He is certainly an active little boy! I can see where he gets his handsome looks from, your father was very handsome and I loved the photo of your grandfather with the bicycle, amazing he was still riding it at 90!! I'm looking forward to hearing more stories about him.
    Love your sunflower stitches and great progress on your new stitch. Congrats on Paul Allens new job. No everyone is meant for college and I wish we had more trade schools. There is certainly a shortage of skilled workers in my area. I always enjoy seeing your dog photos as I am such a dog lover too. The photo of Reece is hysterical, whatever he is holding makes him look like he has a record breaking tongue!! Too funny!!

  8. Oh, my gosh, Sandy, Tucker is SUCH a cutie! ❤️❤️❤️ And your pups.... they melt my heart. Gus with his it! And the pic of Reece and Dansby made me laugh out loud. Love your stitching, especially the sunflowers. Your table is very pretty.

    Stay cool... that summer heat is brutal. I, too, prefer to stay inside during the heat. It’s most awful when it doesn’t cool down at night. We’re going camping this weekend. Looking forward to snuggling in our plush sleeping bag with a chill in the air!

    Congrats to Paul Allen! College isn’t for everyone, and sometimes it’s just a matter of timing. My brother waited a year, farted around at it for a couple of years, then in his mid to late twenties got serious and earned his engineering degree. He just wasn’t ready before that. And sometimes there are other experiences or opportunities that come along. I do understand where you’re coming from. My mom earned her PhD, my husband’s parents have degrees, he and I have bachelors degrees, and I think it would be VERY hard for us to understand if Thomas didn’t want go to college. But the world is changing... and wowza, college has gotten expensive!

    Love your photos of your dad and grandpa! Sooo cool!

  9. I can hardly believe Tucker is already nine months old, Sandy--I bet you can't either. Babies change so quickly during their first year, don't they? He is just the cutest and I know you've enjoyed your time with him.

    Your bees look perfect for August. I just returned from vacation to a still-decorated patriotic kitchen and desperately need to bring out my bee finishes. First I have to get over this darn jet lag :)

    I should be stitching the Bluejays, too, as we are being swarmed with them at our birdfeeders--they are kind of mean and the tinier birds are afraid of them, though. But, they sure are beautiful.

    The photo scanning app sounds very usefeul--will definitely investigate! Thank you!

    So happy to hear about your son's new job--hope it begins a wonderful new chapter for him :)

    Enjoy these last few days of July, Sandy!

  10. We had a nice weekend as well. The lower humidity was so refreshing. Love your Auburn is beautiful.

  11. What a wonderful post about stitching, family photos/stories, Tucker and the pups. Congratulations to Paul Allen and his new job. Transitions aren't easy for all, and I'm so happy for this answer to prayer. Judy

  12. Oh my time sure does fly...Tucker is already nine months old. He is so adorable and takes great photos. Love how you were able to do those photos...what a great idea. Congrats to Paul Allen in his new job. Love how your sunflower stitching...hard to believe it is almost August. RJ


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