
Thursday, July 18, 2019

Weekly Check In

I got my Lizzie Kate "Things Unseen" back from the framer's earlier this week.

I just love it. It will be headed to the Auburn house at the end of the month. I know it is just going to be perfect there.

I haven't been stitching nearly as much because I had a very busy week last week and then went down to some kind of bug this week. Spent two days in bed and little Tucker got two days with his parents. I am glad to be on the mend and looking forward to a very normal day with him tomorrow.

I have been stitching on my blue jays and my roses, so not everything has been #jollyJuly, but I have finished two carols. I have some ripping to do on the third one. Yuk.. The linen is pretty much an even weave linen, but occasionally it has a small strand and being on 40 count it has slowed me down more than once. I have also been working on some Christmas stockings as well. I will save that for a later post. I have actually spent lots of time trying to decide on the perfect font. I have stitched one stocking three times and ripped it out. I think I have decided on the font and the color.

Other than all of that, I have watched more space stuff than most would care too, but that is the space nerd in me. I can't believe it has been 50 years. This was me very near the date of the July landing in 1969. Mom always dated the pictures in the albums. I became completely fascinated, well actually I was already which is why I remember every detail.

An update on decluttering.

You guys were very helpful with your comments on sentimental items. I think of some of you might truly understand my dilemma! 

I will share a few things you said that sparked thoughts in me.

Many of you said take pictures of things and you have really made me think of how to make the picture thingie work for me. I have an idea... more coming later on that!

Some said that they had labels on things. I like that ---at least they will know what it is why I kept it:)
It is hard to get rid of things in general because I hate to see things languish in a thrift shop, antique store, etc., but this generation is just not going to treasure some of it and it isn't all their fault. 

As with every generation, we grow and change and things are just obsolete. Period and I don't want it all to be a burden to my kids. Now, granted I am still young! Still, I have gone through my share of stuff with parents passing though and I can tell you it is a chore and a half.

These kids live in a digital age for sure. Now, I will tell you my kids are as sentimental as me as long as it stays at this house. They both don't want me to get rid of things. Paul Allen literally goes downstairs to check if things are the same!!! They both have neat homes and don't want it there, but want me to keep here forever. In fact, When I texted them that it was time for posters of Donny Osmond to go I actually heard back from both of them pretty quick:)

I think decluttering is a PROCESS and I have been doing a little for the past five years. I love to focus on it in July and January especially because of the weather. January just lends itself to that because it is cold and you are ready to pare down the house after Christmas and July is hot and it makes for stuff to sift through when you can go outside as well.

I came up with some ideas to work on and will share them as time goes and I am feeling much better.  I also found a wonderful app!
So stay tuned you readers in need of decluttering sentimental items and we will see how I do. 

Being sick makes you so grateful for so many things. Hubby washed a load of clothes last night. Washing clothes is not his strength. Bless his heart. I have a routine and he could clearly see it was piling up. When I went to get the basket this morning it was done. He is a keeper!

See y'all next week,


  1. Beautiful.

  2. Love Love Love your new framed piece. It is going to be a beautiful addition to your Auburn Home. Hope you are better....bugs are no fun. We are finally home and I am contemplating some more decluttering. I will let you know how it goes...not my stitch stuff of

  3. I really like your finished piece in the frame! The Christmas carols are precious. De-cluttering is hard and when you have family pieces it is even harder. Good luck. Take your time. xoxox

  4. Sandy, your framed LK piece is simply stunning. I love the molding you selected; it showcases your stitching. Your Christmas carol stitches are looking super. Sorry to hear you were down with a bug, but glad to hear you are feeling better. Looking forward to hearing what you have come up with on the decluttering!

  5. Oh wow, the frame is perfect for this Lizzie Kate motif. Great.
    Oh yes, the 40s linen, I love it, but you always have to be careful.
    Have a good time, Martina

  6. Wow what a great frame. It looks perfect.
    Enjoy the weekend. Manuela

  7. I hope you are on the mend, Sandy! Your husband sounds like a keeper for sure! Thank you for sharing your system for cleaning. I love the idea of tackling one room or area a day. I wrote a checklist on index cards like yours and started Monday. I way overdid on Wednesday so I took yesterday off, but today I’ll be back at it. My house hasn’t been this clean in a long time, and next week will be easier since it will be maintenance. (Wed was kitchen day, but in addition to cleaning the kitchen, dining and entryway, I made two loaves of homemade bread, did all the grocery shopping, plus my freelance work for my old job... I was WORN OUT!)

    Things Unseen is gorgeous! Love how it turned out. And your ornaments are beeeeutiful!

    Love the photo of you. Made me think of an idea for taking pics of things (decluttering topic). Make sure people are in the photos. One of my favorite pics of my son is a wide-angle shot of him playing in his room as a toddler, surrounded by all his toys put away. We look at that now and say, “Oh my gosh! I remember that little [insert toy name: barn, boat, toy car, etc.].”

  8. Things Unseen is GORGEOUS!!! Oh my, I just love it and the frame you chose is perfection....I am swooning over this finish! I would have to have that in my sight everyday!! I just ordered the carol ornament series thanks to you!!! I'm thinking of doing it white on red but I will have to try stitching on red first. Stitching on Black was a disaster for me but I think red won't be so difficult. I love stitching on 40 ct but ripping out on it is a horrible. I don't even bother trying to salvage the floss. What a cutie you were and I'm impressed that you were so impressed with the moon landing at your young age.

    I think your children are typical of adults moving out and wanting Mom to keep all there things so they don't have the clutter. Good luck with that!!

    I hope your feeling better now, how sweet of your husband to tackle the laundry!

  9. Mi piace molto il tuo quadro, hai scelto proprio una bella cornice.
    Saluti dall'Italia

  10. Oh Sandy I truly love your framed LKate piece. You stitched it perfectly and that frame is gorgeous. It is so well done. Your Auburn home is going to love having this piece hanging there. I want to hang out at your Auburn home too.

    The Christmas Carol stitches are really sweet. I'm so glad you are doing them. I'm so happy Mary has decided to do them too because I know I can do them after her.

    I love stitching on 40 ct. and really don't have trouble pulling it out. But, I cannot pull out on 28 ct. over one. I have to cut it out because it is impossible to get my needle under it to pull on it.

    What a cute little girl you were. I bet you are in your glory knowing we may be getting back to the Moon.

    I look forward to hearing more about your decluttering routine. RJ

  11. Congrats on your progress with the decluttering. It has to become a way of life, I think, because stuff continues to find us, even after we've let go of so much!

    Love your stitching, and the picture of you in your younger years is so cute!!! Hope you are feeling better.

  12. Your stitching is gorgeous! I love the details in this one! And I'm proud of you for the decluttering. I go in spurts and I feel one today. I need to load some stuff in my car and actually donate it though! lol I have a hard time with the sentimental things too. I take a photo like they recommend but I shed a few tears when they go. I shed a few more when I just think about it! Enjoy your day. We're getting a little rain so it would be a good day to clean! Hugs!

  13. Oh, I just love this finish, Sandy! And the frame you chose is perfect! And those Christmas Carol finishes are so sweet... Love the little camels in the Star of Wonder :)

    Such a cute photo of you!! 1969 was a big year, wasn't it. I am older than you as I was 14 that year, but so many events happened including the moon landing--Woodstock, the Manson murders, etc.

    Good luck with your decluttering--I'll be interested in reading what works best for you :)

  14. Your smalls are absolutely wonderful, Sandy. I'm loving this sentimental journey you are on, and I'm very much looking forward to the app. :-) Judy


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