
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A Random Collection of Thoughts

I didn't plan on posting until tomorrow, but I have a little time while Tucker is napping and the rest of the week should be a little busier so now it is.

I am going to dump my brain in no particular order...just whatever pops out.

We are headed to see Overcomer this evening with our small group. I know without a doubt it will be good. I love Priscilla Shirer and really need to order another of her Bible studies. I went through Discerning The Voice of God of hers last year. It was very good. I don't know that there was any new information for me in there, but just a wonderful reminder of how to recognize His voice.

I had a migraine yesterday. Haven't really had a bad one in a long time. It was probably the culmination of some poor eating choices, some stress, and low pressure. Anyway, it made me feel just plain awful. Monday had been a rainy day, but I had really enjoyed it and Tucker and I got some stuff done around the house. He likes to go from room to room. Something new to look at.

Yesterday was a different story altogether. I almost had to call his mommy to come and get him, but he took a nap which I think was divinely timed. I took an Imitrex and fell asleep myself which broke it and other than feeling fatigued I made it through the day. I didn't sleep so well last night, but despite it I feel much much better today. I actually took the "not sleeping" and did a mind dump on paper in the middle of the night. Did some praying and my stresses felt a whole lot better.

I don't know about y'all, but when I get a little out of sorts I have to get quiet. I also find taking a piece of paper and just putting it down helps. I am a sorter on paper.

Now, if I haven't bored y'all to death, we will move on.

September is a really busy month at our house. It is a month of celebrations. Lots of birthdays for our family. For some reason I always look forward to September even though it is still hot and not a whole different some years in that regard than August. I think the change of thoughts toward fall help. I am probably one of ten people in the whole world who puts away her white shorts, jeans, shoes, etc. It is still warm through September, but I make sure I wear autumnish colors. I will wear pull out those colors to wear in my shorts, skirts, shoes, and sleeveless tops. I guess it is all about a mindset that makes September different than August.

Anyway, I plan to rearrange some clothes to a more prominent position in the closet today or tomorrow if time allows - if not next week. I don't really change out the closet since I have a large closet and I have pared down my wardrobe considerably but I will put the things I wear the most in the middle for easy reaching. So here we come- navy, olive, orange, browns, tans, you get the idea.

I have a doctor appointment with my wellness doctor tomorrow in Pensacola. I hope he motivates me because this summer has been hard. I haven't eaten horribly, but I have waned a bit and certainly not exercised like I should. A stroll with Tucker in the stroller is not a good brisk walk that keeps some muscle mass going. I am aiming to do better. Better get my sticker chart out again!!!

Jeff and I will celebrate 35 years of marriage on Sunday. We are headed out to Auburn this weekend for a long weekend all by ourselves...well, the dogs are coming. The kids are going to watch out for Mama and I think one of her siblings is coming down for part of the weekend so she should have some entertainment.
I am looking forward to out time alone. We are hoping for some pleasant weather because we have both agreed that we just want to get outside... a hike or two. It could be dicey with heat or rain depending on what the storm sitting in The Atlantic decides to do. I will make some checks of my hurricane preps before leaving so I don't have to come back to that. Jeff was getting some gasoline for generators today. We can always use it in the lawn mowers and hopefully that will be the case.

I did stitch an ornament for Tucker from my new book. I think it is a bit reminiscent of Dick and Jane. My finishing pile is getting large. I will get to it.

Stitched on 28 count even weave from Hobby Lobby with DMC colors. IT is about 3 inches  X 3 inches.

I think the only stitching I am taking with me is my stockings. I have 4.5 to stitch left. I may take one small bunny with a string of apples that I have been working on for too long. Now, it would be a little late to display him, but I do think I want him finished.

Ok...that is it for me. I haven't decided if I am going to take my computer with me on my trip this weekend, so do not think I have forgotten anyone if I don't comment on your blogs. It is just hard to comment from the phone. I may leave the computer home and really just read blogs only...

I am looking forward to some down time and relaxation. I have a good book I want to read, so hopefully some hiking and reading will take place along with some football on Saturday of course!!!
Auburn plays its first game away. War Eagle!

I am going to save the rest of my full mind for next week. I have gone on long enough:)
See ya next week,


  1. What a cute stitch Sandy ,Ilove it.
    Happy Anniversary for Sunday ,a weekend away sounds good .
    I am looking forward tomy holiday soon.
    Just to relax and spoil ourselves.

  2. Enjoy your time deserve some quiet time. I love that ornament, your stitches are so pretty!!

  3. Sandy, have a wonderful weekend at Auburn. Go War Eagle (until you play the Gators of course!) We had our first game last week with Miami and won so we are off to a good start. Our quarterback could have had a more solid start but I think he will get better as the season progresses. I love college football and will be cheering you on.

    Sorry about that migraine. I get them now and then and yes peace and quiet is the only thing that helps. I too am a "put it down on paper" person. My friends used to tease me about all the lists I made. But, I still do it and feel much better being organized.

    Your stitch for Tucker is so sweet and yes it does remind me of Dick and Jane too. I think it will be adorable all finished. I must tell you I was talking about you today and mentioned Tucker. My husband said "Oh I like that name".

    Congratulations on 35 years of marriage. Your anniversary is my birthday. We are abit concerned about the hurricane headed our way and have no plans except to have food and candles in the house.
    I love September too...always have since I was a child. Have a great weekend. RJ

  4. Like you, when I get out of sorts or life treats me that way, I need to get by myself to be quiet and just think things through, pray, read Scripture, drink tea and breathe while staring at ocean waves or blowing tree branches.

    Your ornament for Tucker is indeed reminiscent of Dick, Jane, Sally, and Spot. Those were the days, weren’t they?

    Congrats on your wedding anniversary! We celebrate the anniversary of our first date on September 2 (51 years since 1968).

    We plan to see “Overcomer” tomorrow. EVERYBODY says it’s really good and we have appreciated so much all the previous films they have made.

    Have a wonderful weekend and we’ll pray the storm isn’t as bad as they say.

  5. First, I love Tucker's ornament! I hope you and Jeff have a wonderful weekend away in Auburn. Congratulations on your 35 years and wishing you many more! We will celebrate 35 in November. I am sorry that you had to deal with a migraine and it infringed on your Tucker time. They definitely aren't any fun.

  6. Congratulations on your Anniversary! What a blessing. I hope that you don't experience more migraines.

  7. Hello Sandy,
    your new stiting is very cute.
    Congratulation on your Anniversary.
    Have a nice weekend.

  8. That new cross stitch is just the cutest! I'm sorry about your migraine; that's rough. I feel better when I eat better too but I don't always make the best choices in the moment.

  9. Hi Sandy: I know what you are going through with the migraines, I get one or two big ones a year usually when the spring and fall happen, also just before a storm, the pressure change just does me no good.
    Happy Anniversary to you both.
    I am loving the Dick and Jane look a-likes, I still remember the books we read in first grade, she Jane run, run Jane run, such a great memory of school.
    Stay safe during the storm if it hits, I hope it dissolves before hitting land.


  10. Congratulations on 35 years of marriage! Yes, your stitch brings back memories of Dick and Jane!! Migranes are horrible, I hope you don't get another one for years to come. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, I hope the hurricane weakens before it hits landfall.

  11. Happy Anniversary, Sandy! Woot woot! 35 years! My husband and I will celebrate 25 years next August, and it feels like just a few years ago when we were married. Do you feel the same way?

    Your stitch for Tucker is precious!


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