
Monday, August 26, 2019

Ducks, An Ornament Finish and Some Random Stuff

Today is a gloomy rainy day but much much cooler so I will take it with a smile.
It was a slow weekend around here and sometimes those are good. Football season kicked off so the boys in my life were all aflutter. Auburn starts this Saturday, but they were ecstatic over any college football.

I changed out my table linens for orange and navy in honor of it, but didn't take a pic. There is no fall decor anywhere, because even though I am kind of over the heat, I am not sure I ready for summer to be over, but let's face it when football season and school starts the carefree days of summer are over whether we are ready to admit it or not. Now, I suppose if my husband retires I will think less of school, but then again maybe not because Tucker will be starting before I know it.

I will say that stitching the sunflowers was the best thing I stitched to put out for late summer color and a little seasonal decor. They are just perfect for this time of year and other than walking in and opening the drawer where all my fall stitches are located to see if there was anything else I needed to stitch- there has been no thought of autumn decorating.

I took my cotton boll to the framer's on Saturday. I can't wait for it to get back. I went old school on the framing since I had done it on Aida. IT just seemed to scream for matting. I did go with an oval mat, Robin. Thanks for that idea.

I finished my chickadee ornament.

I am still stitching Christmas. I am slowly working on the stockings and started an ornament out of the Christmas book. Those little boys and girls remind me of Dick and Jane. I will share it later in the week. I am 2/3's finished with one.

Remember I stated that I was doing a private blog for my kids. I love to write AND I am fully aware that a writer I AM NOT!!! However, I do love to write, so going through that bin of scrapbooks just brought it out in me. I am going to share more of it when I get a chance. Probably over the winter months. I loved reading old cards and letters from my grandma.

But for today, I am going to share with y'all something I wrote on the other blog. I debated on whether to do it, but decided y'all might like to see what I am doing with it. Here is one post I wrote for them...
It doesn't have too much soul gripping info so I can share it with you.
The italicization will be that post.


While studying home economics at Auburn it is no secret that the home decor classes were my favorite and that the foods classes which seemed a bit more like chemistry were my least favorite. I actually prayed to get through a couple of those.

I am certainly no great decorator but have strong feelings about what goes in a home. It should be a haven for family and comfortable for guests while looking tastefully put together. I think it should have a mix of antiques along with some carefully placed playful things as well.

I think the objects in the home should tell a story; that family's story.

In Joshua 4, the story of the Lord directing the Isrealites to gather stones from the River Jordan was to be a memorial of what God had done in their lives. Go read it - it is a great story!!! The short version is they were to gather 12 stones from the middle of the Jordan to take where they would lodge that evening. The number 12 was to signify that each of the 12 tribes has sent a participant to gather a stone to be used in the remembrance setting. Just as the Lord had done with Moses as they left Egypt, He had cleared the river for them to take the Ark of the Covenant across. He always went with them. The 12 stones were laid at Gilgal. They were to be a reminder to the children coming in the future of what God had done for their ancestors.

Now, this is a far far far stretch, but I am going to share treasures all over our home and why they are treasures to me. Treasures given to me by all of you and reminders of travels and blessings we have shared.

The first one is the mallard duck.

 I can't tell you why I like mallards or really other ducks too. They became a big thing in home decor in the 1980s, but my love for them precedes their popularity. While living in Columbus and teaching at Harris County, my apartment complex called Club Hill had a pond that lots of mallards lived in. I would go down and feed them and just watch them.

Your dad being the ever observant and great gift giver that he is gave me this duck for our first Christmas as an engaged couple. I was completely ecstatic. It has held a place of honor on all our bookshelves in every home.

It signifies a love of mine and a wonderful husband that noticed my affinity for mallards. I always stop and pause when the ducks swim by outside on the bayou. I went on to stitch this piece. This was a very detailed stitch and may be one of my top 5 things that I have ever stitched.

If you look closely over our home and even the Auburn home, you will find those little ducks everywhere without being too cheesy.

Home decor should resist being tacky of course.

I will be back later in the week with another post for the week if the Good Lord is willing. Two in one week. Y'all don't faint.


  1. I think it is neat that you are doing a blog for your children. I doubt mine would read one if I did one for But it really expresses your heart and who you are as a person. I think sometimes our kids cant really see us they just see mom who was always nagging them to put away their things, clean their rooms and eat their veggies. I think this is a real treasure for Lindsay and Paul Allen. BTW, loved your mallard...I remember that pattern. Cant wait to see your chickadee.

    1. You are right about how they view us. They love us, but they do see us as just Mom. I am not sure if either are reading it. I am pretty sure Lindsay is so busy with work and Tucker that she doesn't even have time to think let alone read. I hope that one day it will be something they enjoy. Jeff has been after me a long time to do this, so I am trying to write something once a week.

  2. Sandy, your chickadee ornament is just precious. Well done on it from the stitch itself to the finishing. Love the plaid and the bell charm! Thank you for sharing the blog entry you wrote for Lindsay and Paul Allen. I think down the road they will love having their Mom's thought in written form. I did have a small chuckle over your statement about the foods classes being more like chemistry. I thought I was the only one who thought that. Probably why my cooking ability is zero. And of course, I get the "you majored in home economics and you don't cook" all the time. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. Your ornament is lovely. How nice that you are writing things down for your children. I am trying to get my parents to do the same. I love hearing about their childhoods and about their perspective of my growing-up years.

  4. I love the post that you wrote for your private blog, Sandy! It is a lovely idea to share items from all over your home and why they are special. It's great for your kids to be able to read the story of why you like mallards. I really ought to consider doing the same. My kids know some of the stories but my grandchildren do not. I think it's marvelous, too how you related this blog and photos to the 12 stones at the River Jordan.

    I'm hoping to do a post soon about outfits my mother sewed for me back in the day. Coming across sewing patterns and fabric remnants has jogged my memory in a big way.

    Love the chickadee ornament!

    1. Oh I will do a post about sewing. If there is one item that I will keep of Mom's it would be her sewing machine. She is an expert seamstress and made so many wonderful clothes for me. I am not even sure I fully appreciated it growing up, but I have told her countless times in my adult years how grateful I was for her sewing skills.

  5. Love the picture of a younger you beside the pond with the ducks. Your stitching of the Mallard is indeed, very special with lots of detail.

    I agree with your philosophy of how a home should be decorated.


  6. I love the little stitched birds, and a round ornament fits perfectly here.
    Have a nice week, Martina

  7. A lovely little christmas ornament. Wonderful finish.
    I'm looking forward to your next stitching.
    Enjoy the week.
    Hugs, Manuela

  8. Sandy, your chickadee is totally adorable. Please share how you got such a perfect round shape? I love the finish.

    Your blog posts for your children are wonderful. How I would have loved to have my Mom's feelings written down for me. I know your children will feel very blessed to have your words to look at throughout their lives. Your mallard stitch is very beautiful and I know was time consuming so I can see why it is one of your favorites. Funny in school I loved my cooking teacher but could not stand my sewing teacher and dreaded every day in her class. Can you believe she made me put a kick pleat in seven times and a zipper in eleven times in one skirt? She let us take it home one weekend and my Mom (who was a professional seamstress) helped me. Finally Mrs. Morris approved.

    I've been gone this last week at a beach reunion in South Carolina with our six best friends from college. So today I'm catching up with all my blogging buddies. RJ

  9. Sandy, I love the photo of you feeding the ducks!! How young and beautiful you are!!! Thank you for sharing your private post, what a treasure your private blog is for your family. I hope you have it printed in book form for them.
    I love birds too and your mallard stitch is exquisite!! Love your chickadee stitch and your finish is fabulous. I love the plaid!


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.