
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

German Chocolate Cake Recipe

I have a recipe worth sharing.
I set out to make a German Chocolate cake for my brother-in-law. I love to bake cakes, but for some reason have never made one. My mother-in-law always baked one for my b-i-l's birthday so that was my fix for the year. I remember Mom even made them when I was really little, but for some reason this is not on our regular holiday family of cakes. Now, I have a son-in-law who considers it a favorite, so it was simply time to find a good recipe and get started.

I shopped my extensive recipe book collection with not much avail. I was actually quite surprised. I did find one which said 1 package of German Chocolate. I kind of chuckled because if any of you bake with Baker's chocolate you KNOW they have changed the packaging. It nearly sent my mother over the edge. Basically, they have cut the packaging in half in some cases as in the German Chocolate and charged the old price.

I headed to the Internet to search one out and I have one to share. It was super good. I knew when I read the directions for the cake that it was an old recipe and not some newfangled one where you just dump everything and hope for the best.

Here is my first ever German Chocolate cake. It doesn't look so good, but it was indeed tasty.

I am sharing the link to both the cake and the frosting. I didn't change anything to bake mine. I would say if you want it to frost the sides you will have to double or at least make more of the frosting. It was plenty adequate for the layers, but wouldn't have covered the sides at all.

The cake was so moist that it was a little difficult to get out of the pans, but now that I know that I can adjust with parchment or just be a little more careful.

The cake recipe can be found here.

The frosting recipe can be found here.

Definitely a keeper for me.

Love baking,


  1. Sandy: Thank-you this looks really yummy.
    Thank-you for the link.
    Have a great week.


  2. Oh my that looks sooo yummy--
    that was the cake my Mom always made me for my Birthday cake--
    all from scratch--memories--
    luv, di

  3. Looks good to me!! My mother always made them for my daddy. I like the upside down german chocolate cake. Super easy and tasty. Not many in our family are fans but I crave a piece every once in a while.

  4. Thanks for sharing! GC cake can sometimes be dry so having a recipe that turns out moist is wonderful!

  5. Your cake looks wonderful. I gained a couple of pounds just looking at the picture!! I have fond memories of German Chocolate Cake from my junior high years in Southern California. Our church youth group went to the beach a couple of times (at least) and one of my friend's mother would always go along as a chaperone and bring her German Chocolate Cake for us. I loved playing in the Pacific water and then plopping down on a beach blanket to eat my share of that cake.

  6. It looks absolutely scrumptious, Sandy. Years ago I used to bake German Chocolate Cake for a very good friend of mine on her spiritual birthday. She has not lived in this area for years now so I no longer do that. I had forgotten all about it until your recipe and photos brought it back. Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. Mmmh, your cake looks so yummy.

  8. Your cake looks mighty fine and delicious. Hmmm, I wonder if I can snag one at Yoder's Market or at least a slice. Thank you for sharing!

  9. That looks amazingly delicious, Sandy, but sadly, I'll never be able to make it as my husband hates coconut! I love it, but can't eat an entire cake myself :)

  10. But that looks delicious, my son would be happy about that - he loves chocolate cake.

  11. Sandy, I would enjoy a piece of that cake right now!! It looks so delicious. thanks for sharing the recipe. Next special occasion I will have to try it.

  12. I probably shouldn’t have read this before breakfast 😬. It’s German Chocolate Cake season here as well. It was Dad’s favorite, so Mom would always make him one for his birthday on September 1st. He’s been gone nine years, but every year there are several family members making German Chocolate cake in memory and celebration of Dad. My cake recipe has coffee in it—something Dad loved. Judy

  13. The cake looks mmmmmmmh..... yummy!
    Put some cherries in the next time, it will taste simply awesome.
    Greetings from Germany

    1. Thanks Gabi for stopping by. I so want to visit Germany again one day.

  14. Sandy that cake looks scrumptious!!! I've been allergic to chocolate since I was five but now in my senior years it seems I can finally eat it again. I LOVE chocolate and can't wait to try out this special recipe. Thanks for sharing with us. RJ


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