
Sunday, August 18, 2019

Weekend Wrap-up

Another weekend has come and almost gone. It was a busy one and I took few pictures, but usually that means I am enjoying myself. When kids hang out with us, Jeff and I take it as a good weekend.

Friday night, Paul Allen and Katie went downtown to eat with us. There is one of those appetizer places right downtown which like many other places - Fort Walton Beach has done a wonderful job of sprucing up the downtown area along the water. We ate and strolled along the Landing and got some ice cream for dessert. Happy parents that the young ones hung out with us. Usually it is just the two of us.

Then on Saturday, Lindsay and Tucker ate a late lunch with us. Tyler had to go out of town, so we ate on the Destin Harbor at a place called Boshamps. Great food! Tucker was in a right jolly mood and we enjoyed them immensely. We went back by Hobby Lobby before he got too tired for me to pick up some bells for carol stitches.

Today after church I went to check on Mother. You know when she doesn't come to church that she is feeling bad. She called early on to say she wasn't feeling well. She has not felt well for really the last couple of weeks. I am pretty sure she has a sinus infection, but getting her to go to the doctor is a task in itself. She has a regularly scheduled visit next week and says she wants to wait. I don't know about that.

Along those same lines, I will go ahead and share that my brother-in-law who has cancer decided two weeks ago to not take treatments anymore. I have been really trying to help cook along with my sister-in-law. I am hoping to make a favorite cake for him. His birthday is in a couple of weeks, but I have decided to go ahead and bake it tomorrow.

Life is a series of navigating the good along with the ugly. That is just plain and simply how it goes.

I started a few finishes on Saturday morning. I know that I am in no hurry to finish anything. When I get in a hurry, mistakes happen and I don't like the results.

Here is a sneak peek.

I will say I am not doing what I originally thought I would. They have taken a turn. I am not even sure that I am going to do all 8 the same.  We will just see what comes out of the room over time.

I stitched Lindsay a jack-o-lantern. It is from an older Just Cross Stitch magazine. The pattern was called Pumpkin Smiles.

I learned how to do a covered button. I just got lucky on the jack-o-lantern coming out pretty close to center.

Tucker was 10 months old on Saturday. Where is my little baby?

The shoes are way too big BTW.

I stitched on my blue jay piece today. I will share when I have some major progress on him.
I have decided I am going to frame the cotton boll piece. Now, to get it down to the framer's.

That is a wrap up of the weekend.
Time to plan for a new week,


  1. A lovely Halloween Ornament. The pumpkin is very cute with his smile.
    A wonderful photo from Tucker.
    Have a nice new week. Manuela

  2. Tucker is just sooo cute! Nearly a year already! That went really fast!

    The Pumpkin stitch for Lindsay is really nice, including the covered button! A very cheerful (and not scary) piece.

  3. Totally enjoyed reading your weekend wrap-up, Sandy! The Halloween ornament you stitched and finished for Lindsay is very cute. Spending time with your kids sounded great. Well, those 9 months have blown by quickly; I can't believe Tucker is 10 months. Seems like only yesterday you were sharing he had arrived.

  4. Yes, when the kids choose to be with you, that is the best feeling. We are going to see Charles and Nancy in Canton this weekend. Hoping to see Ben's crew over Labor day Weekend.

  5. Well, your Tucker is adorable and thanks for telling us his shoes are too big! I thought that child's feet are huge! LOL I always enjoy seeing your finishes and in-progress projects. Nice that you had such a good weekend with your kiddos! Wishing you many blessings in the week ahead!

  6. There he is sitting just like a big boy! He sure has grown in a hurry! Love that sweet pumpkin finish and all your pretty projects! I wanted to tell you that your comment on my post a few days ago about Hospice meant a lot to me. I've kept it in my inbox to read again for encouragement! What a sweet friend you are! Hugs, Diane

  7. Oh my gosh Tucker: You are so sweet.
    Sandy" The Pumpkin finish is lovely, the coordinating fabric is perfect.
    I do hope it is only a sinus problem, I know many people who have sinus problems from their air conditioners.
    I am looking forward to seeing what comes out of your room, the two pieces that you are showing are lovely.
    I understand what your brother in law is doing my two younger brothers did the same thing, I think the treatments are worse then the illness.
    It is always good to spend time with family.


  8. Aww... I love the photo of your "lil' pumpkin" with the pumpkin finish, Sandy! So adorable... And you did a great job on the finish. I was thinking the same thing--you don't really need to finish all of the carols the same way. I'm still debating on what color to use--there are too many great choices out there.

    So sorry to read about your brother-in-law. Sending prayers for your family at this difficult time ♥

  9. Sandy, I'm so sorry to hear the news about your BIL. I'm sure your SIL appreciates your help with cooking and baking his BD cake.
    Lil' Tucker is growing by leaps and bounds!! How adorable is he checking out Grandma's work!
    Did you get all the Carol's stitched already? I have to check on my order for them. I love the fabric and ribbon you have chosen.

    1. Forgot about the button, I love the covered button and so glad I tried it too. The button maker Arlene told me about was super easy!!

  10. Sandy, So sorry to hear about your BIL and your mom. I know this has to be hard.

    Your finish is wonderful, and the finishing so far on the Carols is looking great as well. Tucker is adorable as always. Judy

  11. Dear Sandy, I was so sorry to hear that your BIL decided to stop treatment. Were the treatments to hard on him? He is in my prayers everyday.

    I think your carols are coming along beautifully. I look forward to seeing them done.

    Your stitch for Lindsey is the covered button!

    Last but certainly not least is how adorable little Tucker is. He is growing so quickly. He's a blessing beyond words. RJ


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