
Monday, December 2, 2019

Thanksgiving Week Recap Part 1

Where do I begin on such a good week? The beginning...?

My husband and kiddos were off for the entire week ---perks of working for the school system. 
It began over the first weekend with some shopping for Thanksgiving prep and some Christmas gifts. Those weren't so fun other than Jeff and I just had fun knowing he was off and getting in the spirit.

On Monday, we drove out to Alys Beach to Tyler's (son-in-law) job site. He is working again on another condo on 30A. This particular beach community is not my favorite. It is a tad bit too planned and too sterile in its very rigid and strict codes. It is a rather rich zip code, so no worries of me ever having to worry about it. * I had a link to Alys Beach but I don't think it worked so you can Google it for pictures.

I like Grayton Beach and Seaside much better and of course, my beloved Fort Walton Beach.
We ate lunch right next to the building site and then walked over to it. We weren't able to tour because they were busy busy busy bees unloading the roofing materials. Maybe we will get a tour when it is finished.

As you can tell from the picture, the weather was fabulous. In fact, it was completely perfect all week.

The name of the restaurant was George's. It was all good. I had a delicious burger.

Jeff outside so I could show you the sign for it. It is right across the street from the water and next door  to the building site. That green wall in the background is part of a building site. Everything must be hidden from site while the construction is going on.
A crane was living materials up on the roof. Tucker enjoyed this.

And a picture of the family.

On Tuesday, Lindsay came into town and we visited the Eglin Armament Museum. Never too early too teach Tucker about history and maybe encourage an engineering career. Grammie will try at least.

He doesn't look all that interested, but we were anxious to get his picture. He really enjoyed the outside tour in his stroller of the airplanes. It was actually hot that day. I could have worn shorts. 

We walked around inside as well, but he was tired of his stroller by then.

Wednesday might have been decorating day. Shock! I am usually a hold out for Thanksgiving, but after all it is later this year and I was going to be out of town from Friday to Sunday. Lindsay said I should just quit fretting about it and do it. Half the Instagram World was decorated.

Actually we got the tree Tuesday night. The decorations went up on Wednesday. The banisters got their garland, the foyer got dressed, and the dining room. I hung the stockings and Jeff even helped with that. 
I still have to put some odds and ends out and tidy up the sewing room, set up a wrapping station, and  then the pictures will come. I have changed up a few things this year, but absolutely nothing new was purchased but the stockings. I just shifted some things around and dug deeper into the closets.

One more thing unrelated to this past week. Remember the "pajama pants?" I have them on today because it turned quickly cool again. It was 43 when I woke up so I put them on to go pick up Tucker and thought I might not remember to show them y'all again. 
Here are the pants Lindsay said looked like pajama pants. I have no make up and a t shirt so I looked lots better that day with a cute sweater and scarf.

It is hard to tell but they do have a wide wale and look corduroy, but they are pull on and comfy for layering over leggings, so even if you agree with her they are a definite GO for Sandy:)

Check back in tomorrow,


  1. Those slacks are just the kind I like. I think they look just fine and NOT like PJ pants! So there!! LOL It sounds like you had a lovely Thanksgiving. Lots of folks decorated early this year. I'm pretty sure you are glad it's done!

  2. Hey, I will take a pair of those pj pants too!!

  3. I have so much to catch up on but just had to run here to tell you this:


  4. Love that you took a picture of the pj pants. I think they look perfectly fine and if they're warm, that's a bonus! The pictures of all your outings look wonderful. And I have to say... I love the picture of Tucker with a little tear on his cheek. Too sweet.

    1. Yes, he doesn't like sitting in the high chairs.

    2. I noticed that tear too. And I do not see pajama pants at all. You have earned the right to wear what is comfortable.

  5. You have a beautiful family, Sandy. Glad you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving together.

  6. I like your 'pajama' pants! They look mighty comfy (and since I have some, know they are). I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your adventures. Will take a peek at the link later!

  7. Sandy: What a beautiful photo to post first, is that a little tear on Tuckers cheek? He is so adorable.
    I think your pants are fabulous, I love anything comfy, for twenty three years I had to wear suits to work, hanging out in yoga pants and jammy bottoms is my kind of relaxing clothing.
    I am still decorating, I hope to be finished today.

    P.S. You look beautiful with and without make-up


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