
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Thanksgiving Week Recap Part 2

Here we are at Thanksgiving Day where I have the fewest pictures because I was busy, but at the same time just soaking up family time. A recent event with a very close friend just reminded me how much I need to enjoy every good moment with my family. They are going through a very hard time this season with an illness and my heart hurts for them, but I have been reminded of just how important every moment is.

Thanksgiving morning I set out to get all my things in order so that I could make my two dishes to carry over to my sister-in-law's for the feast. Jeff smoked a ham on the grill and then fried a turkey. Coupled with my sister-in-law making a couple of dishes and her daughter's mother-in-law doing the same there is never a chance that it could be classified as anything less than a feast. Mother made a cake and that was that.
Too much food!

My niece Kristan who is my kids' only cousin came over early in the day because they have a new dog and he needed to meet Gus, the Springer and Lemony, the Golden. Gus and Scout, as he been named hit it off very well and ran and ran and ran to get all their energy out. I think Scout was tired. I don't think Gus has that word in his vocabulary.

Off to Aunt Donna's we went around noon and feasted.

While final preps were made getting it all laid out, Tyler and Torrey (niece's husband) took the twins (niece's kids) down to the dock to fish. Lindsay followed with Tucker and let me just say Tucker had no intention of not being where the action was.

She captured this adorable picture of the kiddos on the steps.

My how they have grown. We basically get to see them at Thanksgiving and in the summer because they live in Houston. Life has been about the twins and they are the star of the show when they arrive in town. We are a small family as I have no siblings and Jeff has one sister with one kid and one brother with no kids.
All that to say now Tucker is getting some of that limelight, but the twins didn't seem to mind.

The weather was beautiful and we ate outside on the porch and inside with the doors open.
Some played games and others like me sat in rockers and just enjoyed the great weather and view of which I didn't take one picture. Some continued to fish off the dock. 

Kristan, Katelyn, Uncle Al with Tucker and Lindsay who apparently wondered what I was doing. I like candid pictures. They show real life.

Paul Allen and Katie arrived later as they had to eat first with Katie's family. 

Mother enjoyed a round of Domino's.

She seems to be concentrating hard.

As I said I took few pictures and the day was way more fun than it looks. I really don't think anyone even missed the farm. 
We just enjoyed the family being together. I was a happy girl. I didn't have to host and I had all my chickadees this year.

Tomorrow we will have one last post on the week with LOTS of pictures.


  1. Looks like a great time was had by all.

  2. Having all of your Chickadees with you is the best part!! Sounds wonderful!!

  3. Pictures of real life -- I enjoyed them. I had to chuckle when you said Gus doesn't have the word "tired" in his vocabulary.
    Great post with beautiful family. Tucker sure is a cutie!

  4. Love the shot with Tucker and the Twins! Sandy, I enjoyed the pictures you shared of the real life happenings, but I am glad you took the time to enjoy and store the visual memories. It sounded like everyone had a wonderful time through the your words if that makes sense.

  5. PS I meant to say yesterday and then forgot again today that I like your new blog header.

  6. Sandy: I bet you had a beautiful time with your family.
    I love domino's its is always relaxing to sit and play games after a big meal.

    Have a wonderful day

  7. I have some catching up to do! So glad you've posted so many pictures this week of your family. You have a beautiful family, and what a lovely time it appears you had for Thanksgiving. Is that dominoes game Chicken Foot? We've played with that configuration with my husband's family and that's what I'm remembering. Or maybe that's how dominoes always looks. Before Chicken Foot, I honestly don't think I'd ever played dominoes before.

  8. Lovely post, Sandy! Looks like a wonderful family time!


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