
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter 2020

Where does one begin to document these days? I find sometimes there is nothing to compare it to, so I given up on that measure. I am now just trying to navigate the days ahead and not focus on the uncertainty.
A month or so ago, I looked forward to Easter not just because it is significant in my love for the Lord, but the fact that my first grandchild was old enough to maybe think about hunting an egg.

He hunted eggs, but I only saw via FaceTime and photos though I am eternally grateful for those phones.

Here we are at the end of Easter and I missed my family dinner, but yet Easter was very meaningful.

Here are a few highlights of the weekend. I am so grateful for my church. The staff has worked so hard to make the online portion wonderful for all ages.

This picture was sent for them to make one of those photo collages of the workers.

I picked up Mother Friday evening and brought her over for supper. Jeff and I until a few weeks ago went out each Friday night for Mexican. We had several restaurants that we rotated through. Friday I told Jeff it was time to recreate our Friday Mexican suppers. Mother approved.

We then had a Communion service.

The elements prepared...

Mother moved her chair close when the first hymn was "Jesus Paid It All." I think she approved of the music.

I haven't hugged Mama in over a month and we haven't even had a family celebration for her 85th birthday in March. There is going to have to be some parties and hugging at a later date.

On Saturday, I took a walk with Gus and it was a bird extravaganza right on our street. Cardinals which I love love love, a woodpecker, a bluebird (they only appear here in spring or at least it is the only time I see them) and for the extra special one...a whole group of baby bluejays. I wish I could have gotten a picture, but I am lousy at it and they wouldn't let me get close enough anyway. I wasn't sure what they were until I saw Mama.

Sunday morning, I did get up early. There was no pretty sunrise like usual. It was extremely overcast, but pleasant temperatures so I sat outside on the deck and listened to some wonderful music. 

I later went in and dressed in the first white pants of the season. Y'all know I am strict about my fashion rules.

We all took pictures to send each other that we were watching church online. Again, I couldn't get over how great the staff had worked on activities after the service for the kids. They had a good thirty minutes of games and such for them.

Jeff and I worked together to make lunch. I had set the table for two in the kitchen with the good dishes minus a cloth napkin.

I think we might have put up such a poor mouth that Paul Allen and Katie did come eat a bite, but wouldn't come anywhere near us.

They did take a picture in their back yard for us. I suppose they set a timer.

Mother wasn't feeling well today, so I didn't get her out today. 

Lindsay and Tyler did a great job of being parents with Tucker today.

The Easter bunny brought him a few things including some sunshades.

Jeff and I drove out to the beach this afternoon just to get out. It is so strange not to see a car in sight at the hotels. It is eerily quiet out there. We have a couple in our small group who in live in a condo right on the beach and they aren't even allowed out there.

Strange times indeed. 
I don't even know what to make of it. 
I have enjoyed the slowness when I tune out the world and what could happen. 
I miss my family gatherings. 
My senses seemed to be heightened this year for Easter and I am so grateful.

I managed to stitch on two things this weekend which I will share later in the week. I worked on a beach one that I am planning to gift and I pulled the bluejays back out after seeing the babies.

Easter 2020 documented. 


  1. What a beautiful home you have, Sandy. And that wall of glass front shelves in your dining room makes me sigh. So glad you posed there for the shot of you in your white pants. :) It was quiet here today too - and was just the two of us. I made au gratin potatoes and asparagus and served it with slices of ham. Very simple, but kind of a traditional Easter meal. Our small group met on Zoom, and that was about it! Certainly not a normal Easter, but I think the only thing I regret is that we couldn't get all our sons together to also celebrate oldest son's birthday that is tomorrow. Today would have been a perfect time for that...

  2. Oh Sandy, Tucker has grown up. Yes, at that age you can already go looking for eggs, that's always fun.
    Yes, it is a difficult time, I also watched the Pope and the Way of the Cross on TV, a strange mood. But I am also grateful that so many pastors and priests put their masses online and that they can be followed.
    I hope you have a nice Easter anyway, stay healthy, Martina

  3. It's so sad that you couldn't be with Tucker but thankfully with technology you could still share part of the day with him.
    I hope you don't take this the wrong way but this past summer I had 4 pairs of white pants that I wore and I gave them all to Good will this past Fall. I looked at a photo of my Mom with all her nursing buddies that I took 10 years ago and each of them were wearing white pants!! I decided it was an old lady outfit and got rid of all my white pants!! I love black and white paired together and you look very nice in yours but they are banned from my wardrobe. Now, what to wear??? I may regret this decision!!
    YOur dining room wall of cabinetry is just stunning!!! I'm glad you had a nice Easter and what a thrill to see so many different birds. Stay well....

  4. Sandy, thank you for sharing your Easter. I enjoyed reading and seeing your pictures. It sounded like a lovely walk with Gus, plus seeing all the birds. Be well and safe and have a good week!

  5. I do like your fashion notes! Do you also observe no white shoes after Labor Day? I also like black white combos.

    This year Easter was strange. Alone, son alone, so we sent pix, he if the Easter eggs he usually assembles, plastic eggs stuffed with jellybeans and tiny chocolate eggs, and I sent my Easter decorations, dolls, painted eggs, animals, little porcelain pieces.

    It was surprisingly nice. I promised us a Victory Dinner when we can safely do it, complete with chocolate.

    1. I think we are all going to feel the need to do a victory dinner to make up for some lost time. I wouldn't wear white shoes until Easter either. I don't own a pair at the moment. When I was younger or worked I would usually have a pair of white more casual shoes, but I just haven't gotten any lately. I tend to go with colors or just a tan sandal these days.

  6. I am so glad you got to see Tucker look for eggs rather than just about and see still photos! I mentioned on another post that I feel glad we don't have little ones to miss all the milestones with. Our "normal" with our grown-up grands is texting and phone calls so that normal hasn't changed for us. I sure do miss our church and church family. We will get back to it!! Stay well!!

  7. Beautiful post. I too have been more aware of Easter in this quiet and stillness. God is using this opportunity to reach out to us in many ways. I hope many will pay attention. Praying for those in the path of these storms today. Oh, I don't wear white pants anytime. My fair complexion just doesn't look good in white, and my lower half would be too accentuated to wear white, and it doesn't need any more accentuation. LOL. Oh, and my feet are too big to wear white shoes. Those are my excuses and I stick to them. LOL. You look great in white, however!! Have a blessed week!

  8. So glad you are still getting to see your mom, Sandy! Mine is just stuck in her senior living apartment all alone--not allowed to have visitors or leave (if she does, she can't return until the lockdown is over). It's really wearing on her, I can tell. So sorry you weren't able to see little Tucker--just can't believe how much he's grown. He looks darling in his little blue sunsuit (at least, that's what we used to call them when my boys were small). He looks so cool in his "shades," too!

    I love wearing white pants, but usually hold off until at least mid-May up north. It's just too chilly right now. They are so easy to wear any color top with which is why I love them :) Your wall of built-ins in the dining room is stunning! Wow! I can't imagine having all that storage space.

    Our Easters were different this year, but ones we will never forget! I think it's going to be quite a while before things are even near normal... Take care now and enjoy your week ♥

  9. I would find it just very hard to live in a beach condo but not allowed to walk on "my" portion of the beach. Yes indeed, these days are very odd in so many ways and I am thinking life may never go back to quite the way it was before COVID got here.

    Trust in the Lord is our saving grace, no matter what the challenge.

    I enjoyed your pictures. Your bayou is beautiful.

  10. Your grandson is adorable, how nice that he still gets to enjoy Easter. There is a great shortage of eggs in the markets around here, we are all hunting for them :-)

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