
Thursday, April 9, 2020

Finally, a Stitching Post

I am doing my stitching post finally and very soon after my gardening post. I am doing so because I am going to focus on Easter starting tomorrow. I will pop into my blogs and check once a day to see if anyone posts, but other than that I am letting all other computer activities go until next week.

Wow, my stitching has been all over the place. I am usually a one stitch at a time. I lose focus when I skip around. I have no FOCUS at all right now, so I allowed myself to just stitch all over the place.

I don't think with the mindset that it will be a bad thing. Nothing that I have started or worked on do I think will get left behind forever. I want to eventually finish all of them very much and many more.

I have said I never have a lack of things I want to stitch and really tried to stay away from being too lured in with new purchases this spring when everyone was showing their wares.

All that said, here is what I have been doing, not doing, and thinking about.

Have Stitched....

I made one purchase from the spring line up. The blue bird by Heart in Hand. Actually, Faye of Carolina Stitcher showed the fully finish of this and that was what got me.

Along with the red bird they are awaiting a full finish.

 Guess what? With all my fabric stash there is absolutely nothing in there that matches. Part of it is the muted colors that were called for. I placed them in the project box and when life settles down a wee bit, I will make a dash to the quilt store and check out their fat quarter bins which is where I usually find the best stuff. Hubby suggested a yellow to go with blue bird and I think he could be right.

Mrs. T from Across My Kitchen Table sent me the PERFECT sunflower button to finish my bunny. I can't wait to have this on display this summer.

I am still working on the blue jays, but they take intense concentration so I am just not there on some days. Just to let you know where I was going with all these birds. I wanted to do three of them and put them in the master bedroom in the Auburn house. Mockingbird, bluejays, and a third one.
I haven't chosen the third one. I am torn between the orioles, bottom right of the pattern below, OR

the chickadees below. I am leaning towards the chickadees. It could change many times. 
Remember I said 2020 was the year of the large stitches. I have the linen already for this third one.

One day and it probably won't be in 2020, I would very much to like to stitch these birds. I would love them for myself, but I thought I might do them for Lindsay. I have the linen purchased and she doesn't know about it so I feel no pressure.

They are pretty big and would look amazing in her home.

I also started the Eagle Has Landed on this chart. I have the shuttle done and framed and this was always in the plan to do another one. Stitching on black may undo me and there is no way I can stitch on this only and not do something else along the way. It would kill me, but I want this one done really bad.

I also started a new one this week.

I told you I was all over the place. I have had this one for ages, but hadn't purchased linen. I pulled out some Aida and this is just such fun stitching and kinda what I needed in my state of mind as of late.

I have always loved this verse and My Big Toe has such great patterns. I have another one that I am eyeing that says, "This too shall pass." I grew up with my Aunt Faye saying that and it seems rather timely right now. I think I will eventually get it and stitch it. 
I was at her house back before Christmas and spied a stitch I had done for her decades ago. I had completely forgotten that one. Made me happy that she still has it.

I have 9 project bags loaded so you have only seen a few ideas. I have a bag with patriotic, summery, fall, and Christmas so you can see there is no lack of ideas. I am not even looking at new...

Oh and there is an idea is this oldie but goldie that I maybe would like to do for Katie. I had a short sleeve version of this shirt that I did and wore in the 90s. 

Let's round the stitching up. I have made a basket of masks for giving out. I sent one over to my sister-in-law and a really good friend yesterday. I am prepared for those that need one as we go.

I then cleaned up my fabric stash cabinet. It is all tidy and makes me feel happy seeing it. I have two bins with small pieces too. 
I don't think I will be so quick to throw things out again. I had plenty of elastic in my stash due to being that  "can't get rid of stuff" kind of person.

I will leave you with this sweetie because I am missing him this week something awful.

Who couldn't love Chik Fila lemonade?

This the fourth post in one week. Probably won't happen again.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter.


  1. Your Bluebird finish looks great, Sandy! I ordered this one, but probably won't get to it much before June. Your Longerberger basket is a good keeper of the masks. Hmmm, I like both the Chickadees and the Orioles that you are deciding on, but I am leaning toward the Orioles today. I LOVE the picture of Tucker. Thinking of you and wishing you a peaceful Easter weekend.

  2. Oh I love the Big Toe chart. I did three of the same Big Toe birth samplers for my girls. ( For this Child I have prayed) I am starting the blue bird today. So glad I had the called for DMC. I thought of changing it to a fancy floss but I love the muted blue. I am usually all into color but this one is perfect as charted. Like you, I might have to wait to finish it until I can go to Patches and Stitches. Have a blessed Easter Dear Friend.

  3. That little boy is SO adorable!! "This Too Shall Pass" is a good mantra!! It is always fun to see your stitching!

  4. Your stitching projects sounds so wonderful.
    Happy Easter to you and your family.

  5. Sandy, I love both of the bird stitches. I vote chickedees because they are such happy little birds that you see all year round. I love the Great Blue Heron!!! That would be a huge project but it is stunning. The herons are back here and I love seeing them. Such magnificent birds. I would love a Chick fil a lemonade now...Tucker is enjoying his!! Happy Easter!

  6. Gotta start off with that CUTE picture of Tucker! I just wanna reach into my computer screen to scoop him up and give him a big hug. He is darling!

    My Big Toe -- love the verse and I applaud you for even attempting such an intricate pattern. I did a Christmas ornament in 2018 that was sort of like the squares you've made and I had to 'unstitch' it a couple of times to make it come out right. I thought it would be easier than that but I sure struggled!

    Love the old cross stitch magazines. Wish they were still in print! But with that said, I would probably never stitch a shirt like the cute on the cover. Can you imagine the grief you'd feel if you spilt something making a permanent stain on a shirt after so much work?

  7. P.S. Ah, but that's why we were aprons, right?!!! And I am faithful to wear my apron!

  8. Sandy: That is one big lemonade.
    I love all your choices, the patterns of birds and the shirt are in my stash library, I have stitched many of Paula's bird designs, I have a small half bath with all bird designs stitched over the years.
    Stay Healthy


  9. I am just like you, Sandy--absolutely no focus these days. It is ridiculous--I can hardly make myself sit down to comment on blogs! And forget posting--maybe next week :) I am one of those people who does much better with schedules, deadlines, etc.

    Your birds are both so beautiful! And I can't wait to see what bird you choose next. I'm leaning toward the chickadees. I think I have that chart in an old JCS magazine. But, whatever you pick it will be wonderful. Your masks look great. I'm not pleased with the fit of the one I made for myself--my head is too small or something and there are gaps. So I may try another pattern this weekend.

    Wishing you and your family a blessed Easter weekend--and hope you get to see your little cutie-pie very soon ♥


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.