
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

A Hodgepodge Post

I will start with a stitch for stitching friends dropping by. After finishing the blue jays and before starting the next one, I decided a small was in order.

I found a freebie here...
It is quite small and would be very cute done on 40 count for a corner of a decorative pillow with just a wee bit of stitching on it, but I was looking for a filler in a basket or so I thought...

This is done on 28 count laguna with DMC colors that were called for in the pattern.

Here she is finished up in a small pillow. I went pulling out all my summery smalls to see what I had and if a bowl was in order or just scattered around the house.

I keep all my smalls of all seasons except Christmas in Lindsay's dresser. It is quite fun to pull open the drawers and see all the work from my hands. I think most of these will come out over the course of the summer and be scattered about over the house. I don't really have a look for a bowl yet or at least I don't think.

We will see.

I am planning to stitch a somewhat smaller patriotic stitch that has been sitting in the wings for far too long. I think it is time to get her done.

Lady Liberty in progress.

My current thought is she will be done in a flat fold. I am trying to get the skirt done first as I think the remainder of the stitching will go fast once that is done. 
Then I have a summer piece started that I need to finish and then back to the birds. 

Sunday was the first time I have had all my chickadees under my roof at the same time. That was the very best present ever. 

We celebrated Mother's 85th birthday which happened in March as all the Big C thing got started. 

She would most likely be upset if she knew I was posting it for two reasons ---she is convinced all forms of social posting is a bad idea and second she is ready for a haircut!!!
A Dorothy Hamill cut is what she sports.

Lindsay made her an adorable sign to take her picture with.

Y'all pictures of Mom are all I took. I was just so happy to have the family together. WE were under the 10 rule!

We made good food and desserts and I got my grocery store roses which I have told the kids is all I ever want.

I made Arlene's pimento cheese and some bacon jam and even some homemade bread. I was on a roll. Recipes that I used are linked with the names of the item.

I also made two pies.

I know it was Mother's Day but I told them I wanted to. They did the rest.

An update on Lindsay's friends and the fire. I am completely amazed at the goodness that has taken place. Lindsay and her friends raised $6,000 to help them get a rental and some new furniture and so forth. The insurance company has come out and said they will rebuild. Now, I don't know how quickly all that will take place, but the money raised will help them get set up while they wait. Continue to pray for them. I know the young man is taking it pretty hard. Lindsay said a piece of ash landed in the seat next to L as she drove away so she was frightened and knew it would not be there. T didn't have that plus his grandmother died and he had a funeral to go to, so a lot to swallow at one time.

It just reminds me how grateful we need to be for every good thing we have. Life is short and not always easy.

A quick pic to leave you with. This is just too cute not to share.

Tucker trying on PaPa's shoes. The background is good too. Shells on the floor, a dog bone, a toy turned upside down, the mop because that is his favorite toy, and a frozen lasagna dish in the living room that none other than Gus got off the counter and brought into the living room. Real life!!!

Take care,


  1. Sandy, loved each one of the photos, but that last one is still making me giggle. Thank you for keeping it real! Happy belated birthday wishes to your Mother! I am glad you were able to spend time with your family. Your little quilt block finish is adorable. Enjoy your Tuesday!

    1. Thank you Robin. My comments again quit coming to my email. Blogger has been going nuts lately.

  2. Sandy: That pillow is beautiful, perfect fabric with perfect color threads.
    Lady Liberty is beautiful.
    What a fun time by all, your Mother is adorable.
    Tucker sure is cute with the shoes and mop, it is amazing what children like to play with.
    That cheese and jam look yummy.
    Stay Healthy


    1. Thank you Catherine. I made lots of progress on Lady Liberty since the picture.

  3. Well I am going to have to try that bacon jam. Sounds delish. Your little pillow is perfect and I love seeing all your patriotic stitches. I will bring my things out right before Memorial Day. It is like greeting old friends. Tucker Man is too cute....and Lindsay looks so much like you Sandy!! A beautiful family including your lovely mama.

    1. I am kind of itching to put them out, but I am going to wait a little bit longer. They are some of my favorites to display.

  4. I love that newest little cross stitch you made - and the pillow you made it into the cute as can be. I have this idea I'd like to have a collection of patriotic cross stitch thingies, but I'm thinking got back to cross stitch too late to make very many. Thank you for the link. I've saved it for when I have printer ink (soon, I hope). I found some adorable patterns there I'd like to make.

    How great that you had all your family together on Mother's Day. I know things are slowly opening up here, but I'm not keeping up on all the rules as we'll be "physical distancing" for longer due to DH having knee surgery (soon, we hope), and we don't want to chance getting sick and surgery getting set back, or healing up being complicated. Tucker is a cutie, and looks like he's been "sun-kissed". What a great picture of him and Lindsay (and all the background - lol).

    1. The family encounter is really the first human contact I have had. I went to the grocery store the other day for the very first time and kind of was shocked. I also went to the outside of Lowe's once to get some plants but hardly anyone was there when I went. It was so good to be with them. I have kept Tucker this week so I am enjoying him again. The plan is daycare in August which I am sure he needs for socialization but I am glad I am a back up just in case.
      That site had another patriotic piece that was free ...a flag. I printed it for maybe next year. It has taken me a couple of years to amass those stitches. I add a little bit along the way.

    2. I imagine having Tucker this summer will make the days flow with a welcome rhythm.

    3. Most definitely. I am hanging on a little higher too knowing he will start daycare in August. It has definitely shocked me back into a schedule though.

  5. Oh Sandy, what a lovely little motif. Perfect finish. Thank you for the link.
    A very cute photo from Tucker.

    1. Thanks. The link had quite a few freebies.

  6. What fun to have everyone there for mother's day. And your mother is beautiful. Wish her a happy birthday from me. No need to mention how I found out!

    I really like your seasonal stitch projects, bringing them out to display. It's very homey. I bet your relatives appreciate it as a part of the rhythm of the family.

    1. She is quite funny about social media. A few of her siblings have gotten into trouble for posting pictures of her. She is convinced it is all not a good idea. We are very close and it is the ONLY thing I can think of that I have kept a secret from her.... the blog. She is a spunky little lady and in really good health except for sinus issues.
      I started all the little seasonal stitching smalls when I retired coming up on 6 years ago. I have enjoyed putting them out with each season. The kids have noticed which makes me happy.

  7. This was such a happy post! Happy 85th birthday to your sweet mom, even if you can't tell her how we know about it! LOL. She looks lovely and I know she had a wonderful day, just being with the family is enough, isn't it? I've been praying for Lindsay's friends who lost everything. May the Lord continue to provide for them and give them peace and comfort during this very difficult time in their lives. May He restore everything even better than before. I love the last photo...we need to share "real life"...not the cleaned up perfect magazine variety. And your little stitchery pillows for summer are so cute. I am amazed at how you can do such tiny needlework! They are really really cute. Thank you for sharing your special days with us. This was wonderful.

  8. What a happy day everybody in your family had! Great pictures. Your mom looks very good. As for Tucker, he's got some really big shoes to fill! (smile)

  9. It is so nice that you got to celebrate your mom's birthday together, Sandy. She looks lovely.

    1. Thank you. She is something else and was definitely surprised.

  10. It was wonderful that you were able to celebrate your Mother's big milestone!! Happy Birthday!!! Tucker is too precious in those shoes!! I love your little stitch. I just received a copy of the HOD design Thank you and it had a star with a checkerboard design on the interior that I am going to make for my patriotic tree. Just thought I'd share that in case you want to make another small star.

    1. I am trying to finish up Lady Liberty this year. She will be the last of my patriotic stitches. I want to finish up a couple of those that you sent last year for later summer displays next. So much I want to stitch. I never have enough time to do all I want to do because I like getting outside too. I also am asking myself where I am going to put all these stitched items too:)


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