
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Blue Jays and Trials

I finally finished the blue jays. I really thought when I finished them yesterday morning that I would be writing a light hearted post last night about the stitching these birds. However, lots of things can happen in a quick amount of time, so I have more to document and share than just bird stitching.

I am going to share the birds first for those that just visit for stitching and then I will do a life post after the birds.

I am very pleased with them.

These patterns are just so incredible. There are lots of color changes so not for the faint of heart, but it  is those color changes that make the birds so life-like. How do I keep my sanity with those color changes and detailed patterns?
With this bad boy....

I got this over 35 years ago. It is magnetic board and strips of magnets. The different sizes come in handy. The longer strip for a long line, but often the short ones are good to for marking a line of stitching in a different direction.  

The birds will be framed in a similar manner as the mocking bird and go in the master bedroom at the Auburn house. The original plan is to do three of them and that is still the plan. I have waffled back and forth between two patterns you have seen, but I have decided to go with a third pattern I haven't shared. I will not share that today. I will save that for a later post, but it has been kitted and ready to go.

You know I have only one complaint on the stitching of the birds. I love the look of the linen I used but it is some seriously flimsy linen. If I had a do over I would have chosen something different, but it is pretty.

I plan to do a couple of patriotic and summer smalls before I start  the next bird.  Now, I have to tell you I got tired along the way and was beginning to procrastinate. It really probably had lots to do with the current life situation we find ourselves in, but one night I just thought I really need to get them done. I seen blue jays almost everyday on my neighborhood walks with the mocking birds and another (hint hint). Then there appeared to be a family of blue jays with babies flying around in the trees next door. I watched and it was if they were cheering me on to get this stitch done.

I have spoken before about sitting in my sewing room and watching out the windows at the birds in the trees. They are often seemingly unaware of me, but I love watching them. One day the blue jay came and parked right on the fence while I was stitching. I began to enjoy the last days of stitching this one. Like I said, they were cheering me on!!!


Now, for life...

Yesterday, news was breaking all day long here of fires in the counties to the east and west of us. If you know anything about the Florida Panhandle, the counties are all lined up running from the border of Alabama to the waters of the Gulf Coast. We are number three coming from the little tip of Alabama. Our county is familiar with forest fires with controlled burns. Our county is largely military reservation so you rarely hear about out of control fires. Santa Rosa County to our west had a very large fire going on all day that they were dubbing the Five Mile Swamp fire. It was largely along the water with a lot of saw grass area and forests around the bay and bayous.

Jeff and I were getting ready to do our weekly Zoom meeting with our church small group when Lindsay called with horrible news. One of her very good friends lives in Walton County which is to our east. The little village she lives in is Santa Rosa Beach. There are tons of things named Santa Rosa all along the Panhandle.  A fire had broken out between Highway 98, the major road that runs parallel to the coast across our area and 30A where the friend lives.

Lindsay's friend had time only to grab the baby, the diaper bag, her purse, and the dogs and flee. She didn't even have time to buckle the baby in. They were screaming for them to flee. Her husband was at work in Destin.

Tyler, my son-in-law works on 30A less than a mile from the friends house. They had to leave north and drive all around the bay to get to Fort Walton Beach where her parents live. That is a long drive to be reconnected.

They did indeed lose their home. Their entire street on one side is ash on a slab. Today it was released that it started due to a "illegal burn" and an eminent arrest is slated.

My son has a good friend, (another fixture at our home growing up) that is a fire fighter in Walton County. He said it was burning so hard and so fast (the wind was crazy yesterday all day) that they would just have to give up a house and move down to try and save the next one. I know there are many exhausted young men today.

I would just ask that you pray for the couple. Their baby was a year old in early March. I mentioned her here a little over a year ago because she was born very prematurely. They spent 8 weeks in Pensacola with her. Lindsay remembered that she had been released a year ago this week because it was on Cinco de Mayo. That is a lot to take in. Lindsay and all her friends have amazed me at the action they put in motion to help them so they are being taken care of, but a lost home during all of this just plain hard.

I mentioned our church small group meeting because we had put together this topic last night based around this idea that I found in a devotional.
"Let's choose to see inconveniences as an invitation to participate in God's plan." by Kayla Ferris
The devotional used the idea that you look at a favorite story in the Bible and look for two things. First, look for the "wonderful". This is anything that demonstrates the goodness and greatness of God. Second, look for the inconvenience. An inconvenience could be something difficult, painful or messy that takes place along the way. The author notes that in doing this exercise she began to notice that the path to wonder in God was often inconvenient.
She used the story from 2 Chronicles 9 of the Queen of Sheba to illustrate the point. Her points included that the trip to see King Solomon for answers was costly, long, and dangerous...completely inconvenient, but completely worth it. King Solomon answered all of her questions and she said to him, "Blessed be the Lord your God, who has delighted in you and set you on His throne for the Lord your God!" The Queen of Sheba gave credit were credit was due and and witnessed the greatness of God.
Now, I know I am totally watering down and simplifying all of this, but I thought it worth noting that was the topic and I feel I know how to pray for Lindsay's friend and her little family.

The devotional went on to say that is hard to be inconvenienced, but often it is that pain or inconvenience that brings us into the wonder of God.  I do pray that for L & T!

We gave our small group an assignment to share their favorite story next week looking for the wonderful and the inconvenience in the story. I look forward to their response, because we can all use reminders that God is in control in times that make no sense at all.

IF you made it to the end, please say some prayers on this national day of prayer along with many others for our nation.



  1. Oh, I am SO sorry to hear about this horrible tragedy for this family. Praying for them now, that God will supply all their need, and give them comfort and strength for the days ahead. How awful that would be to lose everything in their home. But they have each other and they are safe. Praying now that God will help them to rebuild in time, but to just be safe and rest in His arms for now. Now, your blue jays are beautiful! You did such a great job! We are seeing a lot of Blue Jays here lately. They are beautiful birds, but they don't really let you get a good visit with them. They are too busy flying about. You know, I thought about you when I heard about the fires up that way. I didn't know exactly where you lived, but I knew it was in the Panhandle and therefore too close for comfort. Praying they can get those fires out soon. We need rain so badly. We will pray for rain as we also pray for your friends and for all the region there. Stay safe.

    1. We do need rain. It has been quite dry. Thank you for your prayers. I mentioned it because I know I have prayer warriors out there. I think they will be ok. They had insurance and family close by, but that loss is so just hard initially.
      Blue jays are definitely not as friendly as the others but they have been fun to watch. I could never get a real close look at the babies. I don't think I had ever seen baby blue jays. I thought it ironic that I was stitching a baby bluejay when I saw them.

  2. I heard about the fires but didn't know where they were. I hate to hear this but I'm glad they got out and are alive and well. What a terrible tragedy! I'll keep everyone in my prayers. Sweet hugs, Diane

    1. Thank you Diane. We need some rain and I think we may get our wish soon. Just no winds with it is what I say. It is rare for us to have the fires, but I think this one was something that got away - manmade.

  3. So sorry to hear about the hardship that little family has to face. And the notion of the wonderful and the inconvenient all arriving together is the great Shakuhashi concept: nothing is an interruption to our lives. Everything that happens is simply part of life. It's like a great area of fabric with slubs and smooth threads, thick and thin places. I like thinking about this.

    1. It is just part of life...the ups and downs. I know they will be fine. They have family and insurance, but it is just the initial shock of so much lost.

  4. Your blue birds are lovely and I will surely pray for L & T. What a tragic story. Thanks for letting us know so we can pray for them.

    1. I know I have prayer warriors. I know they will ok. They have family and insurance, but it has been a hard year for them.

  5. Your blue jays are just spectacular, Sandy. Your description of these patterns not being for the faint of heart makes me feel better. I've only made the smaller birds so far, and while I don't consider the patterns challenging to look at and understand, to work all those color changes is another thing altogether. I'm working my way up to the larger pictures...

    I am so sorry to read about the fires and these friends of your children. How frightening, and what loss! And at the same time, what saving grace they experienced! They'll have a story that will hopefully pass down through their progeny. I'll be praying tonight for them to come to see this hardship as "an invitation to participate in God's plan". And will pray for others who are affected by the fires.

    1. Thanks for the prayers. I know they will be ok, but such a shock to the system.
      Those patterns are so pretty though. I am actually excited about starting the next one, but I did stitch a small last night. I will share soon.

  6. The birds are so beautiful. Great finish.

  7. Got your email this morning and then went straight to this post. What a story. I am sooo sorry for Linday's friends and what they're going through. Have already begun to pray for them. Glad they got out safe.

    The Bible lesson is intriguing. I will ponder that. Thanks for sharing it. I know I will realize truth in it as I apply it to my own experiences.

    The bird stitching is beautiful.Not sure I could do them as you have. They are a marvel to study. You are so talented and keep your stitches in line! I have the metal boards with strips and cannot stitch without them.

    1. I am glad your family is safe as well. I hope we get some much needed rain soon, but it looks as though most will be on the peninsula. I just want some rain not winds.
      I thought the devotional was very interesting. I plan to do my hunt for my story later today. I have a few that come to mind to read and plan my sharing around. If it is worth sharing I will share next week.

  8. Sandy, Congrats on plowing through with the help of your bluebirds cheering you on and getting the stitch completed. It is a beauty!! I'm looking forward to seeing what stitch will make up the trio.
    How terrifying an experience for Lindsey's friend. I'm so glad they were able to get out safely but how horrible for them to lose their home. I will keep them in my prayers.

    1. I have really never seen a family of blue jays or babies. I could never get close enough to really see them. The one did land on the fence outside my window and gave me quite a show. I wonder if they see me? I am actually pretty excited to start the new one, but I did do a small patriotic one last night and want to finish the On Beach Time before I start it.
      Thanks for the prayers. They do have insurance and family close by, but the initial shock of that is just so hard.

  9. I have plenty of prayers going, Sandy. I remember traveling on 30A when we were in Rosemary Beach. Love your bluebirds. Stay safe and stay healthy. Happy Mother's Day!

    1. Thank you Katie, it is just a beautiful place with so much to offer in the way of landscape. This was just a little bit west of where y'all stayed:) I recognized all your pictures! They had insurance and have family close, but prayers for just such a loss is greatly appreciated. Happy Mother's Day to you as well!

  10. Well done on your Blue Jays finish, Sandy! They are going to look awesome on your wall. A tip for your linen -- give it a light spray with Best Press which should help with your flimsy linen. Praying for Lindsey's friend and her family. May they find strength and comfort in the Lord during this time of trial and inconvenience. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanks for the tip. I will definitely try it. The look of it is awesome, but it is just a Hobby Lobby piece and it is the lightest stuff I have ever used. I want to continue the next one to keep the look.
      Thanks, I know I have prayer warriors out there.

  11. I am late in commenting this am as the rain and thunder made it easy for us to stay in our cozy bed. lol Love those blue jays and they will look amazing on your wall at the Auburn house. You did a great job of stitching that. I stopped at HL yesterday and picked up some 28 count even weave for a project. I find I really like their brand for smaller things. I have a love/ hate relationship with Prayers for all affected by the fires in Florida. I saw this am that another person died from their injuries in the Chatsworth tornado. God is using his megaphone...hope people will hear it and respond to Him.

    1. You are so right about the megaphone. I do sincerely hope people are listening. Birth pangs I say and the hard ones.I have always said I needed a LNS for the sole purpose of holding and looking at linens up close. I like an evenweave, but with holes big enough to see. You think you have gotten this until you get it and then you realize there is some other thing you wanted. We could use some of that rain. It was cooler today so maybe it will make it here. It has been an amazing spring here though.

  12. Sandy: Your Blue Jays are beautiful, I do like the fabric color, it lets the colors of the birds stand out perfectly.
    I am so sad this has happened to your friends, it is amazing how close they came to losing their lives.
    If we do not have inconvenience how are we to truly enjoy what the Lord has generously given to us.
    I hope this pandemic is almost over and hope all stay well.
    Stay Healthy


    1. You are so right! I know that God will use this time and this tragedy to show us His might.I do think the linen has shown off the birds... I want to use the same despite its weight to finish them off.

  13. Loved this post, Sandy! The blue jays are amazing and no, I would never even attempt something with so many color changes. If I ever finish this house clean-out and we get things organized here at our own place, I want to do more cross stitching. I've always enjoyed it. Embroidery too.

    So thankful that Lindsay's friends are safe. This is a hard loss, but such a good reminder that earthly things are only temporary. I will pray for them.

    How intriguing is the premise for that devotional? The very first thing that came to mind was the birth of Jesus. That was incredibly inconvenient for Mary and also for Joseph -- yet what a wonder (for the entire world) resulted from that!

    Also wanted to ask you -- have you seen the Popsicle Space Card on my Wednesday Hodgepodge post? I was wondering if you have ever seen these or if you may have even collected them as a kid. I don't remember ever seeing them before, but three different ones were tucked in with some books at my childhood home. From looking a bit online, it seems there was a set of thirty or so total that kids could collect.

    1. I am so behind on my blog reading. I love reading blogs about as much as anything, but Mom has been sick and I started back keeping Tucker this week and I am just completely pooped. Imagine that! I am headed over there right now to see the cards AND catch up.
      I love the Mary and Joseph - it fits the idea perfectly.


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