
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

A Random Assortment of Things

I am popping in with a cross stitch finish and trying not to be a complainer. The blog is a happy place, an escape from the mess and a place to record good things, so that is what I will do today.

2020 has been the year of stitching larger pieces, but June has been for doing some smaller quicker projects.

I completed my September wordplay. I am not sure how I am going to fully finish it just yet, but I have some time to ponder it. Being that is school themed and my birth month I almost am tempted to frame it. Probably won't, but definitely want to think about it for awhile.

 I have done two others and while I absolutely love these patterns I don't think I will do anymore.

I don't think I will do more than these three because I have a good many fall small stitches. That is probably my largest lot. I have about 4 more fall stitches kitted up, so no real place to put the fall ones. I have all the Christmas decor I can handle, so if it doesn't hang on a tree I don't think I have a place to put it. I just don't do winter scenes. It is not like I hate winter. I don't. For the most part winter here is mild and kind of fun to wear some winter clothes for a couple of months...or at least some of the time. I just have never been able to muster up the motivation for stitching snowmen. Again, I think they are adorable, but they will be out for 2 maybe 3 weeks and then it is like I am over that. I have a good many spring stitches so the word plays are not needed.

I do love them though. They are just the cutest little patterns. If they had come out with these right as I was retiring I might have done them instead of the monthly cottages that I did and still love.

I got my cardinal back from the frame shop. I can't wait to get to Auburn and hang it with the other birds. I want to maybe add some flowers to them. I am thinking of 4 from a book of state flowers that I have. Down the road I will do so.

In gardening notes, I have changed out my garage wall plants to some summery heat taking plants. I have had the best year with my selections for those pots. I traded these out at varying times getting the most out of the other ones. I have gone with white and green for the summer. They look so pretty when you drive in the circle. The white flowers are vinca and I have filled in with some lily of the Niles, some asparagus and foxtail ferns, and some other little white flower that I had never heard of.

The front flower beds look so much better without the roses. I miss having roses, but not at all the work that went with them especially in this season of life I find myself in.

Sorry for the poor quality. My camera fogged up and I didn't realize it until I went to upload. Day lilies are struggling this year. I just showered them with some food...hoping that will help.

We have really quit trying to grow anything on the back due the heat and sun. I take that back, he has two pepper plants out there.

I have grown geraniums outside my kitchen window for years now, but that pine tree that I have spoken of on too many occasions has gotten larger and larger. I may have to actually find a shady but heat tolerant plant to grow there next year. They are just getting so leggy trying to find sun. Plus they hate heat. We haven't really started with the real heat yet. July, August, and September are the scorcher months.

Update on Mama. Mother is still feeling poorly, but this morning she had her best day in ages. We went yesterday to the doctor again. I was just so worried about her not eating and getting weak. She got a prednisone shot and some pills so I think that may have helped.

Jeff made me leave and go out for a boat ride on Saturday afternoon. It was good for me.

Lemony and Gus leading the way out our bayou.

We went out to the sound near Hurlburt Field away from the crowds. We were greeted with a treat. An osprey's nest with mama in it and daddy in the tree all the way to the right. We were careful to go on down just a little ways to swim. I wish I were a photographer because it was picture worthy.

We found a little sandy area further down to swim and play. The Gulf of Mexico is just beyond the nest in case you wanted to know.

Tucker is scheduled to start daycare on August 10th. I will miss him terribly, but I am a back up if things get bad with the BIG C again. Cases are on the rise here.
The daycare is in a church right next door to Lindsay's workplace. They have a good Christian school curriculum and Lindsay will probably call it school with Tucker. She can pop over there to see him if needed. I like that is right next to her. No extra driving as she already has to drive from Destin to Niceville to work. Jeff and Paul Allen work out of this building as well, although they do travel to schools. He will have plenty of people to go get him if he gets sick.

I will close it up for now and rest while Tucker is napping.

Thanks for your sweet comments. I still have troubles with my account. I think it may be an Apple/Google thing and I just have had no time to address it. Maybe in August I will spend time researching it all.

Going to take a nap,


  1. So glad to see a blog post from you Sandy. That cardinal is just amazing. I love red!! Like you, I have fall projects out the wazoo....I just love the fall colors. I may start rotating some of mine. I am glad Lindsay is going to be next door to Tucker. I know that makes you feel good about daycare. Not much going on here which is a blessing. Glad to hear your mama is doing better Prednisone is a good drug to pick you up!! Off to work on Kringles. This week I am working on Kringles and Riley Harbor. They have been lingering too long.

    1. Enjoy the stitches. It has been therapy for me each evening. I can't wait to get in my chair and stitch. That September one had more stitches that I remembered. I changed all the colors. I wanted a more patriotic back to school look. I am going to start a summery one tonight and then I HAVE to get busy on the Advent calendar large project that I started last year. I think he will be ready for it this year.
      The prednisone did wonders for her this morning. It was the first morning in a good while she hasn't cried.

  2. Beautiful stitches! I love the September one and the Cardinal! I am a September girl too! Love your scenery from the boat ride! Wow. That is wonderful. My geraniums are struggling in this heat too. Not sure where to put them. they get too much sun on the porches. So I may have to put them somewhere else. Glad your mother is better. That's good news!! Take care of yourself now!!

    1. Thank you. Geraniums are just gorgeous in the fall and spring and often make it through the winter, but they hate summer. I have even brought them inside and put in front of windows in times past. In fact I have two inside now, but I have grown them on the back porch for a long time, but they are not getting something right. It might be that they just need to have some fresh soil. I have had them a long time.

  3. Those white flowers are just beautiful! I am not a plant or flower grower... brown thumb, but I surely do appreciate those who are able to raise such beauty! I am also not a stitcher but recognize the creative talent needed to make those projects shown here! How great that Tucker's daycare is right next door to his mom's work. Enjoy your time with him this summer!

    1. I am trying to really enjoy my days with Tucker. I know it has been a blessing to be with him everyday. I think he will enjoy the other kids and it was surely an answered prayer for him to be so close to Lindsay. From the time she found out she was pregnant to the birth, she had to move offices. She had been in Fort Walton close to my house and came home for lunch lots to eat leftovers. I so enjoyed that too. She thought how neat she would be able to see him at lunch, but her office got moved just before she took off to have him.
      I have always enjoyed growing things for some reason, but it actually takes a good bit of time, so I have scaled back quite a bit.

  4. I like your September Wordplay. I think you find the best fully finish for you.
    The frame is perfect for this cardinal. I looking forward to a photo from all three birds.
    Have a nice day, Manuela

    1. Thank you. I can't wait to get a weekend away and head to Auburn and place it with the other two.

  5. First of all, thanks for the information about the likes and dislikes of geraniums. Mine grow for me, better at some times than others, but I have not understood their preferences (as in their dislike of heat), so I'll keep that in mind. I continue to learn such helpful things from you!

    Lemony and Gus look cute on the bow of the boat as you headed out. Such good doggies.

    Summer's heat is most definitely here. Every time we head outside we are kinda shocked how hot it is and don't stay out for long. As I've said before, we treat Florida summers like we did Colorado's winters -- just stay indoors as much as practical till the weather gets more bearable.

    I think of you often and include you in my prayers. As we consider our mothers in this season of life, we are (to quote the Apostle Paul), "perplexed but not in despair." (II Corinthians 4:8)

    1. I have really leaned into reading the Word, prayer, and just quieting my mind. There is just so much going on and I need to focus on the important things. It has been a very busy month. June usually is with family. Our niece only visits in November and June and with two birthdays plus we always do a cookout for our small group in June it is busy enough without the other. I just knew I needed to let the news, social media and more go. I don't do a ton of social media, mostly cross stitch and decorating. Most of my friends know I don't do it and don't even know I have that. I had to Marie Kondo Instagram as Lindsay called it. I unfollowed a lot that just got too deep in the conflicts of this time and age we live in.
      I take solace in family, stitching, puttering in some flowers, and reading.
      I often hear those in the snowy states talking about the long winters, but the enduring heat is hard too. Thank goodness for A/C.

  6. Sandy, I enjoyed reading and seeing your photos. Your green and white pots are looking fabulous as are your geraniums. Lemony and Gus looked like they enjoyed their boat ride. What a beautiful sight you shared of the osprey and their nest. Your Word Play looks goods, Sandy. Love your framed cardinals! Continuing to pray for your Mother and her health!

    1. Thanks Robin. She needs them. She had her best day in ages yesterday. Not as good today, but hoping the up days continue. Getting out on Saturday afternoon did help me. I like it when we can find the quiet spots and just let the dogs swim and romp. I took a float and had a good float myself.

  7. Sandy, The cardinal is exquisite!! I bet you can't wait to have it join your other birds. Love your take on Sept Word play. I will eventually stitch all of them as I like them as a small pillow hanging on my curio cabinet door. What a great boat ride!! The dogs look like they are enjoying it as much as you did. I hope your Mom continues to do better.

    1. I would stitch all of them if I could find a place to put them. I just love them. I really like the called for colors, but I wanted September to look a little more "classroomish." I wish I had a place for a hutch that I could decorate for seasons with my stitching, but I would have to give up windows and I like windows, so I will enjoy other people's hutches. Mom had her best day yesterday, a little less today, but hopefully they won't last much longer. I just have to get her immune system built up or well I don't want to think on that. Happy stitching.

  8. I'm so sorry I've been out of touch, Sandy! I can't comment on blogs when I'm away at my mom's for some reason. But, I'm so sad to learn about your mom's shingles. UGH!!! My mom had them about ten years ago and was in great pain. I have had the newest shots (both of them) and I sure hope I can avoid getting them myself. Anyway, I will definitely keep her in my prayers--it is so hard to watch our mom's age and get ill, isn't it?

    Love, love, love the cardinal and your cute Word Play finish. I, like you, have done just a few and am not sure I'll do more. I adore them, but I find the colors were not really "me." Maybe if I took the time to convert the colors, I'd like them better. We'll see.

    Aww... I know you'll miss little Tucker. My little great nephew just began daycare (he is about 15 months) and his parents say they can't believe how much he's learned and grown from being around the other kids. I sure hope things stay safe for all of you in Florida--have been reading about the increase in cases of Covid and it sounds very scary. Glad you can escape to the water when you need a safe place to go and relax. Take care now! ♥

    1. I do know Tucker is going to learn so much. He is ready and will enjoy it I think.
      I like the Word Plays too and followed the color palette for the other two, but for this one I didn't follow the color pattern at all. I just looked and wanted it to look "classroomish."
      IT is definitely hard to watch them go downhill. I am so ready for her to feel good again. The past year has been up and down so much.
      I can't comment on my phone either. It is just way too much trouble to try and sign in and I am still having so much trouble with comments period. I have decided it is an Apple privacy thing, but haven't solved it yet.

  9. I love your latest finishes, Sandy. The September Word Play stitchery is cute, and the Cardinal is gorgeous! And beautifully framed.

    And oh my goodness, the view from the boat is wonderful. The dogs sure look like they're enjoying it, too! I am struck by how different living in Florida is from where are in land-locked Indiana (obviously, but)... if we want a change in scenery, we can hop in the car and drive a bit. But you can hop in the boat and see such beauty - and swim in it too! Wonderful.

    I can imagine how much you'll miss Tucker, but how how good for him to be so close to where Lindsay works. Or maybe the person it's truly good for is Lindsay. Regardless, if he can't be with you, what a good arrangement his preschool sounds like, I'm thinking.

    1. I do think it will be good for Lindsay. IT is pretty here, but oh so hot. I love a change of scenery too believe it or not, especially in the fall.


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