
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

An Update

I am going to share some stitching first and then get into a life update.

I finished the third bird in my plans to stitch three birds. I went in a totally different direction than originally planned. I was planning to choose between the Orioles or the Chickadees. I loved the orioles and felt they were the next prettiest pattern. The thing that took me off that trail was that I don't think I have ever seen an oriole in person. I then was leaning towards the chickadees which I do see here often, but I kept thinking I needed a cardinal to go with them because every single day on my strolls in the neighborhood I can always see a bluejay, mockingbird, and cardinal along with herons. I see others but I see those every single day without fail.

I don't think the cardinal albeit one of absolute most favorite birds is as pretty as the other two I have stitched mostly due to the pattern. It was by the same designer but did seem to be less detailed. The bird is pretty and I did add some outlining to it to define it more.

All in all I am very pleased and look forward to hanging it with the others. It is at the framer's now. 

I also stitched a pattern shared with me by Mary of Stitching Friends. I made a few mistakes but after ripping out the same thing three times I just decided I was over it and would live with it. I have another pattern I would like to stitch to partner this one. I will leave this out for a very long time. I think it is cute and goes with my coastal home.

I don't think the picture does it justice even with its flaws it is quite cute.

Now, for a little life update. Mother now has the shingles. She has had to stay at my house because with keeping Tucker I just could not stay at her house 24/7. I told her she had to come to my house if she was going to take pain medicine. Mother has been sick off and on for almost a year now. It is taking a toll on her. The shingles are awful. She had them many years ago and has had the vaccine, but I think she is just so weak and her immune system is down that she is just facing some tough days. 

I won't go into much detail, but it has been some tough weeks and I am very tired. I don't do well with stress with my Rheumatoid Arthritis so I have a flare going on and am trying really hard to take care of myself too.

I knew I was about ready for someone to stick a fork in me when this past weekend it was birthday celebration time. Jeff and Paul Allen are two days apart in birthdays and for most of Paul Allen's growing up years I insisted that they both have separate parties, but as the kids are now out on their own it is much harder to do so they get a joint party and Lindsay and I get a joint party in September. I have pictures to document every birthday of their lives and for that matter mine and Jeff's too. 

I don't this year. 

My day started off bad when I got up early and made a key lime pie for Jeff and placed it in the hallway refrigerator. Mom had called and needed us to come get her as she was hurting so bad she couldn't stand it. Jeff went to get her and I had literally just placed in the refrigerator when they walked in the door. I went to take care of her and get her some medicine and to bed. I walked back out to get something out of the fridge and out came the pie spilling out RUINED and a huge sticky mess. I sighed and cleaned it up. Jeff had a golfing date with Paul Allen and Tyler so I sent him away knowing he was looking forward to it.

I figured pie was over and I set out to make the planned yellow cake with fudge icing for Paul Allen. I figured I would make Jeff a pie later in the week...move forward, Sandy!

As I turned on the mixer I suppose the butter was not in a good location and stuff flew out of the mixer and made another mess. I really wanted to sit in the floor at this point and cry. 

Hospital stay, days with Mom, and now a Lucille Ball episode playing out in front of me the tears were just about to spill out. I got the cake on and then sat down to watch church. It was Sunday morning. The sermon was wonderful and calmed me down.

I figured Mom was asleep so I made a quick trip to the grocery store to get more limes and made the pie again.

Oh, and if you think the above isn't enough trouble, I had to make a second batch of icing because I put the wrong amount of milk on the first one.

You can really see my worn out spirit by now!!!!!!!!!!

Cake and pie were served with fried fish on Sunday evening and I totally enjoyed my family around the dining room table. It was soothing salve to my soul. 

However, I didn't have mind to take not even one picture of the event or of my boys.

Tyler did snap one of Tucker eating cake and that my friends is the only picture of the day.

You can see why I said I wouldn't be blogging much. Add in the state of affairs in the country and I am just too tired to think let alone do much more.

The one good thing I will post is that Tucker is just adorable and growing and I am enjoying him in spite of the fact that I am fully tired.

God is good and I will get through this and realize I am not alone. Many of my friends are going through this as well. I just want Mom to be ok, and she may bounce back but she is aging and that my friends is a hard pill to swallow. 

Just a few more things....Gus had a June birthday. Only picture I have snapped of him this month...

Lemony feels like I do...pooped.

One last picture.
I took this the other day as it is a favorite spot in the house. I thought it looked like an old 1970s magazine picture of houseplants.

I sent Lindsay and Paul Allen an article from Smithsonian earlier this week that documented highlights of 1968's news mostly to remind them we will get though these crazy times. If not, then "Come, Lord Jesus and soon."

Take care all, 


  1. Oh my. What a time you are having, Sandy. God is in control and I think many of us are pleading for that second coming. In the mean time, take care of yourself and do try to rest as you can. Keeping you in my prayers!! xo

  2. Wow, you really have had a time of it. I'm glad to see that in spite of it all, you maintain your faith. The Lord is getting you through all of this and it won't always be like it is now. As Terri commented above, many of us are asking the Lord to come. The news is distressing even though we know Who is in control and trust His purposes are good. Just continue to do what you can and trust the Lord to make it good enough!

    Your stitching is superb. I have that pattern with the beach chair but I have not stitched it yet. You did a super job of it! And the cardinal -- love him, too! Those red flosses are so rich, contrasting beautifully with the background fabric.

    1. Thanks Barbara. I do appreciate all my blogging friends and I hope things will settle soon. How do people get through without the Lord!

  3. Sandy: (1) embroidery work is FABulous!!! I tried some when I was young but just don't have the patience to stick with it to finish a project, so you go girl!!! (2) For the previous almost 3 years my husband (who is 12 years older than me) and I have gone back and forth and together with traumas and dramas so I totally understand how exhausting it is but we have strong faith and trust in God and we thank Him daily for each day He gives us! (3) And like you, I have an aging widowed mother that with me being only 1 of her 3 children living near her, I'm her primary helper right now. Every few 6 weeks or so it seems like a new medical problem or accommodation needs to be taken care of. Currently I'm trying to get her to agree to either have her central air/furnace thermostat moved or get a new one wired to a location that is easier to reach. The current one has a deep couch in front of it and mobility-wise it is not a good idea for her to kneel on the couch and try to shut off or turn on. You are correct in writing that there are others in similar situations. Hang in there. As I chauffeured my mom back and forth to her chiropractor appointment I reminded myself of all the piano lessons, sports practices and games, and youth group activities that she gladly drove me to until I got my driver's license and could take myself!!!! As Ecclesiastes reminds us that this is a season, it is here for a short time and then it will change to something else. Take care and thanks for sharing your fiber art, home interior, pets, and family photos with us!

    1. Almost all of my friends are going through similar problems. I try to keep the blog the happy place, but sometimes you just have to explain yourself. It is a season and it is hard to watch them go down. Mother was my best friend for so many years. Not to say she isn't now, but I looked forward to retirement and spending time with her, but it didn't work out. She has been going downhill since then. I know so many others have it way worse than I do even. We count our blessings and plow forward. Thanks for your kind words.

  4. Your stitching is wonderful and the cardinal looks good.
    Have a nice day, Manuela

  5. What a time you've had. It's hard when you want things a certain way and have ideas for the way things should be. I don't live close to my kids so I don't get to do special things for their special days and I miss that. But you really are so close! Love the Beach stitching and the little bowl of shells in your banner. I hope and pray your Mother feels better soon and you are able to keep going. Take care of yourself! Sweet hugs, Diane

    1. Thanks Dianne. I will persevere. It is hard to watch them go down, but others have done this as well so I know I am not alone.

  6. Hi Sandy, please know that you and yours are in my prayers, I really know how difficult this time is for you you. I had to smile when you mentioned the 60's, I graduated from high school in 1968. I have told several people we got thru the 60's we will get thru this too:) There is a song that says, "I will go forth in grace alone...which God supplies." Keep your chin up and keep blogging, I enjoy reading:)

    1. The old hymns are really the best aren't they. I love listening to them. Thank you Georgia. I will keep on as I know I am not the only one going through these kinds of things. It is hard to watch her age. We all know we will be in that way one day.

  7. Sandy, love your cardinal finish and love the beach one. Tucker is truly adorable. Loved the pictures of Gus and Lemony. Praying for your Mom's healing from the Shingles. Thinking of you and praying for your physical and mental well being. Please take care of you so you can better care for those around you.

    1. I am trying for sure. Mother is really down mentally too, but I would be too if I felt that bad. I am hoping these heal and quit hurting her soon. She had another bad night. They are much worse at night. I have great support from my husband and kids but it is still hard. I will persevere though. Thanks for your kind thoughts.

  8. Praying for you now. I know what it is like to take care of an elderly parent and try to run your own household/family, and for me at that time I was still working full time. So yes, I had many days/weeks like you are experiencing. Praying that this too shall pass and you will soon be back on an even footing again. Praying the shingles will go away and that your mother will have renewed health and strength. I know how disappointed you are not to get a birthday picture of the birthday boys, but that picture of Tucker is a keeper! The genes of the "birthday boys" are running in his veins, and he is enjoying the party and taking it all in. Someday he will be the one carrying on those family traditions. May God give you peace and strength and rest. Love the Cardinal. and the beach picture too. Don't know how you did those with everything else going on. I know...therapy. God bless you.

    1. Thank you so much, the prayer is what I need and yes, the cross stitch is true therapy.

  9. Tucker looks so sweet and precious! Love the cardinal stitch. Wishing you serenity and love.

  10. You must start saying NO!! We cannot do it all anymore and our kids have to realize that it is now their turn to do the work. You've got your mom to deal with and all others can take care of themselves. As much as we like to make everything special, accepting the fact that we can't do it all anymore is just another fact of life. Don't mean to sound like lecturing but I've just spent the last month telling myself these exact same things. I was about to lose it. Literally.
    And you know what? I feel so much better. Life goes on and our children will be just fine even if they don't get the birthday cake or pie. YOU MUST TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF....IT'S OUR LIFE TOO!!!

    1. The lecture is needed. I have way too much to do with Mom now to keep up the other stuff. My children will take up the slack. I have taught them well. It is me that just doesn't want to let go, but I am going to have to.

  11. Sandy: You do have your hands full, I am so sorry about your Mother, I had shingles for three months I was miserable, the older we get the more our immune systems are challenged.
    So sad about the Key lime pie, I have been where you are in the kitchen I had a mess once it was cream cheese and other ingredients.
    Loving the Cardinal so very pretty, the beach scene is adorable.
    I hope you Have a better week.
    Remember you need to take time for yourself.


    1. The shingles are indeed horrible. Trying to get her immune system back is going to be a challenge. I am trying to get her to drink Ensures, but she hates them. Whew!
      I am in a season of life that is a little hard, but I do have a great husband and kids who are helpful. I just have to keep myself in order and remember to ask for help.

  12. Oh Sandy, I let out a loud Oh no when I read about your Mom having the shingles. That is just awful. My father in law had them and said it was the worst thing he ever experienced. I am glad she is with you and you can help her, that's the most important thing now. I know what you mean about retiring and spending quality time with your Mom. I retired and 2 weeks later Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Thankfully I had the time to spend with her but it was not what I had hoped for. She passed 2years later.

    Beach time came out great as a flat fold. I just gifted my Beach time and flock together to my niece who lives near the ocean and has a beach theme going on. She loved it.
    The cardinal is stunning!! I see them everyday too and they are such gorgeous birds.
    Tucker has the most beautiful eyes!!! I can only imagine the joy he brings to your life. PLease take it easy and don't think you have to do it all as much as you want to. Hugs, Mary

    1. Shingles are horrible indeed. I do wish Mama could feel better. She is just over all struggling. Her immune system is just shot. I took her to the doctor yesterday again. I am hoping she will pop out of this. She got a prednisone shot which did seem to help. I guess the lesson with retirement that I learned is to just take every single day for the gift that it is.
      I want to do that one that you sent with the starfish before the 4th is over so that I can have it out the rest of the summer. I may make it. Do you want them back when I finish so you can restitch. The birds were tremendously helpful with Tucker's name stitch.

    2. Sandy, I'm not going to be restitching them so you can keep them or pass them on. I sure hope the prednisone helps your Mom, it's horrible watching your parent suffer.

  13. Catching up on your blog backwards I see that your mother is feeling better, but reading this I am just so sorry to read that she's dealt with Shingles - and not for the first time. How awful. I'm sorry she'd had so suffer so when she wasn't feel good to begin with.

    I also hope you're feeling refreshed and a bit better by now, but I so sympathize with the stress you've been under. Reading your last notes as you ended the blog post is a good. It's good to be reminded, that while nothing is certain in this world it's good to be reminded we've come through great turmoil and became better on the other side of it. And ultimately to be reminded as Christians that "this world is not our home".


I am so glad you stopped by my little blog. Drop in again anytime.