
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

I Dream of the Sea

Have you ever stitched something that you didn't know JUST how much you were going to love until it was finished? 

This happened for me with this stitch!

When Mary of Stitching Friends came to my rescue back before the Big C happened with a stack of patterns to assist in stitching Tucker's name, this pattern was set aside. I liked it but I couldn't use it on Tucker's name. I did however use lots and lots of the others she sent

When I finished all those birds, I pulled out two of the summery beachy patterns she sent and started with the one called On Beach Time shown here.

Something about this pattern kept calling my name. Maybe because the salty air does call my name.

I finished it very simply. I mixed three colors to do the cording and I really love how it turned out. I think some little whimsical fish hanging on the cording could be cute. I have a pair of earrings that would be perfect, but they were the wrong color blue. I will be on the lookout at the touristy shops in town, but I am perfectly happy with it as is. It could be out this summer or anytime in my home.

I used all the called for colors except the stripe on the fish. I didn't have the DMC color but I had the color on either side of the number, so since this was on 28 count, I just used one strand of each to do the fish stripes. #usewhatyouhave

Down at the bottom of the pattern picture above  is a spool and a square pouch. I liked the spool idea and would like to do that as well, but I am really thinking that little wreath would make a great Christmas ornament, so Mary, this pattern is getting tons of use.

I normally don't participate in any SALs or do anything other than just stitch, but I have always thought about Christmas in July as a time to do little Christmas projects, because who has time close to Christmas. I am going to do Christmas stitching for the month of July. I don't know if I call it Jolly July or just Christmas in July.

We will be spending a hopefully quiet weekend at home thankful for our country and praying we get through 2020 and things settle soon!

The good life.

God Bless America,


  1. This is just the sweetest cross stitch, no wonder you are pleased. I'm never sure how how I will be with a craft until it is completely done, but I always live in hope :-)

    1. Thank you Amalia. The process of thinking it through is part of the fun.

  2. A lovely finish.
    I wish you a Happy 4th of July.

  3. A beautiful finish, Sandy! The clear acrylic easel is perfect, too, not taking anything away from the colors and design of the project. That cording is such a pretty color!

  4. Love your beach stitch, Sandy! You already know I love the cording you created; so like the ocean's water. Precious snapshot at the end of your post! Wishing you a relaxing 4th of July!

  5. Sandy, Love how yours came out, that cording color is perfect!! I hope to learn how to make good cording someday. So glad you enjoyed the stitch!! Hugs, Mary

  6. I LOVE your finish! The braid looks great and your idea to hang a fish from it is brilliant! God bless America!!


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