
Monday, June 29, 2020

Weekend Wrap-up

I need to record life before it gets away from me.

First, I finished up some more summer stitching late tonight. I Dream of the Sea and the Wild Salt Air by Hands On Design. This was a fun fun fun stitch. I honestly didn't know how much I would love the whimsical stitch until I started it. The pictures taken late tonight in my sewing room do not do it justice, so I will take more tomorrow and share next time.

They are hard to see from the photo of the pattern, but I had already thought the spool would be cute to stitch, but one night while stitching I noticed the square holder in the bottom left of the following picture and thought how great that would be for a cute beachy Christmas ornament. I think a few of them will be done for me and the kids. I am thinking 40 count would make it small enough to do a circle finish on it.

Now, for the recording of life. Kristan and family made it over Saturday. It was so good to see everyone. I took a few posed pictures but also just some random shots to preserve life moments.
Here are just a few.

The above was an example of the activity that occurred out of Tucker. He was in heaven with the twins. He moved nonstop. Gus too.

I was trying to recreate a picture taken at Thanksgiving of the three, but Tucker was not interested.

Lots of visiting and just being so glad to be together. 

Lemony getting a little love.

I noticed Tucker wiping his eyes around 7:00, but he couldn't stop moving or he knew this would happen. He fell asleep almost instantly on the way home.
The funny thing is we all missed Gus and wondered where he was. 
He was in his box before all left totally exhausted and asleep himself, so I am thinking they had tons of fun.

I will let you know that I still need prayers for Mom. Just before the party, she just had a big meltdown. She is just worn out from hurting and not sleeping so we are headed back to the doctor in the morning.

Sunday afternoon a little more boating, sunshine, and dog swimming took place.

When Lemony had enough, she asked to get back on the boat and she found a shady spot to lay down.

Beauty Queen

Tucker had an outing as well with his parents and Lindsay snapped this picture of Tyler and Tucker. 

I thought it was the cutest. He wears his sun shirts, sunshades, hat, etc. like a beach king. He points out places she misses with sunscreen. I guess when you have done all this from the very beginning it all comes second nature to him. He never complains about his life jacket either.

Hoping for some healing with Mom soon,


  1. Family time is the best time....I guess we are all learning this. Prayers for your mama.

  2. Sandy, I stitched Wild Salt Air on high ct fabric and sat it on an Adirondack chair from Michaels and gifted it to my niece who lives near the ocean and has a beach theme going on. My sister recently went to her home and she told me how sweet it looks in her home. That made me feel so good!! It was indeed a fun stitch!!
    Love your family photos, Tucker is getting so big and he has such a beautiful head of hair!! Lemony looks nice and cool!! Animals seem to find the coolest spots to rest.
    I will keep your Mom in my prayers, I hope she feels better soon.

  3. What a wonderful weekend you had with family, Sandy! Enjoyed seeing your photos; love the shot of Tucker and Tyler! Your beach stitch looks super. Continuing to lift your Mama up in prayer.

  4. Prayers for your dear mom! Loved seeing all the family fun in your photos! What a great weekend!

  5. So nice to have family visiting again, Sandy--you have the perfect spot for entertaining right on the water there. Your poor mom--I know shingles can really devastate a person. I hope she gets some relief very soon...

    Darling beachy finish and I love the idea of you making a beach-themed ornament with the round design. Much better than snowmen for a FL Christmas tree :)

  6. Lemony getting love from your niece -- that is sooo sweet.

    And Tucker -- he steals the show every time, whether awake or asleep!

    Praying for your mom and you, as you look after her. I get it. It's not easy.

    You KNOW I love the stitching, especially any time it's something "beachie". Really nice!


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