
Tuesday, September 1, 2020


 Let's talk a little stitching and then a little goings on in my world...

First up, I have my little September corner all set for back to school. It started yesterday here. That is later than ever before...even when I was a little girl we started in the late 20s of August. We will see how long it lasts... 

Sorry, all of my pictures were taken in cloudy weather... I had a little toy school bus with my corner, but Tucker was here Friday playing with it and I can't find it anywhere. I will probably find it in a couple of weeks when I am ready to take it all down. I also did finally put a little apple in the corner of the word play stitch.

I finished another of my flower stitches. This time it is the camellia which is Alabama's state flower.

She now joins Florida's state flower, the orange blossom. I ended up adding the name. I am hoping for something like botanical prints when I finish but with something I love to do ---stitch. I will do two more and then have them framed in black for a grouping. They should all be about 7 inches square.

I have some finishing I need to do: the starfish Christmas ornament and Tucker's Advent calendar. I hope to steal away some time for those very soon.

I have been working on a Prairie School Santa and I may do two of them this year before Christmas. We will see. I am doing them on 14 count Aida and my plan it to put them in 5 X 7 frames. I will explain more later.

I had a moment of weakness the other day and purchased a sampler that hasn't come in yet. I can't wait to show it to y'all. It will take me a VERY LONG TIME to complete it. I do love it though, so I am guessing just like 2020 has been a year of larger projects that 2021 will be the same. Doesn't make much for cute blog fodder.

I will share more stitching next week...

Now on to the life goings on...

I spent half the day Saturday and most of the day yesterday helping Jeff sort and box books to be delivered to the students that will be doing the online school. He was overwhelmed and there was no one to assign the task to as everyone is so busy. I ascertained from looking at them that they were workbooks made by the company who is doing the online school program for the computer. I think even the textbook/computer companies are overrun with the changes to live brought about by the ugly virus. They are all working overtime to try and meet deadlines. 

I really try to focus on the good...we were given a blessed spring break that lasted a long time. I wish I had made better use of it and prepared my brain for the long hot summer and the chaos which seems will last long into the fall. The virus just plain and simply stinks. My cousin is still holding on. I am not even sure what that means, but lots and lots of prayers have gone up on his behalf. Today makes three weeks in the hospital.

Back to the weekend. Sunday afternoon we went with Lindsay and Tucker to a new park in Destin. It is so pretty and right on the bay. They have planted all native and lemon trees, flowers are all pollinators, etc...

One side is playground with a water play area that was not on just yet and a swimming area down at the water. He is obsessed with slides at the moment. The next picture you can see down the play and water area side.

The rights side is trees, flowers, picnic tables, and then a pier out over the water.

As you can see, the water was rough. It has been quite cloudy. The Gulf has had a low sitting out on it even after Laura. Man, we are getting lots of really bad ones lately.
Jeff said they are getting really good at the location these days but not at the strength. Just like Michael, Laura whipped up quickly into a Cat 4. I feel so bad for those folks. 

Today is our 36th anniversary and kicks off a busy month for our family. September and June are birthday months for our family. I need to bake a cake tomorrow for Jeff's brother who is still about the same. I am convinced God is letting him linger on the planet to give him time to think about his need for the Lord. 

We ate our Whataburger meal on Sunday afternoon at the park. BTW, Tyler was golfing so Grammie and Pa Pa are always up for grandson outings. We are staying in tonight for a vegetable plate supper. We are super partiers here. What we are though is really grateful for 36 years together!!!

We hope to go to Auburn before the end of the month and go to my favorite restaurant, Acre. We have a big outing next week planned, but the storms are lined up so I am not even going to jinx it by talking about it. IF it happens it will be great, if not we will pray that the storms are weak and quick.

I will not be putting fall out until much later in the month. I did put out one thing on my kitchen counter when I put out the September stuff in my sewing room. It was so hard to remove the Wild Salt Air stitch. I am really hanging onto the summer for some reason this year. 

This little stitch is my attempt to celebrate the summer left in September. It has apples for fall and yet watermelon of which I have eaten a TON of this summer. Also sunflowers. Can I just say the best stitching I have done in a long time was all my sunflower stitches. They are wonderful for August and the first part of September. I will share them again. I have them scattered out in my living room.

I am blessed to have found a good man to do life with and two beautiful children. I never ever take for granted that. Every day is a gift with them.
See you soon,


  1. Wishing you and Jeff a very Happy Anniversary today, Sandy! ♥♥♥ 36 years is definitely something to celebrate! Our 43rd went pretty much unnoticed on July 23rd as we were in CA with a newborn baby (and my mom died the day after) so we will have to wait to celebrate til next year. I think 2020 involves a lot of waiting for anyone celebrating a milestone...

    Your little September corner display is darling--and so perfect for a retired teacher. That is great that you two were able to pitch in and sort and pack all those books--what a tiring job that must have been. But, it's jobs like that that really give a feeling of fulfillment when they're done.

    I love sunflowers and have just put mine out for September--they are such a wonderful transition between summer and fall decorating. Love both of yours!

    Hope this month is a wonderful one for you and your family, Sandy--so glad you were all spared from the hurricane. I really can't imagine getting used to worrying about hurricanes... Take care now and will keep your cousin in my prayers ♥

  2. I really like your seasonal decorations. I do a bit for Easter and Christmas abd that's about it! But I like to see someone with more ambitious work.
    Congratulations on your long happy marriage, and for remembering to be thankful.

    I hope the family health news improves. Weeks in the hospital is grim.

  3. Happy anniversary!! I always enjoy seeing your projects, both in progress and finished!

  4. Happy Anniversary! Yes, that is something worth celebrating in today's society! So many just do not make it. God bless you both. And also, Happy early September birthday! We are both September babies! Love all your beautiful cross stitches for school, and the pretty. You really do beautiful work. Takes so much patience and skill. That is something I do not have much of I'm afraid. Praying for your family members who are ill. That is so difficult with not being able to visit, etc. May God be gracious and merciful to all. Ha ve a blessed rest of your week, and praying all the storms go away.

  5. Sandy: Congratulations on 36 years, time goes by so fast we need to hang on to all that we can.
    Tucker is so cute, I want to slide down that slide.
    Your stitched flowers are lovely.
    I am totally in love with your fall display, so pretty.
    Sunflowers are blooming here in Minnesota, the farmers will soon harvest them, it is so lovely to drive by and see all the yellow, on a cloudy day it seems the sun is shining on them.
    I am looking forward to seeing the Advent Calendar you will be working on.
    Stay Healthy.
    We pray for the ill and lonely three times a day, we will keep your cousin in our prayers.


  6. Happy Anniversary Sandy!! Don't you wonder where the years went? I sure do.
    I started putting out 2 days ago, Fall weather is in the air with cool nights and mornings. The horrid heat I hope is gone for good. Your displays are so pretty! The sunflower ifo the civil war books made me think of my Mom, she read those 3 books more than once. Love your "school display"!! I wonder where you will find where Tucker hid the little bus!

  7. Lovely stitching. Those state flowers look like paintings, Sandy! And I am praying the storms away as we are supposed to head to Gulf Shores on the 19th. Loved seeing that pretty park. It is so nice that you got some time with Lindsay and Tucker. I loved that Tucker had "stolen" your school bus. Little boys love any vehicle.

  8. Wishing you and Jeff a very happy anniversary, Sandy! What a gorgeous park you have nearby and that you were able to take a Tucker adventure! All your stitches are lovely and I like your various displays you featured, Sandy. I am glad you were able to help Jeff boxing up the school stuff. Enjoy your Tuesday and the rest of the week!

  9. Belated wishes for a Happy Anniversary, Sanday! What a lot of wonderful pictures here. Love seeing your family - and the water! And all your cross stitches are inspiring me. I just started a small picture I expect to want to finish into a flat fold (or maybe just a "flat" - lol). I don't even know for sure what I'm talking about as this is new to me, but your pictures give me some great ideas and inspiration.

  10. Happy belated anniversary Sandy. We had a big one in late August ourselves...time sure does fly by. I love all of your lovely stitching and wonderful displays. I haven't done any Fall decorating but all of you girls are making me want to. Love the flower stitches!!! Looks like you had fun at the park with sweet Tucker. He's growing so fast. Have a great September. RJ


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