
Thursday, September 3, 2020

Seeing Green

 I didn't get a Thursday Treasure post together this week.  Maybe next week.

I am however putting together a living room tour before summer is over. I have new couch and chair which I haven't shared and I am loving the simplicity of the summer decor, so before it disappears for autumn ...let's have a look.

BUT first, you know I must write words...

We keep furniture you sit on forEVER, so when I choose I must choose carefully. In my 36 years of marriage I have only chosen poorly one time. I will admit that it left us before its time because I just couldn't handle it. It went downstairs for the teens and my son and his friends did everything they could to destroy it. It is has long been gone from down there as well. 

When Jeff said it was time, I started thinking long and hard about what I wanted. Lockdown gave me plenty of time to do that. I want go into all my thinking but after deciding that I wouldn't go with leather again I will show you what led me to my color choice. Leather is wonderful. I loved loved loved leather. I know some don't, but I did. I think it really warms up a room and a room.

I fell in love with a green couch that I had seen a long time ago on Instagram, so I knew I wanted green. Actually I would love a navy as that is my absolute favorite color, but that would fade out in a second in our very light filled room.

I loved the green in this couch I saw on Instagram, but I wasn't sure it was right for a coastal home. It is so RIGHT for this Missouri home out in the country with all that wood around it. I mean I love it. 


Edgewater Farmhouse This is the most amazing house with loads of windows and wood which is all my favorites. She mostly shares her flower garden which is also amazing, but really is this not the prettiest couch?!!! I wish she had a blog for decor because this house is amazing. She does make pretty paper goods though.

However, I went with a much more muted tone that I think goes well with my home and location. The color is called Seagrass Green.

I wanted to make sure that it didn't cause a need to buy other new things like rugs and decor items. IT worked. I do think I would like some different pillows and maybe over time I will get out and find some pillow covers or better yet...make some. I will share the couch now and then intersperse living room photos in the rest of the text.

I have had the gingham ones out for summer, but I think I am going to put some darker ones below out for fall.

The only thing that did get switched up was some chair locations which you will see. The new chair was an attempt to choose a coordinating fabric. It is called Aberdeen Island. It is a tweedy like green/blue. I think it was not a perfect match, but it is something I can certainly live with especially across the room.

We put the two recliners together in the middle. The one of the left is 22 years old and while it works perfectly the cushion to it is gone. I so wish they would repair them, but I have found no one who will even attempt it. I will eventually get another exactly like it. The color is blueberry.

I was happy that everything came together with no changes which is what I was hoping. This is the room we do life in. It gets a lot of use, so the couch is covered most of the time:) The dogs honestly don't get on it much. They are trained to go in their dog boxes which are behind the recliners especially if company comes. Lemony was the couch potato but can no longer get up there without help, so I have convinced her the new dog bed that takes up half the floor is better. She has accepted it. Although Gus is using it today.

I think it will go with many colors even though this was my color inspiration card found on Pinterest.

I actually had this post in the hopper and am finally popping it out today.  I am not sure if it is the devil or what, but I have been apprehensive to share home photos lately. I know so many are struggling and here I am showing off new furniture. I am beyond grateful and please know I never ever want to be anything but humble. 

I like the blog because it is a personal journal which is good for me who likes to write stuff down.

My mother took pictures of every home we ever lived in from simple right on up. I always loved looking back and seeing how we did things or changed things up, so I like to do here on my blog. I often go back and look at previous years. Sometimes I think ---"What I was thinking?" Like the first year I blogged and had way way way too much out. Oh well... our tastes change. One only has to look at our 1990s clothes to know that.

Now for more real news...

In other far more important things. We lost my cousin Greg today. It makes the virus very real for me. I have lost two cousins this summer. One from surgery complications. Both were a few years behind me and I have certainly been a little blue lately. I think I needed to concentrate just for a moment on something lighter.

I think the reason I have held onto summer is that I didn't really embrace summer this year. All the news events, Mama being sick,  and the virus have sucked the fun out of it even though I have tried to do everything possible to minimize it. I am about to take a few days to fully embrace and enjoy summer as much as I can with the things of life and then I am going to turn the page on summer and embrace the autumn season. Who knows maybe it will be as pretty as the spring one we had here on the Gulf Coast!

Be back soon with some stitchy stuff.



  1. I love your new sofa and chair. It all looks great together. Good job with your color scheme!! I am sorry for the loss of your loved ones. This is a year to put away and just not look back at. Thanks for sharing your living room with us!! Our recliners and two love seats (also recliners) are all leather. I love it and just hope they all take on that lived-on patina that just looks comfy. xo

  2. I am very sorry to hear that your cousin Greg passed today. I know how your heart must hurt over that news. Sending love and hugs to you. It certainly has been a difficult summer to feel lighthearted. I am glad that you went ahead and got the new furniture! I love that sofa and the chair too, and I definitely love the color! Perfect choice! We have been discussing a new sofa for a while also. The new porch roof kind of took all our "extra" money for things right now though. But our sofa is over 20 years old, and although it is still holding up well, it is very outdated with blues and mauves and hunter green flowers on a taupe background. We did have TWO of these exactly the same, but when we moved into this house we left one at the parsonage where we stayed last summer waiting to close on this house, as it was empty and needed a couch, and we didn't have room for two here. Your color gives me some ideas. You did a great job! Thank you for sharing it with us. We all need to see happy things these days!!

  3. Very sorry about your losses.
    About sharing nice decor: during my husband's long last illness when I literally couldn't leave him for more than a few minutes, friends worried about what to talk/ email about. I begged them to talk about whatever fun stuff they wanted. It gave me hope that my life would sometime be like that. That there was a world outside my house and medical worries. So I'm happy you're showing us your furniture and enjoying it. You can't shut down because other people are worse off. It doesn't help them or you. What does help is cheerful talk when there's something to be cheerful about. So, go you!

    1. Thank you Boud. That was sweet of you to remind me to share.

  4. So sorry to hear your cousin passed away, Sandy. We truly never know when God will call one of us into eternity. I can see why you have been blue. Things have been hard for you this summer. I do like your sofa...that color is perfect. Hugs to you this evening...prayers for the peace that passes understanding.

  5. Oh Sandy, I am so sorry to read of your cousin's passing. Praying for peace and for the Lord's comfort for you and your family during this time.

    I really like the new couch and chair. I hope they are as comfortable to sit on as they look. Thank you for sharing them here on your blog.

    Thinking of you.

  6. I'm sorry to hear that you lost your cousin today, Sandy. You have had more than your share of tough things on top of this completely abnormal year. I, too, appreciate seeing some normal and happy things of life. "Carrying on" during this time is important, I think.

    I love the color of your new sofa. The green one you show is pretty, but I really love the Seagrass color you chose. I love seeing pictures of your other's homes - yours included. And I am totally inspired to hear that your mother took pictures of the insides of the homes you lived in. We, of course, have incidental pictures of what the insides of our homes have looked like (in the background of all the photos taken at home), but I am completely inspired at the idea of taking intentional photos of just the (decorated) spaces. Inspires me to want to get all the stuff we've been bringing home this summer from MIL's so I can take some pics. Maybe I'll even be brave enough to share. :)

  7. Ilove your new sofa and chair, too! I think they look great together. And your living room looks very welcoming and cozy.
    So sorry for your loss!!

  8. Sandy, I wish I could be there to hug you. I'm sorry about your cousin. I've written and rewritten sentences here, trying to find the right words, and I can't. I'm just sorry.

    Let's put 2020 in the garbage and start over.

    The sofa is beautiful. Love the color palette you chose. When we go furniture shopping, we rarely have a plan other than COMFORT. We have had some real duds lately and I'm getting frustrated at the low quality for the high prices we pay. I think some throw pillows in the beige with a throw blanket or smaller throw pillow in the berry color would be divine.

    I know what you mean about looking back at photos of houses you've lived in. Funny how pictures of furniture bring back memories, isn't it?

  9. Sandy, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your cousin. So very sad.
    Green is my favorite color so I love your choice. It looks real comfortable too. My current sofa I hope lasts me the rest of my life!

  10. Sandy: So sorry about your cousins, keeping you your Family and Mother in my thoughts and prayers.
    Beautiful choice of sofa color, I do like it much better then the green one from the upper photo.
    Nice arrangement of furniture, looks so comforting and welcoming.


  11. Catching up on the week’s blog reading here with my comments on your recent posts all at one place.

    L.O.V.E. the Camellia stitch. The colors, the shading — all, so lovely. The Orange Blossom is wonderful, too. (I’m just partial to pink)

    You know how I love your sunflower stitches, since that’s what inspired me to return to cross stitch 2 years ago. I’m working on a sunflower with a bit of scripture now.

    The new couch in Seagrass Green is PERFECT for your coastal home. (I have your lamps, several of them, throughout my house.)

    How do you keep your recliners from sliding all over the tile floor? (or is that even possible?)

    The color scheme is just right for a coastal home. It looks good for all seasons of the year, which is always a consideration for me.

    Thanks for the update on Jeff’s brother. The Lord continues to bring him to mind in my prayer times. I am so sorry for the losses of your two cousins this summer.

    Yes, times right now are hard. We try to be cheerful and upbeat and then somebody or something slams us with more of the tough stuff.
    You are being real with your readers and that is good for all of us.

    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! You do, indeed, have a good family to do life with. Enjoy this holiday weekend. It’s okay to do that. Really.

  12. Speaking for myself... this year has been "odd" to say the least... the COVID really did suck the life out of Summer and a whole bunch of other things... Sooooooo... reading blogs and crafting has been my "go to escape" from the depressing news... in other words.... sending you a HUGE thank you for showing us your home and beautiful furniture! It's a happy part of my day! :-)

  13. I'm so very sorry to read about your cousin, Sandy... Having lost my daughter-in-law's father to it in late July, I do know how much it hurts that this Covid mess is taking so many lives. My brother-in-law in CT also had it but it was a very mild case. Anyway, I'm very sorry for your loss.

    Your new furniture looks great--love the colors you went with. I'm like you--tend to keep our couches and chairs forever! In fact, over 43 years of marriage, we've only changed them three times. The last time was two years ago and it was my husband who said, "Carol--it's time!!" I still miss my old blue and ivory gingham couches, but they are now in our finished basement so I can still visit them (cat-claw pulls and all!). You take care now and I hope you and your family stay healthy ♥

  14. Sandy, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how hard this is only too well. You are in prayers. RJ


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