
Monday, September 7, 2020

Some Stitching and a Book Review

 I did put a finish on my starfish ornament. This is going to be a gift. It is such a cute stitch that I might want to do it again and again and again. 

Let's see what else is going on in stitching. 

Well, I was stitching a Prairie Schooler Santa and 2/3s of the way in I didn't like my plan anymore. I won't bore you with all the details, but it was put back into the project bag until I feel better about it or it sparks joy. It was not sparking JOY.

I have mentioned before I am stitching 4 flowers so I have two more to go. I didn't have enough linen to do them. I had a big chunk left but not enough, so while I was waiting on more linen to come in I got distracted and started something else and ordered a gigantic one. 

Good grief ---

Let's show you what I ordered first.

It is beautiful and I have no idea how long it will take me but I am thinking a very long time if ever:) I do love that it uses DMC for almost everything. There are a few Gentle Arts threads but I haven't looked to see if they are something I can substitute yet.

While waiting for the linen to come in I started something I have had for awhile and plan to stitch for Lindsay but quite frankly it is a big project and will take a good long time in itself.

What you see here is the bottom left corner of this next picture.

I have  this heron and an egret that I want to stitch. These are by the same pattern company as the birds I have already stitched this year and last.

They are a huge undertaking but you may remember if you ever read my very first couple of posts that I had planned to do a heron when I retired. I think I put in a few days on it. It was a complete full coverage stitch that was the size of a table cloth. I realized quite quickly I wouldn't get it done and I discovered Arlene's blog and then Priscilla as she was doing her monthly cottages. 

That is when I realized stitching had changed tremendously in my break of busy life and I had lots to learn. Arlene coached me along and currently listens to me vent when I mess up. 

She also sends me lots of patterns and just recently some fabric which has my wheels spinning for some ornaments along the way to use this fabric.

So my plans are this...I will stitch my two flowers and intersperse some Christmas ornaments in between and then plod along on the two larger projects a little at a time. I will not rush but just let them move along.
Stitching is my relaxation so when it is not you know something is amiss.

Now, for a quick book review of a trilogy I finished a couple of weeks ago.
I read Janie Devos's A Corner in Glory Land, The Rising of Glory Land, and The River to Glory Land. I mentioned one of them much earlier. I had read it out of order. I really liked them. They are all about Florida. Historical fiction that follows three generations of a family who come to  Florida in the 1880s. I couldn't help but think of my great granddaddy who was born in 1880 and then later my grandparents as I read these. 
I mentioned earlier that I couldn't understand the one sexual scene put in almost as an afterthought. It didn't mesh up with the rest of the story. I later read a review on Amazon that said exactly what I thought about the books. The reviewer loved them but said other than the sexual scene they could have gone in the church library. I guess a publisher made her add it in each book. 
Oh well, other than that which I always feel I need to warn about they were wonderful books especially for lovers of Florida.

It is hot as heck here still. The heat index was 106 yesterday, so I am ready for just a wee bit of cool down. 

The family is headed to the beach ---not ours but Cape San Blas at the end of this week, so I will not post again until mid week next week. Don't think I have forgotten y'all if you don't see any comments from me. I am probably not going to have WiFi so I will catch up with everyone when I return.

Happy September,


  1. Sandy, Your starfish ornament is so pretty!! I really like the tassel with the starfish charm hanging from the bottom and it's perfect for your Florida Christmas tree.
    Oh my, those are 2 huge projects!!! I love the great blue heron, I see them all the time by me and such majestic birds. Let Freedom Ring is stunning!! Is that the biggest project you will have ever stitched? I agree with you 100%, if the stitch isn't bringing you Joy, put it aside. You never know, you might pick it up again in a different frame of mind and enjoy it. But, not sense working on something that isn't pleasurable. I hope you have a wonderful vacation!!

  2. Girl, I almost ordered that same chart. One of the ladies at the stitching retreat in January was working on that one. ( She was using a q snap) It is so beautiful. That starfish is just darling and your trim is impeccable. Yes, if it is a chore to stitch something it is time to just move on, give yourself some grace and stitch something that makes you happy. I was watching a new floss Tuber, Colorado Cross Stitcher and she has what she calls her fun wall in her sewing area. She said it is not her usual style but it brings her joy. That touched a chord in me as well. We should just stitch what we like and feel the joy.

  3. Your stitching is lovely.
    Your GREAT GF was born in 1880? This makes me feel pretty old. My MOTHER was born in 1895! I'm the youngest child of a youngest child, stretches the generations out a bit.

    Those of my family who immigrated to the US came in the 1860s. I had to come under my own steam in the 1960s.

  4. One of my stitching friends up north here stitched Let Freedom Ring and it is absolutely stunning! I wish you luck, Sandy--I wouldn't have the patience. And that heron--wow! Now he will be spectacular and perfect for a Florida home. I hope you can work on him a little each week--seeing some progress will spur you on, I'm sure. We get them visiting our pond from time to time and they are fascinating to watch--almost prehistoric looking.

    Your little ornament is so cute--love the tiny charm you added and the color of the cording. We definitely need to stitch what sparks joy in us--life is too short not to :) Take care and have a great time at the beach ♥

  5. The starfish ornament is beautiful and I can see why you might want to stitch it more than once. Let Freedom Ring is absolutely magnificent!

    Thanks so much for the book review. They sound fascinating but I will probably skip them on account of the scenes you mentioned. You are probably right that the publisher made the author add them. I find that I need to be very careful about what I read or look at. Satan will use it sooner or later.

  6. Your Beachy ornament finish is adorable, Sandy! Well done! I will be here cheering you on with the Heron stitch. What a majestic piece it will be. Thank you for the book recommendation.

  7. Such beautiful work you do! I would love to see that Heron whenever you do get it done. It looks just like the one that lives here in our pond. I hope you enjoy your time at the beach with the family. That sounds heavenly. I would love a week somewhere else, but we just can't seem to figure out where, so we don't go anywhere. I would like a fall trip north to see leaves and apples and real autumn, and people that we know who live up there. Hubby isn't much of a traveler, so it's doubtful we will ever go. Oh well, I'm glad we have Facebook and blogging!

  8. I always enjoy seeing your projects... finished and in progress. Doing that would not relax me at all so God bless those of you who find it relaxing and enjoyable!! Have fun at the beach and please share some photos when you return!

  9. I'll look for those books. I love reading books set in Florida. Hope you have a wonderful week! Have fun!

  10. Your star ornament is lovely - I love the colors. And all the other cross stitching plans look amazing. Looking forward to watching your Heron take shape. Your birds are all beautiful.

  11. Wonderful stitching. I like your finish.
    Your new pattern is great.
    happy Stitching. Manuela

  12. Oooooh! I have that Let Freedom Ring too! Who could resist it, right? Just trying to finish up a piece I've had in progress for 3 months before starting anything new. Love the beachy ornament! Stitch on!

  13. Sandy, your ornament turned out great! I love love love the blended colors in the cording, and the starfish charm is perfect. I’m finding myself drawn to larger projects as well. Part of it is that finishing smalls into ornaments gives me anxiety, so the longer I can stitch on something, the more time I spend enjoying it! LOL. Glad Arlene is there to talk you through things and to share stash. Stitching friends are the best!

  14. Sandy: Your ornament is lovely, the colors make me smile and remind me of the beach.
    The books sound interesting.
    Let Freedom Ring is beautiful, I am looking forward to seeing it finished.
    I love the Heron, so pretty, you know I love birds.
    Very pretty Christmas fabric, I will be checking what you do with it.


  15. Sandy I love your ornament. It is so pretty and reflects where you live so perfectly. Let Freedom Ring will take some time but it will be stuning when finished. And, how nice you have started the Heron that you have wanted to do for so long. Arlene is such a good friend to you..that fabric is darling. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever


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