
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Life Around Here

 I have almost stitched another page on Let Freedom Ring...

I say almost because I still have not made a decision about the area near bottom of those pages. There is some wording outlined in a fancy floss that I didn't get in my order. I may change the color and I may change the wording to do a backstitch rather than one over one. I am planning to go all the way across before I make the decision. It is such a pretty pattern and I have enjoyed it very much.

I think today I will pause and stitch an ornament maybe and then do a page on the heron.

I did stitch a Halloween piece. That was not in my plans at all, but I just felt like it when I saw this pattern. 

My next statement is going to sound bad, but it is meant in the most wonderful way. The hat reminded me of my mother-in-law. She always had a witch's hat that she wore on Halloween when the kids came over. Now, that is the most unlikely thing EVER for her. The first time we saw her in it we about fell over laughing. Anyway it was a cute thing and the pattern instantly made me smile thinking of her with Lindsay and Paul Allen. 

I did swap out my fall stitches for the last two weeks of October for now 4 stitches I have. They had all been in my sewing room but I brought out a couple for the bookcases.  I added a few new things to the coffee table. I do love a happy Jack-o-lantern.

I have been just home busy as a bee. I have been doing an extra measure of cleaning in each area as I go the past week or so and just being home has brought me peace. I have had the TV on very little ---honestly just quiet.

I have been walking each morning around 8:00, but today I am taking a break because the soreness from the weekend caught up with me. Up until a week or so ago I went at a different time everyday. I decided to stop that and just get it done early. The light is fading in the evenings and pretty soon I won't be able to go then.

You see all those concrete pieces? Jeff and I brought those from a nearby house where they had dug up their driveway to replace with pavers. That little area had a little trouble from the storms. There is no seawall on our neighbors property and the wave action knocked out our skirting for the deck. It actually got caught in our dock so it was mostly saved. Jeff put it back but noticed a hole had washed out just under the deck. He used all the tomato pot plants' dirt to fill it up and then put the boards back. 

We added the concrete for reinforcement. However, toting them down the hill caught up with me last night. I decided my body needs the rest today, so writing a post instead of my walk.

I also did some yard work and moved my geraniums from the back deck and added them to the front door pots. They just don't get the sun that they once did with the pine trees. The other plants are temporary

Can I just tell you I have a love/hate relationship with those pine trees? For one they have grown immensely since this house was built in 1984. They dump copious amounts of straw on my deck and scare the life out of you during a hurricane and YET...

They possibly block the house from other things during a hurricane and certainly possibly save the lower deck from maybe more wave action AND provide lots of pine straw for my front flower beds.

Anyway, they are a big part of my days and have definitely changed the lighting on the deck over the years so for now I am going to think on what I will put in the pots outside my kitchen window. Hmmm.

Tucker has been in quarantine which is up tomorrow. His teacher tested positive but no kids have had any problems...just been home which meant Lindsay has been working from home. Yesterday, she had an important Zoom meeting so he went to work with Tyler. 

Tyler said he loved watching the big trucks unload stuff so I think he had a blast.

Mother is having headaches so we have a telemedicine doctor appointment with her neurologist from Pensacola. I am actually so happy I don't have to drive over, so this may be one of the good things about the Big C.

In other news, our church is back in full swing - by full swing I mean every thing is opened. We are still providing online church, and I would say about 35% came back. I am not sure I have the numbers correct. 

Since my husband is an elder and we are good friends with the pastor I will tell you that church is no different than most of the country. Half want masks, half don't, pretty much every detail with the Big C is split down the middle. 

Anyway, I taught my girls for 2 weeks in a row. I am nervous. In fact, mid week I get down right anxious and then I look around at the world and I go try to teach my girls. 

I made some pumpkin spice blondies this weekend for Jeff. I hate anything pumpkin spice, but he said they were good. Here is the recipe I used. He chose white chocolate chips for his blondies.

Oh and for those of you who like home decor, Lindsay got a new piece of furniture. She replaced a bookcase on a long wall with this lovely piece. She has more plans for it, but this was right after she got it home. She wants to get a beach picture made into a 3 piece canvas to go on the wall.

That is about it in my world...

Grateful for my cave, AKA my home. The dogs and I enjoy our quiet days. 


  1. Such a lovely post! I enjoyed hearing about everything. I understand how you feel about your pine trees. We have some that are growing outside our deck along the pond. We cut a couple of them down recently before they got too big, to open up our view a little better. But we are debating about a couple more. The time to do it is before they grow too much more and endanger our house if they should blow over in a storm. But the birds love them and they provide a little I debate. Anyway, let's see...Oh, so glad you are back to church full time, and that you are teaching SS again. How wonderful! We are not back full yet...still social distancing and wearing masks and no SS yet. But our ladies are meeting again for Bible Study and our WMU monthly meeting, so little by little we are coming back to normal. Your daughter's new cabinet is lovely. I can see lots of potential there! The young people love the coastal look and more simplicity than what we probably grew up with. If I could have a separate lake cabin I would decorate it more in keeping with the surroundings, but I need to keep this house to hold all our family museum treasures! LOL. Have a blessed day and week. Take care...and Oh, Tucker is adorable, as are your doggies.

    1. The museum...I know exactly what you mean. Lindsay has chosen a more gray look and it is very pretty, but I must have all those memories I have collected and of those that have passed, so I am right there with you.

  2. Sandy: Your Patriotic Sampler Let Freedom Ring is lovely.
    Your Witch's hat is so sweet.
    I also have a love hate relationship with pine trees, they smell so good and look so pretty but the needles when they drop are horrible.
    Oh my goodness Tucker looks so cute, that hat is a hoot on him.
    Pumpkin any thing is good for me, I must try the recipe, thank-you for the link.
    We have been back to Church full time with 50% capacity, some wear masks below their nose, this is the older people that have a hard time breathing.
    Your daughters buffet is beautiful, so classy, I hope you post a photo of her new picture hanging above it.
    Your dogs are so sweet looking.
    Have a great week


    1. I will post a picture when she gets the canvas. I think it will be a couple of months since they are pricey. I thought the piece of furniture was perfect for her wall. I liked the bookcase she had but when I saw the change I knew it looked better. Tucker has a birthday this weekend. I can't believe he is two already.

  3. I enjoyed your post! Great pictures, like always, and especially of that sweet little Tucker! I really like the piece of furniture you daughter got and the three-piece beach picture will look great above it! Nice!! Your stitching is always great and that witch's hat and your MIL story are so fun!

  4. I enjoyed your post, too, Sandy. My eyes got a little buggy when you explained that your and your dh moved all those stones. I can imagine being sore after all that. I think it was two years ago we had our own house project that involved over a ton of rocks (various sizes of gravel). We had the help of two young boys, but I was never so glad to see a project finished.

    I can appreciate the ambivalent feelings you describe about the pine trees. I will say... they make a lovely picture. :)

    Tucker is adorable. So glad none of the children have gotten sick, and that evidently none passed anything along. I feel so for everyone in the school situation right now - teachers, students, parents. Even grandparents.

    Love your stitches. One of these days I'm going to get back to mine. :)

    1. School is really tough these days. My family all works for the system. I am retired and never more grateful.

  5. Wonderful stitching.
    I love the Halloween witch hat very much.
    A cute photo from Tucker.
    Have a nice day, Manuela

  6. Enjoyed reading your post, Sandy! That witch's hat stitch/finish is adorable and thank you for sharing the story about your MIL's hat. You have made super progress on the patriotic stitch. Tucker is darling and I bet he had a blast going to work with his Dad. My body aches just looking at the concrete pieces you hauled. Enjoy your day!

    1. Trust me, my body has ached too. That job may have taught me a lesson. Too old!
      Tucker turns two this weekend. I can't believe it.

  7. You're in your quiet world, but you have been very industrious. My neck and shoulders nearly broke out into pain when you said you helped carry those concrete chunks!! No wonder you had to take some time off! I'm glad you've been able to do so much stitching. The florals on Let Freedom Ring are really pretty. So cheerful -- no wonder you've enjoyed working on it so much!

  8. It's nice to have time to spend at home and get those extra things done. I can't walk every day...I get sore and worn out. So I try to go every other day. Tucker is a cutie pie! Hope he stays well and happy. Enjoy your day and that beautiful view from your deck!

  9. I wish I could see your lesson you did for the girls. It look interesting! Our church has been going (almost) full steam since May with one service mask-optional and the other mask mandatory, that way, everyone can decide for themselves. And just like your church, it's about split down the middle. I love your pine trees but understand they are usually the first to go down in a storm. And how would Southern women decorate for Christmas without those beautiful pinecones? Thanks for the update!


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