
Monday, October 19, 2020

Tucker Turns Two

Tucker has turned 2. I can't believe it has been 2 years since a little bundle of joy made me a Grammie. It is one of my most precious titles.

Two is such a wonderful age for a birthday. They realize it is about them. I started getting excited for his birthday when we were celebrating mine back in September at Cape San Blas. He was sitting in my lap when the family sang Happy Birthday to me and he got so excited like he though it might be for him. Well he got his day.

His day was filled with a trip to pick out pumpkins at the pumpkin patch that a local church has each year. He had fun picking out pumpkins and Lindsay said he wanted to get them all.

After his nap, the family and a few friends attended his backyard party ---well food was in the house, but we all stayed outside. The weather could not have been more perfect Saturday.

Lindsay really had everything so cute. She went the Econo line for it this year, but honestly you would never have known. She had a friend take a couple of bags of balloons and form those impressive strings of balloons. 

She made cupcakes this year rather than a store-bought cake and a girl in the neighborhood makes the cookies like she ordered for my birthday. They are cheaper than a cake and are just adorable.

Tucker seemed to realize it was all about him and was super excited. He waited patiently for every aspect from blowing out a candle and finally getting to eat a cupcake to opening presents.

It is always fun to me to see how much Uncle Paul Allen interacts and loves on Tucker. Tucker loves him and Katie. Paul Allen had him banging on the table and chanting for cupcakes. Katie is a kid whisperer - period. Tucker just wanted to go and sit beside her.

I watched him when they came in making a beeline to get to them. Makes me smile.

He had both sets of grandparents and Mama too. He was all set for a wonderful afternoon of fun.

He is truly my gift of sunshine.

The theme for his party was boats, since he absolutely loves boats. He lives where he sees them everyday and he is completely fascinated by them. He drives over bridges everyday of his life and notices them. Of course, he has pretty much been on one on the weekends since he was about a 6 weeks old, so he should like them.

I took a cardboard box and made him a boat to play with until it tears up. I felt like my teacher days again.

AND one more...

The second birthday is in the books. 

Love being a grandma,


  1. What a sweet boy and what a precious time! Your box boat is amazing. I bet he will be sad when it eventually falls apart, but that may take quite awhile. Yes, being Grammie is the best!

  2. What a little cutie pie! The last pic is positively precious!

  3. Oh my goodness, he is so adorable!! What a fun party! Happy birthday, little guy!

  4. Your title could be a picture book. That you might write for him. Just sayin'.

  5. Happy birthday, Tucker! For being “econo,” the decorations sure were pretty. Those cookies look amazing. Cupcakes were a great idea, too. Glad everyone had fun. Love the boat you made!

  6. What a wonderful birthday party! Looks like Tucker had a wonderful time, and that boat is amazing! You are very talented!! I hope it lasts for a long time! I loved those does she design them like that? I am amazed at the wonderful ways people do things these days. I've never been that talented or creative. (or patient enough to even try). Loved the balloons too! Looks like the perfect birthday party...with family and friends to help celebrate...what could be better than that? Thank you for sharing Tucker's special day with us.

  7. Tucker turns Two sounds like a picture book you can write for him!

  8. I cannot believe that Tucker is two years old all ready!! What a great party and I loved his little boat. Reminds me of the book Christina Katerina and the of my kids favorite stories about a little girl who turned a box into a myriad of things.

  9. I feel like I've been to a party! Such fun photos! Happy Birthday, Tucker!!

  10. It looks like Tucker's 2nd birthday party was a success. Love the boat you created for him, Sandy! Great idea on the cupcakes and cookies although those cookies looked too pretty to eat. Thank you for sharing the pictures of Tucker's birthday celebration!

  11. Dearest Little Tucker: Happy Birthday big boy, you are positively adorable.
    Sandy: Thank-you for sharing such a wonderful day, how wonderful to have all spend time for Tuckers birthday.


  12. What great pictures of a wonderful day. I love all the decorations and those fun cookies! And your boat! What fun! It looks like everyone had a lovely time. What a blessed family you all are - and a blessed little boy Tucker is. :)

  13. Aww... what a special birthday for your sweetheart. He is such a dear little boy and I'm sure it is becoming more and more fun now that he realizes that holidays and birthdays are fun days! Love the photos from his big day and those at the pumpkin patch. That is wonderful to know that your son is so thrilled to spend time with little Tucker. Neither of my younger sons have met their new little nephew and it breaks my heart that they are missing this connection. Darn COVID!! We are hopeful that they all will meet at Christmas time. Enjoy your weekend, Sandy ♥


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