
Monday, November 23, 2020

Covid Update and a Crafting Project

 The fact that I can write crafting project in my title lets you know my state of mind is much better. Jeff is doing much better. He has more energy and has had no fever today. He is still tired and I have encouraged rest and he seems to be listening.

The epidemiologist didn't make their phone call to him until almost 3:00 PM today so that let me know they are swamped. I was feeling fine and settled in with Jeff feeling better. I received my news at about 4:30 that I am negative.

That was a surprise to everyone but me. I have had a cold and that is what it is ... a regular cold that wouldn't even raise eyebrows in a different time. As soon as I felt that coming on after keeping Tucker I started taking extra Vitamin C along with my other supplements. 

Jeff and I have worn masks when in the same room since Friday and I wash every dish he touches in hot soapy water and then wipe the counters and areas he is in with Lysol wipes. If I get it I will just get it but this is our current state.

Much gratefulness that it seems to be mild and not as contagious as if he were coughing and spewing germs everywhere. 

Lindsay is 100% and Tucker is well. Tyler has shown no signs and Lindsay's quarantine is up today. Of course, it being Thanksgiving week they have no plans to go out anyway. Tyler is officially in quarantine until Thursday since he has not gotten it. 

The rules in our area are 10 days in quarantine from a positive test date with no symptoms. If you are a close contact and have not contracted it you are in a 14 day quarantine. Poor Mama...she has to go without seeing any of us a little longer.

Hope that is helpful to others out there wondering what is going on with this virus. Will I get it? I have no idea, but I am just doing what I can and taking precautions and that is all one can do.

Now as promised - a crafting project. I had a pair of Annabelle dolls, drummer boys to be exact since the early 1990s. They were a gift from my mother-in-law. Oh my goodness, probably 15 years ago, one of the dogs shredded the taller one to pieces.  

I held onto the smaller one even though the drum was damaged. I kept thinking I will find a new drum and one day fix it. That thing has stayed in my Christmas bins for all this time. I never seemed to find a a drum the right size to repair it. Last Christmas I took it out of the bins and left it sitting out on top in the closet hoping I would come up with a plan for it.

The other night after having started to pull out Christmas decorations and seeing my newly stitched drum that I made this summer....

it came to me. Why not make one?

I did just that. I went and found a piece of white linen and an old pattern border and stitched up some stars to match. Then the next day set out to make it into a drum.

The other really special thing other than salvaging a wonderful memory from my mother-in-law is that the fabric for the drum top and bottom are scraps from an old Vanity Fair housecoat of mine. I know city folk call them robes, but country folk call them housecoats and slippers are called house shoes. 

I am a country girl. Almost every member of my family worked at Vanity Fair in Monroeville at some point in their life and we wore VF undies and bedroom clothes. It is who we are!

This made the little drum even more special. Little drummer boy will find a place again in the decor of Christmas. 

Thanksgiving and Christmas are not normal this year. This entire year hasn't been normal. I have given up on thinking it will be. I am just ready as Arlene said today in her hopeful. 

The Lord is our hope. Jesus is the hope we need. I have prepared an Advent reading to start this Sunday. I am eagerly looking forward to it.

As my Aunt Faye has said more times than I can count in my growing up years..."This too shall pass!" She said it so much that at one time I was sure it must be in the Bible. IT is not, but still wise words.

Thank you all so much for your kind comments and prayers. They helped immensely. I will keep you updated on the virus here so we can learn from each other.

Grateful even in uncertainty,


  1. What good news about your husband and daughter feeling better and that your results were negative! It's always a pleasure to read your blog and the recent posts have been a blessing. Thank you so much for sharing. I love the Little Drummer Boy with his special drum! For many years I've had Annabelle Santa and Mrs. Santa that visit in my bedroom.
    I do wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks Linda! I am always a tad bit surprised that anyone would want to read, but honored. I know we all learn a lot from each other. My mother-in-law had a Santa and Mrs. Santa too. I think my sister-in-law may still have them. She hasn't really decorated as much lately.
      Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.

  2. Well, that is great news, Sandy!! YAY! I am so relieved that your test was negative... I'm sure there were some anxious moments for all of you, but, of course, I'm sure everyone was most worried about Tucker. So glad the cases in your family were on the lighter side. I do love that sweet drum you made for the Annabelle doll--just adorable! And your red and white drum is so lovely to see again, too.

    Hope no one else in your family tests positive and you are truly done with it. Do take care now--you have a lot of blessings to count this year! ♥

    1. I do many blessings to count and I intend to do so for the coming days. It may not look like normal, but I will take it.

  3. So glad to get this update, Sandy. And that drum is just precious!!! I call it a housecoat as well. Us country girls must stick together. Praying everyone is better soon. Glad yours was negative but you are right, we cannot get a cold these days without being worried. Hugs.

    1. I am tired and weary from worry. I have done my best to shut down the noise of the outside, but it still seeps in.Writing housecoat and robe in my post caused spam this morning. Seriously, can't the trolls stay away?

  4. Ich bin so froh und erleichtert dass dein Test negativ war und dass es deinem Mann und deiner Tochter besser geht.
    Your new decoration looks cute. I love it.
    You and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! It does my heart much good to see this report on you and that your family is improving, too. Really. I am very happy to see this.

    Your drummer boy's drum is just as cute as can be.

    1. I know you are Barbara and we will rejoice when Tom comes home.

  6. Well, this is good to read. So glad you're all managing, and you sound so much better, too.

    1. I am glad, but wow those few days were hard on me. I am happy all are doing better.

  7. Sandy, I am glad your test was negative and glad Jeff is feeling better. I know you will continue to be diligent. Glad the rest of your family are on the mend as well. Your drum for your drummer boy is darling. I am glad you were able to salvage it. Continuing to hold you and your family in prayer.

    1. I am so grateful and thank you for the prayers. Stay safe.

  8. Thankful for this update, Sandy. Was just praying for your family this morning. It looks like there is some light at the end of the tunnel. So thankful that no one was hit overly hard by it and that Lindsay is back to 100%.

    Your drum and drummer are just adorable. What a great idea for that replacement drum! You probably know that Annalee Dolls are (or at least were) made here in New Hampshire. Not far from us at all!

    1. I did not know they were made in NH. I am so glad I was able to salvage it for the memory. I love my oldest decorations many of which are handcrafted from craft shows in the 80s and 90s.
      The virus is really hopping around here at the moment and many are not as lucky as we have been, so I am so thankful that we are good. Thanks for those prayers.

  9. Thanks for the update. My prayers continue. Yes, there is nothing normal about 2020. Looking forward to seeing the backside of it!!

    1. I have honestly never wished time away, but I have an odd sense of desire for January 1st and yet I know that is just a day.

  10. Oh Sandy....I had no idea. Thank God your family is doing ok and that you are staying strong. I have not had time lately to read my blogs so now I'm going back to read your latest posts. Will add ya'll to my Covid prayer is growing by the day.
    You are as sentimental as I am! I swear, I cannot throw out any old family treasures and always take time to reminisce, especially with xmas ornaments!!
    Take time to take care of YOU!!!!!

    1. Thank you. I too have been a little busy and been a poor blog reader. We are doing well, but so many are not. It is such a crazy time. Enjoy your family and I know you are grateful for that big open space to host them.

  11. We are keeping you all in our prayers. Take care of yourself and stay strong...I know you will! Sweet hugs, Diane

  12. I'm glad to read your husband is feeling a bit better. You clearly sound like you're better too.

    Your cross little drum is so cute. And clever! I'd love to know the back story of that little drummer boy.

    1. We are both good and so grateful in light of how many are not doing well with this virus.My mother-in-law loved collecting anything. My mother was not at all. Her view of Christmas was a tree, a poinsetta or two.  The intermingling of the two is what I am. M-i-l bought me the set of Annabelle dolls mostly because they were blue and I love blue. She is long gone, so the little things she took time to give me mean a lot now.

  13. The drum is adorable, Sandy, and I hope that Jeff fully recovers very soon and life can go back to normal, whatever normal is these days. Sending a hug.

    1. Thank you Amalia. I love that I was able to salvage the doll and make it even more special.

  14. What a blessing that improvements are being made! You are so right, nothing is normal this year but no matter what we will always have hope in our hearts, that little flicker knowing our God is in control. Love what you did to fix drummer boy! 💖

    1. Yes, you are so right. It has been a hard year for some more than others. He is in control and will guide us through.

  15. Oh so thankful to read that you are all getting well and that you didn't have any serious symptoms...and that you just have a cold! What a blessing and answer to prayer! I know your Thanksgiving day plans have been disrupted, but you definitely have much to celebrate! I love your little drummer boy! He is adorable, and so happy that he was saved! I love that you have put sweet memories into his "making", and that will always make him extra special! Happy Thanksgiving! Reading this today, on Thanksgiving, has lightened my heart! I don't know why I didn't see it sooner!

    1. I think I missed your last comment as well, so I am sorry that you didn't hear my good news. Thanksgiving is definitely different but in light of so many who are having troubles, I am choosing to count my blessings. Jeff and I will have a quiet day and look forward to a big table with lots around it next year. Thank you for your friendship.


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