
Friday, November 27, 2020

Recording Thanksgiving

I spent the oddest Thanksgiving of my 60 years, but this blog records the mostly happy moments of life, so here goes.

Thanksgiving - It was odd for everyone. I am not saying anything new or different than most everyone. It was spent at home with just Jeff and me. 

Lindsay and Tyler did come out of quarantine and feel just fine, so it was decided by Tyler's family that they were clear to go to Atlanta. I was happy that they could visit his parents and brother, sister-in-law and little 1 year old.  Tucker got to see his cousin and Lindsay sent some very cute pictures of them. Their celebration was low key too since no aunts and uncles and usual crowd was there.

Paul Allen and Katie did go to Katie's dad' house for just them and her dad as well. No big gatherings were had.

I missed Kristan and her family terribly, but mostly I worried about Mom all by herself. We all called and talked to her through out the day. She did make her famous dressing for me and Paul Allen. She had it ready Wednesday evening and put it in her garage for pick up.

I did make two casseroles on my own since I seem to be symptom free of this virus and how is is a mystery, but I will take it. I had three things on my plate, the two casseroles and the dressing. Not a feast but it was quite tasty. Jeff did have a turkey breast and he ate that too. I am not a turkey fan, so I told him he could fix that and I wouldn't eat it since I force myself each year to eat one obligatory piece. I shared the casseroles with Paul Allen since one of them is his favorite.

We ate early in the day and I just had a bowl of coconut milk ice cream with my gluten free buckwheat cereal acting as my cone for supper. So all in all I didn't blow the diet this year for the joint pain of the feast. One good thing.

I spent almost all of my day on the back deck. 

I took this picture because the water is finally clear after all the rain and storms this fall. It is perfectly wonderful again. There were so many kayakers and paddle boarders out yesterday.

We ate our there. I cross stitched. I watched episodes of Flip My Florida Yard on the computer. I just soaked up the most amazing weather that November has offered up.

As the afternoon rolled on, the clouds started forming, but for most of the day it was filled with glorious sunshine.

I took a long walk about 3:30 so I could have that bowl of ice cream.

It was very different but I have never ever felt more grateful for my blessings.

I think all can agree nothing has felt quite right this year. None of the holidays have seemed like the normal season which is a big thing for us seems so weird... and yet, I am grateful.

December is not my favorite month as far as weather goes. In north coastal Florida, it will be foggy in the mornings and evenings and or course couple that with the shorter days it makes December  probably my least favorite weather month of the year. Even January is not like December. It can be cold, but usually the sun shines and makes it a better month. 

All that said, thankfully December has Christmas decorations. When I woke up this morning it was if on cue, the fog rolled in, so I am glad that yesterday was spent soaking up all that sun.

The lights of the tree will go up today. Katie is going to pick me out a tree and deliver it to me. Oh joy! Lightts and candles will help get us through the dark of December. I know that is no surprise that God uses dark and light to describe His presence. He is the Light of the World!

I am going to close this up...........but not before I share how heartbroken I was to hear about Barbara of Sweet Tea and Sandal's Beloved passing. I just couldn't help but cry for her. I discovered Barbara's blog when they moved to Jacksonville. I fell in love with her and her sweet Tom. She has inspired me more than she can ever know. I know I was meant to read her blog. I am praying for days ahead and God's infinite blessings to follow her.

2020 is crazy, but we will survive as many generations have made it through difficult times before. 

It doesn't feel like Christmas yet, but I am going to put on some Christmas music and decorate my tree later today. I don't know if I am going to have hot chocolate yet, because it is rather warm, but cold weather is on the way I hear for next week. 

Blessings to everyone in Blogland,


  1. I love how you are able to find all the good things in the day, and celebrate them. You're a special person. I'm glad I found your blog.

  2. You said it all that we will remember for the rest of our lives.

    1. You are a blogger that I am forever grateful for having found!!!

  3. We are so very blessed, even in difficult times. I enjoyed your post today and am also heartsick for Barbara and the family. So very hard.

    1. Thanks Terri. You are always a blessing counter.

  4. This is such an encouraging post. A really good example of living in the moment and finding the blessings in our day. I was not a follower of Barbara's blog, but I read her post and am so sorry to hear of her loss. In fact, I read through many of her recent posts. What a dear heart. Thank you for linking to her.

  5. And I found you through Barbara's blog! I think I found Barbara through another blogger, Terri, in lakeland (Your Friend From Florida). I don't know if you are "friends" or not, but Terri and her husband Joe love to meet and visit other bloggers whenever possible. They actually saw Barbara last week on their way up to GA. to visit their family. It was really special that they could connect. So we are one big family of bloggers, all connected one way or another, but especially because I believe God wants us to encourage one another. I am so glad you and your family are doing well, and I pray you will continue to do so. Yes, Thanksgiving was different, but never short on blessings, that's for sure! Praying Christmas will be better for all!

    1. I do believe we are meant to use this medium to minister to each other. I have been so inspired by many bloggers. And yes, I was so glad Terri stopped by Ocala and hugged Barbara.

  6. Sandy, thank you for writing and sharing this post about your Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving for all of us was a very different one, but like you, we can find the blessings that surround us. Thinking of you.

    1. I think God always gives us enough good to get through the hard if we choose to look for it. As a teacher, you would get that bad class every few years that challenged your very core. However, there would ALWAYS be one or two special kids that you had to hold it together for because they were so good and deserved to have a wonderful school year in spite of those difficult kids that were in there. I think we just have to highlight the good to keep going.

  7. Thank you for your most wonderful words, Sandy. I so enjoy following your blog, your cross stitching, your life.

    Yes, my life has turned to a new chapter and it will take time for me to feel comfortable with it but with the friends like you that God has given to me, this adjustment will be easier.

    1. He will walk you through it and I know that you will be an inspiration in time to many. 

  8. Well, first of all, I'm so glad you are symptom free and feeling well. It is so strange how the virus affects everyone so differently. My heart aches for Barbara with the loss of her husband. He was so young and I can't help but think of all they won't be sharing together. I just cried when I read her post...

    I am amazed that your mom is still cooking--good for her! How wonderful that she made her special dressing. That just made me smile to read about her leaving it in the garage for you and your son :) We didn't even have turkey this year--neither of us wanted it so I made a simple chicken casserole and, for once, we left the Thanksgiving table without feeling sick to our stomachs from eating so much :) I sure missed seeing my sons, but really enjoyed not having to cook a big feast. Hope your December turns out as nice as the end of November has been, Sandy. Think of us poor people up north getting snow on Tuesday! Oh, well, it will be beautiful and at least I don't need to drive anywhere in it! Enjoy your Sunday ♥

    1. I do think often of how cold it must be farther north. I can pretty much say we get days of cold but they are usually followed but much milder weather. As long as the sun shines, I am good. The good from Thanksgiving indeed was not eating too much and feeling awful afterwards. I am keeping that in mind for future reference even with a large crowd. Mother has just a few things that she can still cook well, so I try to let her do those things. She still makes a great cake that everyone loves. I even get her to make one every now and then for the church staff to keep her busy and feeling needed.

  9. I bet your Mother's dressing and your two casserole's were delicious. Lovely view from your deck. This Thanksgiving was different for me too. However, like you, I am grateful. Peace and blessings.

  10. Sandy: so good to hear you are symptom free, it is a blessing.
    I love thanksgiving meals, the leftovers are my favorite, this year it was a little lonely.
    I hope you have a lovely day



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