
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Stitching Progress and More

 I have pretty much stitched pages 1-5 of 15 on Let Freedom Ring. This has been a delightful pattern to follow and stitch. What do I have left on pages 1-5? A little of the gold border on each side and the lettering in the green area on the left. 

I am laying her aside today and working on something else for a few days. I am pretty much a one stitch at a time, but with the two really big projects I don't think I can stay with them for the entire finish, so I am setting goals for pages at a time. I also give myself grace to change my mind at any time.

What has been going on in my world?

Tucker was sick last week and I ended up keeping him for 2 and a half days. He was too cranky for daycare. I enjoyed him even if he was sick and fussy. I got way behind on my chores, but I am making up for it this week.  He did feel better on Friday, so we played outside.  We thought he was over the hump, but...

Lindsay and I tried to go to Fairhope on Saturday for a little shopping or just getting out excursion. It did not go well. Tucker was not having it, so we basically had to give up and come home. We had to get in a fast food line for lunch and order and go. Pooh.

For newer readers and those that are not from around these parts, Fairhope is a darling town on the Mobile Bay. The downtown area to me is like stepping back in time. It is very pretty and someone does an amazing job of planting season flowers everywhere. AND yes! They were still fall flowers. 

Lindsay and I usually go once or twice a year around Christmas or in the spring. We tried to go over in June after the Lockdown was up. That was my first experience driving over the newly finished Pensacola Bay bridge that is now out due the DEVIL Sally. They had finished one side of the bridge and taken a two lane bridge and made it four lanes until the new side is built. 

OH MY STARS! Y'all, I drive a truck and it was raining so hard that you could barely see the the car in front of you and the lanes are too narrow for trucks and it is really really really high.... Not as high as the Charleston bridge but too high for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had almost written about it back in June and for whatever reason I didn't.

Then the Devil Sally came along and messed her up! I had already decided after my harrowing experience back in June that I would drive around the long way until the second part was built. Prophetic is what I say. That bridge was waiting for a wreck and how would anyone get to them?

My crazy story is over...

Let's talk something more fun.

I put out my Pilgrims and Indians in the dining room. I am determined to have a pleasant Thanksgiving even if it is Jeff, Mom, Paul Allen and Katie. Lindsay is definitely heading to the in-laws, but Jeff's sister is having a major meltdown over Covid and I don't even know if Kristan, our niece is coming. My sister-in-law is older so I do understand that.

Either way, I will sit down on one day this month and thank my Lord for my blessings, and try to eat some good food reserved for holidays.

I think now more than ever it is so important to be grateful for my blessings.

I changed out the orange yesterday on the kitchen table for some calmer colors. I think I needed it.

Next is just a real picture of what the couch looks like most days. When you have a leather couch, you don't have to cover it. I am still loving it though.

That is about all I can think of..



  1. I hear you on high bridges. I used to do business in Baltimore when I was a broadcaster, public tv, and I had to use either the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel, dark, noisy and narrow and there was water above..or the Key Bridge, high, windy, over water.. what a choice! I used to take the bridge because I could at least see if a disaster happened!

  2. I loved your crazy story, sweet Sandy. Have a great week!!

  3. That was one crazy story, for sure! We have leather furniture and our cats have scratched them, so a cover makes sense for leather and cats, but pillows and covers just slide off. It is what it is. Take care! I think we are all experiencing the same Thanksgiving angst. We might have four of us here. I would rather have 14, don't you know! Hugs!

    1. I suppose everyone is up in the air this year for Thanksgiving, but I do know I will celebrate my blessings. I had a dog, Lucy  who made her business as soon as I fluffed those pillows and walked out of the room to promptly push them on the floor.

  4. I'm not a fan of high or long bridges. They just about terrify me. Any yes! to what Preppy Empty Nester wrote above. I loved your telling about it. :) Your cross stitch is just beautiful!

    1. Thanks Becki. Sometimes I just need to remember things and the blog is a great place to load all those thoughts.

  5. Oh dear, the bridge! Going the long way to avoid a high bridge is common sense. Gives me the chills to read about your ordeal.
    Beautiful stitching, nice pattern. Prayers for everyone's good health.

  6. Hi Sandy: I hope Tucker is feeling better.
    I am so sorry hurricanes have hit your area, I do hope the bridge is getting fix as fast and safely as possible.
    I do like your Sampler is is beautiful.
    WE used to have leather furniture, I love it in the winter but the summer it was warm for us both to sit in even with the air going.
    Nice Holiday settings.

    Stay healthy.


    1. Thanks, Catherine. I miss the leather for the ease of cleaning, but I am liking the new one too. 

  7. Let Freedom Ring is looking fabulous, Sandy. It is such a beautiful piece. Hope Tucker is feeling better now. Not a fan of high bridges or construction on bridges, so if there was a route to bypass, I would definitely take. Fairhope sounds like a very charming place.

    1. Thank you, Robin. I love shopping in small towns. IF nothing else -just strolling along. I guess it brings back good memories.

  8. I love seeing all the pretty designs you stitch! And you have such a lovely home...very inviting and I love the colors you've used in your decor. we go again! We are watching Eta today and battening down the hatches! Hugs!

    1. Thank you! I am hoping that thing just fizzles out, but hang on. Hopefully it will blow softly and quickly. Praying!

  9. You have gone to town on that sampler Sandy. It is beautiful!! Sorry to hear that Tucker has been under the weather but glad he got some loving from you to help him feel better. Oh my, I would not have made it over that bridge. I am a timid driver for sure. I hate driving in the rain....I just do not see as well as I once did. Love all your Thanksgiving decorations...I love pilgrim and Indian figures...true friendship and helping one another. Something we could all remember.

    1. Thanks Arlene. I really like P & I too. I wanted some in the black and white, but those looked so good together that I went with them a few years ago.

  10. You continually amaze me with the projects you stitch -- so small and delicate and beautiful.

    Sorry Mr. Tucker had a rough time last week, and as a result, a spoiled Saturday outing. I'm trusting he's all better by now.

    1. Thank you. I am sending lots of prayers up for y'all. Yes, Tucker is all better now.

  11. Wow, you are very busy on your stitching wip. It looks great.
    Have a nice day, Manuela

  12. You are making amazing progress on that huge piece, Sandy! A friend of mine stitched it and it is one impressive piece when it's all framed up and hung on the wall.

    So hope little Tucker is feeling better by now. Poor little thing. I'm dreading seeing my grandson sick for the first time.

    Your little Pilgrims and Indians are so cute--I have yet to get mine out and may not this year. It feels like such an effort to go drag the boxes out and I'm really struggling with these first big holidays with mom gone. I did put out my Thanksgiving stitching--that always brings such comfort. Thank goodness for our stitching!

    Take care now and have a good day ♥


    1. I can totally understand that this and Christmas will be such a tough time for you. My responsibilities are increasing with my own mom. Covid is getting closer to us. Jeff's office has had multiple with it. He is trying to stay in his office and wear his mask, but whew it crazy. Thanksgiving may be different whether we want it like that or not. I am taking every good day as a blessing.

  13. I've been away and am still playing catch up to see what all my friends have been up to. I am sorry to hear that Tucker was sick, and I hope he is feeling much better by now. I certainly can feel your angst over that bridge experience. Makes my palms sweat just thinking about it! Yikes! Oh, the sampler is coming along beautifully! Can't wait to see the finished product. (I'm sure you would like that too!) I love your pretty couch. We have been wanting to replace ours and when I saw yours I fell in love with it. But it will be a while before we can do anything else. We had to replace our refrigerator and our car this month! And Christmas is coming! Yikes! But let us enjoy the peace and calm of Thanksgiving first. We will have our immediate family and my sister and her immediate family here, Lord willing. Praying we all stay healthy. If the weather is nice I am thinking about eating outside on the porch. We will see. Please take care and stay healthy! Hopefully the bad storms are over now. (Please Lord?).

    1. Refrigerators are important too. I have found that there is always something that needs to be replaced or fixed. Just when you get one thing paid for another comes along. For us it is tires. I am loving my couch though. I know I will have it a long time, so you have to be careful.

  14. I hope Tucker is feeling completely well now. I like your Pilgrims and Native American display. I plan to have a nice sit-down tradition Thanksgiving dinner too, albeit without any guests. Have a wonderful week.

    1. Our guest list is very small. My daughter has come down with Covid. She is doing well, but it put our large family gathering on a no go. I will take a small one though as long as everyone else is healthy.


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