
Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Virus, Thanksgiving, and a Little Stitching

 That ugly virus has hit home and I just haven't even been able to focus. It has taken me a few days to come to the place where I couldn't even write about it. We are all good, but... it just has me a little worried mama.

Lindsay has it and although she seems to have a mild case it has put us all on pins and needles. 

The decision was made to close her and Jeff's work location (they work in the same building). They are working from home for this whole week and the partial week of Thanksgiving. Hopefully that will give it time to be cleaned and settle down a bit. Two  of the people in that building have had a much worse case but most have been mild.

Lindsay is saying it is like a severe sinus infection with headache and congestion. Now, the deal is if Lindsay says it is mild, more likely it would be worse for others. She is the child who would have strep and assure me her throat didn't hurt one bit.

This has meant Tyler has been a full-time single dad and he is quite worn out. I have been praying for him as well as Lindsay.

Every cough- well basically every single symptom that would otherwise be ignored sends us all in a frenzy. Jeff worries over me. I worry over him. 

I have been super concerned about Mother. 

I am staying away from her until Lindsay's quarantine is up. We were altogether the Saturday before she started showing symptoms on Thursday evening a week ago. A close contact is considered someone who is closer than 6 feet for more than 15 minutes and within 48 hours of the first symptom. 

That rules us out, but it is on the rise all over the county.

I will leave it at that.

I have been unable to concentrate to write a post let alone read one so forgive me blogging world for not showing up this week.

I have been in full on cleaning mode while Jeff is on Zoom meetings and phone calls. I actually enjoy having him home, but don't enjoy the school talk so much.

I have really put away fall decor with the exception of the dining room and my one little spot in the kitchen where I do seasonal decor. I think I needed less clutter for my vision and my mind before Christmas decorations come out.

I set the dining room table today and I realize it is a full week early, but I think I needed to see it knowing nothing is set in stone these days. 

Kristan, our niece will not be here. Lindsay and Tyler will actually come out of quarantine in time to go to Atlanta that is if Lindsay has no symptoms. That is still up in the air. If they can't go, I will take them a meal.

I have stitched a few things. Lindsay requested a turkey like one I had already done. I had already sent the pattern that I used from Arlene back so I had to use my turkey to stitch her one.

She wants a seasonal piece to hang on a cabinet knob. I let her pick a Christmas one and she chose a Prairie Schooler fishing Santa.

If it looks familiar it is because I was stitching it for myself on 14 count Aida with the plan to put it in a 5 X 7 frame. 

So now I have stitched two turkeys and two Santas. 

I did pull out some Christmas boxes to start thinking about it. I even decorated the foyer, but nothing else will come out until Thanksgiving is matter what happens with the day. 

I will be happy if all are just healthy whether they are at my table or not. The plan now is me, Jeff, Mother, Paul Allen, and Katie.

Just grateful that for now Lindsay is the only one and she seems to be doing ok. 

November is one of my favorite months for weather. I always think of that quote that says something about loving to live in a world of Octobers. For Floridians, I think that would have to be changed to November.

The daily walks in the neighborhood have been so pleasant and the nights have been cool enough for a cup of homemade hot chocolate made with oat milk and homemade whip cream. Yummm.

My posts will be sporadic for awhile.



  1. Keeping you all in my prayers, dear friend. So sorry COVID has hit so close to home for you. Do continue to take care, as you have been doing. Peace & hugs! xo

  2. Im so sorry about all your anxiety, Sandy, justified anxiety. Don't worry about blogging. We'll still be here when you are up to it again. Meanwhile, have as good a Thanksgiving as you can.

  3. Prayers for everyone's health
    Difficult times require difficult decisions. Rest after such an ordeal, I think, is crucial to being healthy because the virus is a nasty beast that can damage other parts of our body, even after it is over.
    Your foyer looks beautiful. Be good to yourself

  4. So glad to see your post Sandy...and you do whatever you have to do to keep going. Those dishes can be dusted before Thanksgiving.:) So glad Lindsay is coping with her symptoms. You did good copying the turkey from your stitch and isn't it funny how you and Lindsay have the same taste!!

  5. So sorry you've got the worry of COVID hanging over you. I pray you are all kept safe, and that Lindsay's symptoms remain as mild as she describes - and that she recovers quickly. Hugs. Love your stitching finishes! :)

  6. Sandy, this is a lovely post. It is always sooo good to hear from you. More and more of us are personally affected these days with COVID in one way or another, so of course we understand when our blogging buds can't write as much as usual.

    Your home is just beautiful. The style, the dark woods, the classic styling -- I just love it all. And your stitching, you know how I love it. Thank you for including projects on Aida 14 count, since that is (almost) all that I use for my projects. If I used a higher thread count, the stitching goes from fun to tense. Anyway, I love it all.

    I am very relieved that Lindsay is doing as well as she is. She is quite a trooper, such a wonderful young woman. Of course I understand your concern for your mother, for all the rest of you. While there was a time when I thought the COVID news was overblown, when it hits home one is forced to reconsider.

    Thank you for a beautiful post. May the Lord bless your household, protecting you all from further illness and give you a most wonderful Thanksgiving. Thank you for the encouragements you have sent to me.

  7. Prayers for a complete and speedy recovery for Lindsay. Your stitching and finishing is lovely. Enjoy your Thanksgiving however you get to celebrate it.
    Mary in AR

  8. You have been on my mind so I was relieved to see your post this morning, Sandy. I am sorry about COVID striking Lindsay; praying for her return to good health along with the health of those near and dear to your heart. Your table looks lovely. You turkey and PS fishing Santa finishes are lovely. Praying for peace to surround you.

  9. So very sorry to hear that Lindsay has the virus, and praying for the rest of your family, especially your mother and those who are more vulnerable. This has been such a crazy time. We can take nothing for granted. I do hope you will have a pleasant and blessed Thanksgiving Day, and that by then the family will be well. One day at a time. Praying.

  10. Praying for Lindsay, Sandy. And praying that you and the rest of your family stay healthy. Covid hit our family in early October. My husband had it and the health department considered me a “probable” case because I had symptoms but hadn’t been tested. Six weeks later I still have a cough. It is hard to write about.

    Your stitching is lovely. You and Lindsay have great taste! I love the cording and the ribbon you chose for the turkey.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thinking of you and praying for you.

    1. Oh Meg, it is such a hard time. I know it is scary to have the "cough" still. I pray that heals up soon. There are so many of our friends that have it currently. Since Jeff and I have been in the school system a very long time, many of these people he works with are dear friends. Two such are not doing as well. It is quite scary. Lindsay is doing well. She and Tyler got a scare this morning with Tucker, but it turns out he has the croup. The pediatrician was certain of it and he seems to be doing ok. I will give more details later in the weekend. It makes it stinky at the holidays, but at this point all I am concerned about is everyone being safe and healthy

  11. Your Turkey and Santa are adorable with perfect finish's.
    Nice holiday start on decorating.
    Have a lovely Thanks-giving.


  12. I am sorry to read that this contagion has come anywhere near you. May your Thanksgiving be blessed with good health, So good that Lindsay is doing well in spite of it all.

    Your table looks charming. Your home is beautiful. The stitching is so homey and evocative of sweet times.

  13. Oh, Sandy, this makes me sad to read--I know the horrible virus will be hitting more and more of my friends and family. I'm glad Lindsay seems to have a light case, though, and I hope it doesn't spread to little Tucker although kids seem to be immune. I just read your comment on Barbara's blog about Jeff and will keep your entire family in my thoughts and prayers. You take good care now and know I'm thinking of you!

    Love your turkey and the cute fishing PS Santa. We will be alone at Thanksgiving for the first time ever due to Covid and so I've put away the fall decor and am moving on to Christmas. Have never done this before, but I needed something to cheer me up so this is it! Take care now ♥


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