
Friday, February 26, 2021

A Lucky Cross Stitch Post

 I finished Lindsay a St. Patrick's Day stitch. A shamrock with shamrocks inside. There are three colors in the pattern; DMC 890, 910, and 954. I added the word Lucky.

This pattern is from the same pattern that I used for mine that I finished earlier this year. I found the patterns on Pinterest. Here is a link.

Here are the two stitches together for comparison.

I have mine in my new basket and she plans to hang hers on a cabinet door.

I started an Easter one for her last night. I am then going to head back to my Let Freedom Ring stitch and do a page of that. I also will need to do a Christmas ornament. I have plenty to keep me busy.

I have been a reading machine as well. I will share some of that later and my goodness has the weather been amazing this week. I have hardly come inside during the day. I will share more of that later too as I am kind of trying to keep my stitching contained to stitching posts for a diary of sorts. I have gone back to all my posts and labeled them by year of stitch and put in my labels. 

See you soon with a hodgepodge post.
Until then I have really always lived that verse in the stitch. Sandy

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields, and
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hands.


  1. You are ready for March for sure!! Love the shamrocks. I have a lot of Irish in me but I do not have many Irish stitches. I need to remedy that.

    1. Not one drop of Irish in me to my surprise, but I do love St. Patrick's Day.

  2. Both shamrock stitched are lovely, Sandy. Thank you for sharing the link.

  3. I love the Irish Blessing! You do such beautiful work! I guess it's time to bring out the green stuff to decorate! I don't have much for St. Patrick's day, but I need to do something special. Thank you for sharing your lovely stitchery!!

  4. You did a wonderful job keeping all those shamrocks straight in that first stitch. My eyes feel sorta googlie just trying to focus on them. I am so impressed with all your stitching and the amount of productivity that your needles do when you are busy with family and gardening and such.

  5. Beautiful stitching finishes.
    Have a nice weekend. Manuela

  6. Sandy: Both designs are lovely as are the finishing.
    Have a sweet day


  7. These are both so cute. Lindsay is a lucky girl to have a mom who stitches! Does she do any stitching, Sandy? My DIL does a bit, but is now so busy with the baby. Hope you enjoy your last day in February tomorrow! Happy reading and stitching! ♥

  8. Lindsay is lucky for sure!! Adorable stitch, I love that Irish Verse. I bet your reading outdoors and enjoying the beautiful weather..send some North please!!

  9. It looks like you're ready for March and St. Patrick's Day. I guess I have some Irish blood in me - if my sister's DNA test is any indication. ;^) I should apply myself to some Irish stitching. Yours are lovely, Sandy.


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