
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Just Popping in with a Few Thoughts

I am going to attempt a post of thoughts lately... positive ones. Don't we all need more positivity? 

Other than last week, I enjoyed winter. It is a well known fact, winter is my least favorite season, but I see its benefits of rest and slowing down. I set out to make it a good one by having a plan of action for my days and until last week I did well.

I organized and decluttered and enjoyed my days of puttering around the house and checking things off my list. I really like checklists:) I think last week got me because it burst my bubble a little bit of being prepared. There are just some things you can't be prepared for. Kristan (niece) said it was worse than a hurricane. Mother Nature can be brutal and remind you that we are at the mercy of God.

One area of going through was Lindsay's closet. When she announced she was having another little boy of which I am deeply grateful for, I had a momentary pang of ---- "I saved a lot of things for naught." 

You see, Mother smocked lots of little dresses for Lindsay from the time she was about age 1 to kindergarten. I just couldn't part with them being the organized packrat that I am and they are in her closet. I pulled them out and looked through them all. They are precious and I should have passed them on for some other girl to wear instead of languishing away in a closet. I still have a chance at a girl with Paul Allen and Katie one day, so no fretting over it.

I did however realize I had some toys and stuffed animals that I had not pulled out for Mimi's House when grands come to play. I quickly pulled the stuffed animals out, but left the Barbie things up in the closet.

The above stuffed animals come with a little story. When Lindsay and Paul Allen were very young, Jeff wanted to go the fair that comes to town each fall. I have to tell you I am not a fair person. That was never my thing, but I went along for the fun for Jeff. Paul Allen was still basically in my arms. He could walk, but not just to be let down, so I was holding him when Jeff decided that it was time to play a game. 

A game in which he won one of those dogs and promptly handed it to Lindsay who was between age 3 and 4. The look on Paul Allen's face was apparent to anyone on the scene. Completely forlorn. Easy to guess what happened next, Jeff would have to win another just like it as soon as possible.

I think the guy running the game even felt sorry for him and let Jeff get another firedog for Paul Allen. Hence, the two stuffed animals. I didn't save a ton of stuffed animals, but those two were kind of special so I pulled them out for Tucker to play with. I kind of thought he might want to take one home with him since if you have a toddler around you know the animals look exactly like Marshall of Paw Patrol, the hottest show on Nickelodeon for toddlers. He seems to want Mimi's House toys to stay at Mimi's House though. All good.

I finished stitching Lindsay a shamrock last night so hopefully later in the week I can do a stitching post for you.

I hate to even mention how much fun I had Sunday afternoon and yesterday with the warmer weather. My friends who are still in frigid weather you can feel sorry for me in October when I am sweltering with the heat and you are looking at pretty orange leaves and feeling a breeze.

I spent so much time outside. We went for a walk on the military reservation land Sunday afternoon. I might have taken three walks yesterday and sat outside to read some. I couldn't come in. I was like a plant leaning into the direction of light. I felt so much better. 

I have decided to document the bayou with each month this year. I took a January shot which I thought was pretty indicative of most January days. IT was cold but sunny most of January.


I took a February photo last week when it was cloudy because until Sunday this week every single day of February seemed gloomy...cold and gray. 


Still lovely though.

Tucker is staying with me tomorrow just because so I have a few more chores today to do so I can just enjoy him, so I better run and get busy.

Oh and my precious little Lemony is not doing well. Last week was rough on her. I am taking her to the vet this afternoon. Why must they grow old?

Bring on spring,


  1. I like the idea of taking the same shot each month to see how things change. I may do a part of my yard that way. Glad you got so much done this winter season. I've not. Have found it hard to be motivated during this long year of Covid and Election Madness. I've done pretty well with exercises, but cleaning not so much. Cute story with the dogs. I didn't keep anything from when my daughter was young. Stay warm, stay well, and hope you're able to get your vaccinations. It's a chore in many areas.

    1. Vaccinations are going pretty smoothly here. I expect the age to be dropped soon, so I am hopeful that by summer I have it done. I surprised myself with how much I got done this winter, but a lot of it had to do with unplugging too.

  2. I hope Lemony has a good visit to the vet. LOVE your pretty view! We can't wait to get out and walk this afternoon. Pollen already...but I shouldn't complain! Enjoy your day!

    1. Lemony did have a good visit. I think we have a little bit of a plan anyway. The weather has been amazing this week. That was really the reason I kept Tucker yesterday. We played outside half the day. Sunshine does us good. No pollen yet, but I am sure it will arrive with this kind of weather.

  3. I thought that was a Paw Patrol doggie. I cannot remember all their names but Audrey and Joshua are both big fans. Now when carnival people feel sorry for you that is something to remember. Poor Lemony....we went through that with Mollie Grace, our neighbor's dog that we loved so much. Now they have a 7 month old rescue pup that is giving them His name is Murphy and cute as can be...he is a retriever of some fancy kind. His original owners did not socialize him at all so now it is the Johnson's job. I admire the dedication of all you pet owners. Just heard that Landon is on the way home from Bham. He will always be my little boy!! And those them for Katie and Paul Allen. I know what you mean about them, they are precious heirlooms.

    1. I hope Landon does well. It is funny how kids just have personalities or arew able to show their love so that we can't help love them too. I gotta a feeling Tucker and I are just going to be close. I don't know if it is because I have kept him or just that we click.

  4. The stuffed dogs' story is precious. I hope you write it down in a book.

    1. I am trying to print some of my blog each year. I hadn't done that before, but I am starting to do that. There are some things that I definitely want to record for life.

  5. Sandy, I sure hope Lemony is ok, I know how worrisome it is having an older dog, mine is 14 and I sure hope she lives for quite a few more years. Love the fair story, I'm not a fan of fairs either, I don't like rides, the food and the pushy carneys. I think you got a nice one who took pity on Paul Allen. The stuffed animals are cute. Never heard of the dog show! Please save those smocked dresses for future generations, they will be heirlooms.

    1. Lemony is so much better today. The vet says it is just plain ole arthritis in both legs and her back. She is a Canadian Kennel Club Golden so they are a larger dog than the AKC. She has gained weight due to the inactivity too. He is going to do some blood work in 2 weeks when she finishes her medicine that he gave her to see if she is hypothyroid because she has gained a lot of weight but is not eating nearly that much. I hate to see them grow old. I was hoping for 16 with her. Her spirit is very young, but her body is not cooperating.I am back in tune with many shows for kids now. Lots not worth watching, but Paw Patrol is adorable.I will definitely keep the dresses in the family. If Paul Allen and Katie don't have some girls then I will look for a family member that loves my mom and will treasure them too.

  6. Love the shots of the Bayou and I like the idea of a monthly snapshot of it. I am sorry that Lemony isn't doing well. I am praying for her and for you. Those stuffed fire dogs are adorable. Enjoy your day with Tucker.

    1. Lemony is much better this morning. That weather did nothing good for her arthritis. We are going to get over this hump with some medicine and then do some bloodwork to see if she has a thyroid issue. Tough seeing our babies grow old.

  7. That is a great idea to take a photo of the same outdoor space each month to document the changes. I might steal that idea if I could figure out just what spot to take a photo of.

    Yes, do save those smocked dresses. I am very sure you could sell them for a pretty penny, but they are heirlooms and should go to family. Even if you don't have granddaughters, maybe a great niece will come along.

    I had saved a Gunne Sax outfit (vest and skirt) I sewed for my daughter as a first-grader. When I thought of giving it to her oldest daughter Julia, it was already too small for her. So when Arielle turned 6 in November, I tried again. Perfect. Ari loved it and wore it to church the very next day.

    Glad you could enjoy some wonderful weather on Sunday! It's 44º here right now. Windy, though, so it feels like 38. Nice and sunny, however. Hope we can get out for a walk later.

    Yes, do write down that stuffed dog story. A precious memory indeed and someday the grands will be intrigued to know the backstory.

    1. Yes, definitely take the idea of the photo. I think at the end of the year I will put them altogether in one post. It kind of came to me because one would think we never have autumn here, but it arrives in mid December. The trees across the bayou are colorful -well some of them are. The water levels rise and fall with the seasons too. I hope a little granddaughter will come along with Paul Allen and Katie in time to wear them. My mother was an expert seamstress and when I think of anything that sums her up it would be her sewing for me, so they are very special.

  8. Yes, we do all need more positivity, Sandy--I'm a firm believer in positivity breeds positivity :) Such beautiful scenes from your home on the bayou! I can't wait to see what each month brings. Even though January is a cold month, it does have a certain beauty to it.

    The smocked dresses remind me of mine as a child--my grandmother was a whiz with needle and thread and made me some beauties. I sure wish I had them (although I'm sure I won't be getting a granddaughter with our family history! :) That's okay--honestly, as long as the baby is healthy.

    Cute pups you found--I know Tucker will enjoy them. I sent my oldest son's stuffed Curious George out to CA for my grandson and Baby B loves it. So glad I kept it!

    Hope Lemony is okay--it's so hard to watch our precious pets fail. Take care now--enjoy these last few days of February! ♥

    1. Healthy babies are all I want too. I will take what I get. If no girls come along at some point, I will find another family member who loves Mother (there are tons) who will cherish the dresses. They are very precious to me. I might even frame one of them. I have pulled out so many things for Tucker to play with here since I needed stuff to have for him. He has enjoyed all of them. I have some Barbie stuff too if I get a girl. 

  9. Sandy: Positively beautiful post, it must be fun to take the toys and clothing out and the memories that come with them.
    The dogs are adorable, I hear from all the little ones in the neighborhood about Paw Patrol, it is an adorable program.
    How sweet that you can have Tucker for a day, you are lucky to have a grandchild.
    Thank-you for sharing the photos with us, it is finally warming up here, I sit outdoors in the 90 degree heat and stitch here on the front porch.
    Have a beautiful day


    1. The weather was the reason I kept Tucker yesterday. IT has been so cold and gloomy for ages that my daughter and I thought a good day outside at Mimi's house was in order. We played most of the day outside yesterday. Paw Patrol is an adorable show for little ones.

  10. Love the bayou snapshots. Keep 'em coming! This way, I can live vicariously on the water.


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