
Thursday, February 18, 2021

A Little Stitching

 Popping in because my mood matches the cloudy sky. I am completely unmotivated to do anything of merit.

So let's see what I have been up to with my needle. The heron now has another page complete. There is one smaller page on the right and then bird stitching begins.

It is a good thing it is a smaller page because someone didn't calculate too well on the border. I really don't know what happened other than maybe I lost my place as I put it in the Snaps on the first page. I do have 2 full inches as you can see I did the furtherest stitch out so I think it will be ok. 

I love the stitch. I think it is going to be amazing when finished. I am laying it aside to work on a couple of smalls for Lindsay. I don't like having too many WIPs. I am not good with that, but really all I have started is this and Let Freedom Ring sampler. I like to keep a few smalls ready to go, but usually when I start one of those I complete it before I move on.

Lindsay has requested a St. Patrick's Day and then Easter stitch to hang on her cabinet door. I am going to send her some pictures later and start those tonight while TV is on.

I got my flowers back from the framer. OF course, they were not ready to take to Auburn this past weekend. I got a call while I was there they were ready. They will go to the Auburn house to join the bird wall.

The wall color in this bathroom is similar to the bedroom wall they will be hung on.

I took a picture of the framing to share. One of them is wrinkled and I will need to pull the back off and straighten. I am in need of a good framer here. I may just have to start ordering the frame and foam board and just do the assembling myself. I think I will try that next time.

I am probably going to put out a little spring in my house this weekend. I am over dreary days and need some happy springy colors. 

Oh and in other news I purchased a new pair of jeans. I am trying to decide if I am going to keep them. I rarely buy clothes these days, but I am so excited to see something other than skinny jeans which I can't stand. If I do I will take a picture for you. I am going to be very hip if I keep them. Stay tuned!

Now, off to really do some housework. Enough of this being lazy.



  1. Always happy to see your stitching updates, Sandy. That heron piece is going to be spectacular and I am excited to see his long legs appearing. Two inches will be plenty for the border--that is all I ever leave :) Your flowers are lovely and will look so pretty against that paint color. I do see the wrinkles in the Orange Blossom one--I think I would take it back and ask the framer to redo it. I don't have a framer here and am considering sending some of my special pieces to Total Framing in Virginia to do for me. I know they'll be expensive, but I figure I frame enough of my own to balance the per piece cost out in the end :)

    Enjoy your Easter and St. Patrick's Day stitching for Lindsay--I think that would be fun for someone to ask me to stitch for them. Take care now--enjoy your day ♥

    1. I am happy that Lindsay wants me to stitch for her. I immediately went to hunt for patterns. She hung his name up this week in new big boy room that she is working on. It made me so happy to see it on the wall. I have been thinking I would try Total Framing as well. When you stitch something really large and put all that time in it, to have it wrinkled is no good. I should have made them do it right then. I am a scaredy cat. I will have Jeff take it back in there:)

  2. Sandy, I am in love with your flowers stitcheries so nicely framed now. I garden so love flowers in general. I am stitching Quilting Bee from The Blue Flower and enjoying of two on the go. If I had more I would feel a little overwhelmed what with the quilting too. But stitching is such soothing past times so Happy Stitching from me!

    1. It is definitely a soothing past time. It is what I do in the evenings when Hubby watches TV. I will try and hop over to your blog this weekend and read around. I see you are retired teacher too.

  3. I am so amazed by your stitching abilities. I don't know how to do that, so I love what others do. Your flowers are all so nice, and I can't wait to see the heron when complete. New pair of jeans? Sounds like fun...My jeans are getting too snug, but I hate to move up a size. I'm not into "skinny jeans" either. I like COMFORT most of all!! Have a wonderful weekend. Yes...I am starting to put out a few springy things here and there. Time to brighten things up a bit.

    1. I am all about comfort. I am excited that some straighter legs are coming out with high waists. I may actually try to buy some khakis and navy pants in these new styles so I can be happy. However, the ones I bought are flared and quite hippy. I am still trying to decide. I thought I would get in there and try them on with some tops and see if I will actually wear them. IF they hadn't been on a super discount I would never have bought them. It is that kind of jeans.

  4. They are lovely and yes, you can do that if you can just purchase the frames Sandy. Framers do not seem to understand that needlework has to be pinned and laced. Or pinned and taped with acid free tape. I will be interested to see how they did it when you take that one apart. I love all of the flowers but that Magnolia is just perfection. I love a pretty magnolia bloom. I have given up on jeans....I have found some nice yoga pants from Lands End in several colors. I have a black pair but eying a khaki pair too.

    1. The magnolia is pretty. I really liked the camellia too. I know what you mean about jeans. I do have a pari from LLBean that I really like and they are all I wear. I also have the knit pants from Lands End and LLBean. They are pretty much all I have worn this winter. I do plan to buy some new khakis and a navy pair from Talbots. I am going to take the plunge while they are offering a higher waist and straight legs. I hate these narrow legs these days. However, the jeans I bought were flares. I am going to try them on with several tops this weekend and decide if I will actually wear them. I would never have purchased them if they were not on a real super discount. We will see.

  5. So beautiful stitching projects. I love your flowers embroidery.
    Enjoy the weekend. Manuela

    1. Thank you. You too. I hope it is warmer in Germany than the US.

  6. Sandy, I would take the piece back to the framer, they never should have left a wrinkle. I am fortunate to have an excellent framer. They are pricey but I'm only framing what I consider a large piece. If I spent all that time in stitching, I want it to be perfect. I LOVE your flowers and what an exquisite wall your going to have with the birds and flowers. I am very impressed with your heron stitch, I could never work on anything so stitch heavy. I love it already. Lindsey is fortunate that she has you to stitch for her!! I'm so happy to hear that your daughter appreciates your stitching. I still wear jeans...not skinny ones those, I just read somewhere bell bottoms are coming back in style!!

    1. I don't want bell bottoms, but the jeans I purchased are flare. I haven't decided to keep them yet. I am going to get in there and try them on with several tops today and make the decision. I am so over skinny jeans. I have been out of style for a decade now or more because I just can't wear them. I am really short and small but my legs are my thickest part. Just a no go for me.
      I am happy that Lindsay wants me to stitch those things. I immediately started browsing my patterns.
      I am such a scaredy cat. I will have Jeff take it back in and redo it. A good framer is gold.

  7. Your Heron piece is looking incredible, Sandy. Glad your framed pieces are back with you; it is a shame the one wasn't stretched well. Looking forward to seeing what you stitch for Lindsay. Happy Friday and weekend!

    1. Thanks Robin. I am pretty excited about moving on to the heron now.

  8. Beautiful stitches! Brenda Gervais (blog) and Kitten Stitcher (youtube) both have great tutorials on lacing your stitching. I'm going to give it a try soon too...I just need to find a frame. We had more snow last night and now freezing drizzle today.... I'm done with being lazy too... Spring cleaning and decorating sound like just the trick to get some sunshine in the spirit! :-)

    1. Yes, I probably shouldn't even complain about my cold since I have no idea how those that have real cold day and day do it. It is time to put a little spring in the house even if it doesn't feel like it yet.

  9. Sandy: Your water lily design is lovely, I am really looking forward to seeing it finished, the fabric color is amazingly beautiful.
    I like to hang little things on a knob on my china cabinet.
    Your flowers do look lovely in the black frames, I hope you show us when you hang them.
    I am so looking forward to spring, finally we are out of the minus degree weather.

    Have a lovely weekend

  10. Love the floral stitches! So tasteful, restful, and just simply beautiful.


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