
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Weekend Wrap-up

 I intended to do a little life blogging this morning, but I got a little offtrack today. Jeff took off last Friday and we went to our Auburn house this weekend all by ourselves. It was a nice little treat for us. We did absolutely nothing special and I was a little unsure I wanted to go because I was expecting that cold weather to come in. I don't do cold well. It delayed and other than being cloudy it wasn't that cold. I managed to see some robins on my walk with the dogs. 

I had actually seen some other signs that spring will come last week. Robins here as well. I love it each year when I see the robins fly in. I also saw the Japanese Magnolias around town blooming. Another sure sign spring will come, but the prize was Friday morning. As we were loading the truck, I noticed Mr. Bluebird back. He comes each year and stays for a couple of weeks. I so wish I were a photographer, but I was at the mailbox when I spotted him and tried to zoom in on my phone.

Spring...yes, I am more than ready!!! We have had winter in north Florida this year and I am very over it. I have busied myself in the house and done well, but folks I am ready to stroll in the warm days and listen to birdies singing and dig in the dirt some.

My niece lives outside Houston and they have been without power, so I have kept my whining to minimum as possible. 

Spring will come. 

I haven't made a decorating move for spring yet. I am seriously loving the simple views I did after Christmas. Now, that doesn't mean I am a minimalist but I just haven't added anything seasonal yet. I have really enjoyed my home this winter. I have loved strolling the rooms and noticing all the decor that is tied to memories. I have spent time in each room just soaking up such good memories and blessings of life on the shelves in each room.

I am going to share of that soon. Maybe a stroll before the week is over and take some pictures to share.

In other news, Tucker got 5 stitches this past weekend. He was visiting his other grandparents and fell off the couch as he was being told not to jump. He landed in the corner of a coffee table. The other grandparents had met Lindsay and Tyler and the other brother and wife in St. Augustine. IT was a kind of meet in the middle for all of them. The kids had gone out to eat and the grandparents were watching the two grandkids when it happened. Lindsay's pediatrician answered a call from her and told her where to go in Jacksonville so all went well. She is so blessed to have an amazing pediatrician.

It was very cold day before and that night but the sun came out. I didn't get out because it was just so biting cold. IT was still cold last night so several nights of this cold has taken a big chunk of life out of even my pansies.

They look pitiful. It has been cloudy too. I need some sunshine.

In other news, I woke up to read another dear blogging friend had lost her husband to this stinking virus. That would explain my mood and lack of writing earlier. 

I will be back though and try to share some fun since we all need a little lift these days. 

Count every blessing,



  1. Oh, poor little Tucker! He is at that age where those little mishaps can happen so quickly! I know...I raised 3 boys and we had our share of boo-boos for sure! But I know how scary that it, especially when you are in a strange place and unsure of where to go for help. He looks like he survived his ordeal pretty well and will soon be back to being a typical little boy! Yes, we are blessed to not have such horrid cold weather as our friends out in the southwest and upper parts are having. So many are w/o power and are freezing. My heart goes out to them. We can't hardly stand it when it dips down below freezing here for one day. We've spent our share of time in the frigid north and are very thankful to live down here in Florida. And yes, my heart is breaking for Terri. This has been such a sad year for many of our dear friends. I am glad you and your hubby were able to get away to your Auburn house for the weekend, and also that you saw a bluebird! We have had bluebirds looking at our bird house, and I thought they were taking up residence, and then I didn't see them for several days, and then they came back...or maybe they were there all the time and I just wasn't looking at the right time! Anyway, I hope they stay and have babies. I would LOVE to see that! I hope we do get some nice sunshiny days soon. Yes, I am ready for spring too. Please take care and stay safe and warm until then!

    1. I am so weak. I can't stand it if goes below about 38. That is my nighttime marker.

  2. I love seeing bluebirds, they bring joy to my heart. How awful for Tucker's grandparents!! They must have been so upset. That is quite the bruise on his head, he is very good natured with that big smile after just getting 5 stitches. Your pansies will perk up with warmth. I have a friend in the hospital with multiple issues and his nurse tested covid positive and now he has it. I hate this virus and there are still people that don't believe it's existence....I'm so sorry your friends husband lost his life to it. Was it the same person that Arlene mentioned?

    1. I am so sorry to hear that. It amazes me how crazy people are these days. Everything is political and insane. It is like all common sense has left the building. Yes, it was the same as Arlene mentioned. My cousin was 50 years old and lost his battle with it. He was one that didn't wear a mask. Now, he got it at work and works outside in a garage kind of setting. Someone came to work sick. My son got it because someone came to work sick. My daughter works in HR for the school system. Hardly any cases have been in the schools themselves. It is usually tracked to an outing by someone when a teacher gets it. I think the only cases amongst students has really been high school kids. They don't stay home which is hard for teens. They mostly have very light cases. I just wish people and NEWS dealt in facts and truth so that we could believe them. Like I said --common sense and sanity are gone.Tucker's grandparents were so upset. They were having the best time with the little ones when it went bad quick. All ended well. They were able to go to a children's hospital in Jacksonville and Lindsay said they were amazing. Take care.

  3. Poor Tucker. I am always onto my grands about doing things like You are going to fall!! Do they listen? No. I think I am decorating for spring this weekend. I am just tired of the darkness, I need some I did get out my April Word Play as well as one of the Easter Houses from Waxing Moon, a gift from Meg. Maybe that will put me in a better mood.

    1. I think I will pull some springy stuff out too this weekend. I am with you on lifting the mood. It is supposed to be another cloudy day here. The sun has left the sunshine state.

  4. Poor Tucker and his grandparents; glad they were able to find an excellent place for his stitches! Hopefully, your pansies will bounce back, Sandy. It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend at the Auburn house. I think your picture of the bluebird is awesome.

    1. Lindsay described the other grandparents as pitiful. She tried to make them feel better since she had dealt with Tucker's burned hand. I get so excited about a bluebird. I had never seen one in person until three years ago. IT is a big deal for me.

  5. Sandy: So sorry about your friends loss.
    Tucker now has a badge of honor, he is positively so adorable.
    We have had sub-zero weather finally the highs are above -degrees, I know that 20 above zero sounds cold but it is truly a heat wave after minus degrees.
    I am not a minimalist either but did get rid of a bunch of things to the DAV store.


    1. I really have no understanding of that kind of cold. I should be ashamed to say I am cold. I don't think we have the kind of heaters here to deal with that.

  6. I can't help but wonder what "biting cold" is in Florida. ;^) We've been in the single digits several nights over the last week. But I'm ready for spring, too. Next week we're supposed to be in the 40's. If the sun shines that will be balmy! That Tucker is a cutie even with an injury. Glad it wasn't worse. Those are the types of accidents that cause me to wake up in the middle of the night with my mind racing - imagining what could have been. Trying to motivate myself to do some decluttering today before zooming with friends. It really shouldn't be this hard, but is...

    1. I should be totally ashamed to call myself cold...huh:) I have no earthly idea how one handles that for more than one day. It has been in the upper 20s here at night. I think what makes it feel so bad is the moisture. It has rained a ton and even is misting in all the cold. I know we don't have the kind of heat that could keep up with that even with electricity.

  7. Aww... little Tucker! I hope he heals well and quickly. I'll never forget when we were visiting my in-laws when my oldest was about one and he tripped (newly walking) and fell and cut his eyebrow on their marble topped coffee table. I wanted to take a hammer and just smash that table to smithereens. It happened on Easter and we had to take him to the ER for stitches. He does have a slight gap in the one eyebrow, but it could have been much worse if it had hit his eye. Glad Tucker seems to be handling it well :)

    Love the bluebird--I have only seen one in real life once and was thrilled! We've escaped most of the bitter weather that has hit the U.S.--cold and light snow, but that is par for the course in February here in PA :) Take care now, Sandy ♥

    1. I had never seen a blue bird either until three years ago when one came in. I just stood staring and amazed.
      I can't even imagine the cold other places are experiencing. I am way too tender I suppose.
      My son got a few stitches from the hearth when he was a little one. Little kids just bounce around it happens but when it is the first time it is very hard on a mama. Lindsay had the burn to deal with already so she was surprisingly calm. Jeff went with her to help with getting his stitches out yesterday. He said Tucker was saying, No, Mama, Up Mama. That will wrench at your heart, but he ia all good now. I think they are so much better at the stitches these days so I doubt he will have a scar. We always said Paul Allen got a Harry Potter scar.

  8. Oh my goodness! That is one serious clunk on the head! So glad he is ok! That's the thing with kids....they have so much energy that everything happens in an instant.

    1. Yes, they do. He got his stitches out yesterday so he is all good to go for the next round:)

  9. Ooooochieeee! That makes my head hurt! But he's still really really cute!


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