
Monday, February 1, 2021


 Hello February.

January, you were way better to me than I expected.

I am back and wondered if I would do a play by play of January, but decided no on that. Instead, I  will do  an overview of the month. Those that read along for stitching will have to wait until tomorrow for a stitching post. Today will be a synopsis of day to day life in January.

I embraced a lot of simplicity in January. I unplugged enough to stay informed but maintain a sense of sanity and to achieve my goals of renewing my mind. I made a very long list at the end of December of things I would do in the house since January is usually cold. The past few years of retirement have taught me it is a great month to get household organizing and cleaning done. I found some new things to listen to while I worked. I found a wonderful podcast that was actually newsy but I did enjoy it. I know ---hard to believe right. Oh and I  listened to so many good messages too. Sometimes I just listened to quiet! In fact, a lot of the time.

I stayed busy with my household chores in the morning and took the afternoons to work on my list. I organized pictures, cleaned out closets, thought about meals to cook, read, and towards the end I had made it to the chore on the list I didn't want to do....touch up paint some baseboards. I plowed through that in the end though and felt like I had achieved a good bit. 

Of course, there is always more. I have made an outdoor list to work on when the weather is cooperative.

I feel refreshed as much as one can feel in this world today. I feel my 60. Ugh!. 60 is the age marker that I felt I had at 40. I felt 40 and I feel 60. I am learning I can't do as much as I want. I am noticing wrinkles and all sorts of age markers. That is what it is and I will learn to live with it just as I did at 40. I can tell you I have been my reflective self on the quiet days. That is who I am ---probably an overthinker. I have thought about clothes, being influenced, what I really like and what I don't.

I hope to share some of those things along the way. 

I am going to be honest --- some of this time was thinking about this blog in today's climate. I had a long talk with God, a long talk with Hubby, and a long talk with myself. I have come to the conclusion that it has provided more benefits than problems. Often I worry or  fret too much I suppose. I will continue until the Lord tells me to stop.

Now, let's document some life over here. One of my favorite things about January is the ducks coming to the bayou. They were moving all around one morning. I tried to capture them. Not the best photographer, but if you have the sound on you can hear them.

I got a new "grandma name." There is the cutest video out there about choosing a grandma name. Lindsay shared it with me when Tucker was born and I figured I was cool with Grammie. Truth be told, I like just good ole fashioned "Grandma!" My mother has that one and Lindsay decided I should be Grammie. Tucker has decided otherwise. He emphatically -as much as a 2 and 1/2 year old can decided that  I am "Mimi." 

I have accepted it as he corrects everyone who tries anything different. It fits well and so from now on you will hear me referred to as Mimi when talking about grandkids. I honestly think just about anything would work for me.

Mimi is about to have another grandson. Lindsay and Tyler are blessing us with another grandson in late July. You may remember me being a bit seemingly more panicked than maybe I should have when Lindsay had Covid, but she got a positive pregnancy test and a positive Covid result on the same day. All seems to be good so we are praying and waiting on a new boy to arrive.

A June wedding is on the docket for Paul Allen and Katie. I should say they will be wed minus a big wedding. I am really good with that. Her sister did take some sweet pictures of them right after Christmas. I think they are just precious.

Here are a few...

Lemony turned 12 in January. She is plugging along. That is very old for a large Golden Retriever.

If you can't tell, she is laying out on her back. Totally relaxed.  

Don't want to leave Gus out of the mix.

Mother has had her first vaccine dose and will be getting her second tomorrow. I hope it won't be long before they lower the age requirement. I will say - I think it has gone smoothly. It is taking a while, but usually about a week after things are announced at the state level we hear local news that things are ready to go.

I will close for now and share more in the coming days. I hope to do a stitching only post tomorrow. It may arrive later in the day.

I hate to have to regulate comments, but it helps with two items. One is I see them. They don't come to my email without and then sometimes still some have to be checked for in the design part of the blog. The other is spam. Good grief...what is up with that? It comes and goes.

I have more to share, but will try not to make such a long post. I will spread it out over time.

Mimi (Sandy)


  1. Sandy, It was so good to see your post! You have had a busy, reflective month. How exciting Mimi is going to welcome another grandson! Lovely photos of Paul Alan and Katie, Congratulations on their upcoming wedding. Lemony could not look more comfortable and Gus enjoying his time on your new couch! I'm supposed to be getting my covid vaccine this week, I sure hope they start rolling out faster and you get yours soon. Looking forward to seeing your stitching tomorrow. Good to have you back!

    1. Thanks Mary. I am glad to hear you have a time set for your vaccination. They are beginning to get quite a bit here, so I think I will be able to in a couple of months at the latest.

  2. Welcome back - you’ve been missed! And congrats on grand baby news!

  3. Glad to get your long newsy post, Sandy. This is going to be a big year for you. So glad your Mama got her shot. We got ours on Friday. Loved all the pictures. I agree with the spam comments. I have gotten more of those recently as well.

    1. What is up with all that spam? I guess since Blogger is free we can't complain too much. I was happy to see you got yours. I think it is moving fairly well in Florida but there are a lot of Floridians over 65 so I am thinking it will be closer to May before I get mine.

  4. Sandy, it was good to see you this morning. Welcome back to blogland; you were missed! Congratulations to you and your family on the upcoming additions to the family -- a new grandbaby and the wedding of Paul Allen and Katie. So exciting! It sounded like you had a very productive month of January. Look forward to seeing what you have been up to on the stitching front. Happy belated birthday to Lemony. Gus is a charmer. Happy February!

    1. Thank you Robin. It was a good month especially for a January. Tuning out really did me some good. I am refreshed in mind and body for doing that and got a lot done around the house.

  5. So nice to see you back, Sandy! It sounds like your blogging break was both productive and restful. I think I need to take one, too, because I sure have some closets that could use some attention :) Looks like a very exciting year ahead for you with a new grandbaby and a wedding in the family. And another boy! Lindsey will be the queen of the castle for sure. I so enjoyed all my boys! Tucker is growing up so quickly. I am so sad that I am missing so much of my grandson's growing up time. Amazing how quickly they change during that first year.

    Good to hear your mom is already getting her second dose of the vaccine. I think things are moving much better in FL than up this way. Looking forward to seeing what you've been stitching this year! Enjoy your day ♥

    1. I am sure Lindsay wanted a little girl, but she is all settled in and hoping for a healthy baby boy. I can only imagine how hard it is to stay away from your little boy. Hopefully, travel will open up and y'all can spend every extra dollar traveling to see him:) The best part of January was making the commitment with my time and what I listened to. IT did me so good to just tune out for a while. I do think vaccinations are going well in Florida compared to other states. I honestly think it is a logistics thing and being a state that deals with hurricanes probably makes things like that move a little faster in the chain of bureaucracy. There are a lot of over 65 Floridians though so I am hoping by May that it will be dropped down to my age.

  6. I love Mimi...that is such a young grandmother name! I'm Nana...but my grands are all older! lol Love that you took time off to do the things you wanted...and needed to do. I agree about brings much more joy than problems and keeps us linked with friends we've made along the way. I miss it if I take even a week off. I like to know what everyone is up to I guess! Enjoy your day! Cooler here but still not bad. Sweet hugs! And congrats on all the blessings coming this year. Hugs!

    1. I am completely Mimi now. No one says anything else these days. I am so glad I made my list and stuck to it as well as tuned out from the world a bit. I am so much more refreshed.  I am ready for spring but that is nothing new.

  7. If Tucker says you are his Mimi, then you are Mimi!! So cute. I have a friend who is Queen. That's what her kiddos call her. Whatever fits!! I am glad to catch up with you!! Nice that you got so much done last month!! Will look forward to seeing your stitching projects!! xo

    1. Queen. Now, that one wouldn't fit me, but it would have been perfect for my mother. Did I just say that?

  8. Sandy: Congratulations to the lovely couple, Lemony and Gus are so cute.
    That sweet little guy Tucker is growing up so fast.
    I think the word of the year should be Sanity, it has been a heck of a year.
    Mimi is a sweet name for you, oh so sweet.
    It is amazing how fast this past year has gone by, even with the lockdowns.
    Have a great week.


    1. Thank you Catherine. Sanity...good one. It tried to take it for sure.

  9. Hi, “Mimi”! Congratulations on the great news!

    Lovely post. I need to put up a quick post as it has been a long time since I’ve written. I’m taking a little break from cross stitch. It started to feel like a chore. I’m spending my time writing cards and letters to lonely senior citizens all over the US, who have been isolated and impacted by Covid lockdowns. It is a gratifying, fun, soul-enriching experience to share a hug and a smile with paper and a stamp.

    Be well, and I hope you get that vaccine soon. It will be a while before I am eligible.

    1. I understand about the stitching. I think sometimes we can see so much and think, "oh I need that" and "oh I must stitch that." IT becomes so overwhelming. It should be fun and not a chore. Too much information in all areas of life sometimes. And you filled your time with something so important. I have thought about how lucky I am to have Mom close and that she is able to live at home. There are so many heartbreaking stories out there of elderly being isolated with this virus. I am sure any note coming in means so much.

  10. It's good to have you back, Sandy (aka Mimi! and x2!!!). I missed your posts but COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND the need to lay low and do other things from time to time.

    Like you, I frequently assess the wisdom of maintaining my blog but also like you, thus far it does not seem to be a problem. We do have to be so watchful what we say, however, as times are changing.

    The pictures of Paul Allen and Katie are beautiful. I love the way they look at each other.

    It's good to have you back.

  11. I'm a little late to the party, but let me say a congratulations to you, Mimi Sandy! :)


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