
Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Stitching Post

Happy Groundhog Day. Bring on spring!!! I am more than ready now. 

Here is the stitching for last month.

 My first share is one I stitched for the most part in 2020. I put it aside but pulled it out in January and put the final stitches in and fully finished it very simply. The Irish blessing has always been a favorite although it is only a partial piece of the blessing. 

Here is the link for the freebie pattern.

I also did another St. Patrick's Day stitch. This one was found on Etsy. I had every intention of finishing it in the egg shape, until I went into work on it and out came a circle pillow with a ruffle. I loved the finish on the pattern, but I love my little round pillow too.

As you can see the little egg finish is adorable. I changed a ton of the colors on this. The actual color called for on the shamrocks was not a bright green but more of a gold. I stitched one and then said no to that...

For Christmas, I found a basket that I thought might work for some small stitches. I sent the link to Jeff for my Christmas present. I am on the fence on whether I love it or not. I love the basket and could certainly find many uses for it, but we will see if I like it for small stitches. I currently have it in the sewing room because I am in a simple mood sparked by after Christmas clean. I actually think I will leave it in there. That is my room and full of all things Sandy, so I think it will be fun for me. 

I did realize I don't have enough stitches for every season but that is ok. Gives me some room to stitch. Currently it is filled with a couple of Valentine's and the St. Patrick's Day Lucky Duck above. I need to play around with it a bit more.

I have been stitching on my two large projects in January. One of them has gone to time out though. I had planned to do a page a month of the larger projects, but Let Freedom Ring is going to be in timeout until March. 

You would think those little green vine things would not be so hard, but they are just crazy. They cross over pages and are just enough different that I have had to rip out multiple times. I finally taped the pages together but decided I needed a break before going back to it. I have to redo parts of both and just can't deal with it.

Next up is my progress on the heron. I am actually much further along than this, but this was my last picture, so I will share some more progress later.

I am planning to take my flowers that I finished last year to be framed this month.

I also stitched a Prairie Schooler Santa in January, I haven't fully finished it yet because I want to do one more similar and then decide on a finish for them. I have an idea in mind.

This one was supposed to hold a basket of apples, but since I have a lemon tree in my front yard and they are usually harvested around Christmas, Santa got a basket of lemons. I want to do the yellow gold one next and then formulate my plan for them.

For someone who did NOT stitch everyday in January, it looks like I did a lot. 

That is a wrap for January stitching.

I probably have one more little post in me for this week to finish up some January goings on.


  1. Beautiful stitcheS! Yes, some days are not good cross stitching days...and the overlaps (of charts) can be very confusing at times. Don't take too long of a break though, because I am enjoying seeing your progress! You are so much further along than I am! :-) Love that gold santa too! He immediately caught my eye!

    1. Thank you. I will get back to it. I really want to do it.

  2. Amazing work! I don't know how you have the patience and eyes for such small stitches! I truly admire your work and can't wait to see the heron and the "Let Freedom Ring" sampler when it is finished. I like the basket you got...I am sure you will enjoy seeing your little seasonal pieces in is a nice display basket...and I love that you also have a room that is "All things Sandy"...kind of like my "Room with a View", although I don't do any sewing in here. I am not much of a seamstress...the last part of that word.."stress" is what it does to me, so I tend to stay away from it and come back to my computer and my camera and my "dollies" and just play! Different strokes for different folks...that's what makes the world go round. But I truly appreciate and admire the work that you and others do so much!! It truly is a gift!!

    1. Well, I would love your room with the dolls too:) Did you know these young girls have tried to change the term seamstress to sewer. I just can't get on board with that. Maybe sewist, but not sewer. I am just too old fashioned and yes, the stress in the term is appropriate at times.

  3. They are all so beautiful grouped together like that! Well done! It's fun to see the designs and what you're working on next!

  4. That is a lot of good stitching. I'm very tickled by Santa's basket of lemons.

    1. I love the lemons. It just seemed so right for here. I liked the apples too, so maybe I will stitch another one someday with apples.

  5. Sandy, what a super January of stitching you shared. I love your PS Santa with the lemons. Both of your St. Patrick's Day finishes are adorable. While I like the egg-shape of the original for Lucky Duck, I do like it round. What greens did you use for the shamrocks? Lovely basket and I think you will enjoy filling it with smalls. Awesome progress on the Heron piece; Let Freedom Ring is looking good.

    1. Thanks Robin. The greens were the ones around 3360 something. 3365 and 3367 I know were two of them. I sent it to Arlene so I can't remember exactly how many greens I used, but I remembered those numbers when I was doing those flowers (which BTW, I took to the frame shop today). The leaves were pretty colors so I went to those numbers to change the shamrocks. I just sat there after cutting out the egg pattern and thought this would be so cute with a ruffle. Sometimes something just takes on a life of its own. The basket gives me some reason to stitch. I think I have enough fall and maybe patriotic but I will need to do some for the other seasons.

  6. Sweet stitches and congrats for fully finishing several!!

    1. Thank you Jennie for stopping by and your sweet comment.

  7. It's so good to see you back, Sandy. And see what you've been stitching. I am still mesmerized by the water droplets on the lily pad of the Heron stitch. I want to reach out and touch it.

    1. I give the credit to the water drops to those patterns. They are pretty amazing patterns. 

  8. That basket is beautiful and I love all the small finishes you used! Love the shamrocks!! I have always considered myself "Irish" because my maiden name is Kelly. BUT... thanks to Ancestry DNA, I am 53% Scottish an only 2% Irish. How can that be? LOL Shamrocks are still special to me!

    1. found that I have no Irish after spending all my life thinking I had Irish in me. I am lots and lots of Scottish too. I still like the shamrocks.

  9. Sandy... your stitching looks so pretty. My favorite is all the Irish pillows. Btw... my DNA is 98% Irish. It's now wonder I am so full of blarney. Have a great week, dear Sandy!

    1. Oh my...I spent most of my life thinking I was Irish. I have always told the story about how my maternal grandmother showed up at my graduation from Auburn which was on March 17th with a very green dress. Back in the day of the quarter system. She wore it because it was St. Patrick's Day. I knew right where my family was sitting in the coliseum:) I found out a few months ago through my DNA test that I don't even have 1% Irish. Go figure. Lots of Scottish and Wales. Maybe I am related to Diana.

  10. Great work, Sandy! You are just amazing. I did get the Prairie Schooler January and February sampler charts, as I want to stitch those and change them out on the clipboard I use for displaying the December one. But I am painfully slow and have trouble finding time to stitch.

    Love the Santa with the lemons and also it's neat to see how the heron and Let Freedom Ring are coming along!

    1. Thanks. You will get them done. I am starting to realize I need to slow down and not be in such a hurry anyway:)

  11. You had a great month, Sandy! I love that little duck piece and your new Irish blessing finish. I've not an ounce of Irish blood in me, but I enjoy stitching things for my displays each March. Speaking of displays--that basket will be fabulous to fill up with smalls! Your PS lemon carrying Santa is perfect for you living in FL. Keep plugging away on your larger pieces--they both look wonderful! Hope February is off to a great start for you ♥

    1. No Irish blood here. I was quite surprised, but I still love me some shamrocks.

  12. Well done! Those vines do look intricate.

  13. I think my favorite is the Santa with lemons....good thinking Sandy. I hate page breaks on those big charts. One reason I like G Legere is that they make it easy to read by adding several of the previous stitches in a shaded area. That piece is going to be so beautiful when completed. I have an appt to take Riley's Harbor to the framer on Friday. I am preparing myself for the

    1. Yep, better pull out the big bucks. I took my flowers today and I was in shock over the price. I really need to start making my stitches fit in a regular frame and try to frame them myself more often. I had saved them until after Christmas, but the price was still shocking to my system. Blew February's budget:) Riley's Harbor is going to be so pretty though.

  14. Such beautiful stitching. I love the edging around your two St. Patrick finishes.....where do you find it? I have started several Easter pieces which I hope to finish up how stitching calms my mind! Thank you. Lee

    1. I made both. Vonna at the Twisted Stitcher blog has lots of tutorials about how to make things. Hope that helps.

    2. Thank you very much for your reply. I shall look up her tutorials!

  15. Wow, you are very busy. So many wonderful finishes and progress.
    Have a nice restful week.


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